-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 04/07/99) --  "Creeping  gradualism"  is  the typical U.S.
*modus operandi*.  For example:  the constant whittling  away  of
civil  liberties  here in the U.S., under the guise of the failed
"War on Drugs."  Some compare  this tactic of creeping gradualism
to frogs being slowly boiled:  if you drop a  frog  into  boiling
water,  the  frog will jump out; but if you put the frog in water
and gradually raise the heat, the frog will be boiled alive.  The
key to sneaky  success  in  planned operations, knows Washington,
DC, is to be gradual about it.

So it is significant  that  a  press  release from the Serb Unity
Congress warns that

  This is war by stealth.  The Congress and  American  people
  are being led along a series  of  incremental  steps  to  a
  final fait accompli of war.  This does grave damage to  the
  U.S. constitution which vests  authority  to declare war in
  Congress and Congress alone. [1]

First  there's  bombs  and  missiles  only.   Then there's Apache
Attack Helicopters.   Then  you  need  a  few  "observers" on the
ground.  (Promises Bill Clinton:  "They are there acting only  as

A  few observers here, a few observers there, and before you know
it we're talking about real war.

In Vietnam, in the early 1960s,  it  began much the same:  with a
small number of "observers."  Back then, the propaganda was  that
we  were in Vietnam to prevent a "domino effect."  Supposedly, if
Vietnam went communist that would  lead  to all of Southeast Asia
falling into the communist camp; the surrounding countries  would
fall  like dominoes.  (But then-Secretary of Defense Bob McNamara
later admitted that, by the  mid-to-late 1960s, U.S. leaders were
no longer sure why exactly we were at war in Vietnam.)

It's  "deja  vu  all  over  again."   Secretary of State Madeline
Albright says that  if  we  lose  Kosovo, instability will spread
throughout Europe.   Pentagon  brass  are  critical.   They  have
"challenged  the  'domino theory' put forth by Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright..." [2]

According to Arianna  Huffington,  Her  Ladyship  Albright is the
spiritual  patron  of  the  escalating   international   war   in
Yugoslavia.   "The  Balkans  have  always been Albright's special
project," says  Huffington.   "Everyone  in  Albright's circle is
very conscious of how anxious she has been to have a  victory  to
call  her own.  Instead, she now has a calamity to call her own."
Albright's fanatical tenacity  caused  her  to disregard warnings
from the CIA about the terrible repercussions  likely  to  follow
the  implementation of her bombing mania, writes Huffington.  "So
blinkered was her  vision  that  all  warnings  by  the CIA about
Serbian retaliations were ignored."  [3]

Privately, the U.S. government remains deeply  divided  over  the
wisdom of U.S. attacks on Yugoslavia.  Several reports, including
one  by  the Washington Post, indicate that the U.S. military has
serious misgivings.   But  they,  under  the  military  code, are
hindered    from    speaking    out    openly    against    their
Commander-in-Chief,  Bill  Clinton.   And  politicians  skeptical
about U.S. involvement in the Balkan tinderbox mostly  adhere  to
the truism that "politics should stop at the water's edge."  But,
reports UPI, many in Congress "remain leery." [4]

"The President  is  standing  alone  on  a  lot  of this...  He's
finding fewer and fewer people who are willing to stick with  him
over  Kosovo.   He's  backed  himself, his administration and his
country into a  corner,"  reportedly  says  one White House aide.

Internationally, many countries are also leery.  "Lebanon's Prime
Minister  Selim  Hoss  says  the mass exodus from Kosovo is clear
proof  of  the  failure  of  NATO's  military  operations against
Yugoslavia."  [6] Israel's foreign  minister  worries  about  the
threat  of  a  Moslem state of Kosovo.  [7] Greece and Italy have
urged a cease fire.

Darker nuances associated with the Balkan Blow-up hint  that  the
growing  disaster  comes  from yet another CIA project gone awry.
In Zaire, in late-1960,  the  CIA  engineered the murder of Prime
Minister  Patrice  Lumumba.   Lumumba   was   replaced   by   the
CIA-friendly  Joseph Mobutu.  "The lure of [Zaire's] vast mineral
resources led the CIA  into  a  marriage of convenience with him"

But not all CIA covert projects have such "happy  endings."   The
CIA's  man  in  Panama, Manuel Noriega, got along quite well with
the U.S. ruling class, for years.  But when Noriega began to defy
Washington's anti-Sandinista  mandate,  the  USA  mass media went
into  high-gear  and  Noriega  became  an  instant  demon.   This
propaganda saturation by the USA mass media was  the  prelude  to
U.S. invasion of Panama and the kidnapping of Noriega.  [9]

According  to  Sherman  Skolnick,  head  of  the  public interest
research group, Citizens'  Committee  to  Clean  Up  the  Courts,
"There  is  strong  reason  to  believe  [Slobodan] Milosevic was
installed in the  late  1980s  by  the  American CIA.  Like other
Frankenstein  monsters,  he  appears  to  have  turned   on   his

An article by Workers World News Service,  written  a  year  ago,
supports  the  existence  of  darker  nuances  lurking behind the
American  press  magic   lantern   show,  "Operation  'Crisis  in
Kosovo.'" In "Is there a CIA war in Kosovo," Gary Wilson  writes,
in  part,  that  the  Kosovo  Liberation Army (KLA) "is a foreign
mercenary army in the  pay  of  the Western imperialist powers...
The KLA did not exist until recently.  It became active  only  in
the  last  few  months."  Quoting a New York Times report, Wilson
asserts that most members  of  the  KLA  are *Germans*!  "All the
funds for the mercenary army come from abroad, primarily from the
United States, reported the May 26 Washington Post." [10]

The KLA, like Noriega before them, are connected  with  the  mega
industry,  Dope,  Incorporated (as is the CIA.  See, e.g., books:
*The Politics of  Heroin  in  Southeast  Asia*,  by Alfred McCoy;
*Cocaine Politics* by Peter Dale Scott.)

Then there is the Chinese connection.   "Starting  in  1993,  the
Croats  and  Bosnians  suddenly  acquired  loads  of Chinese made
artillery and anti-tank rockets.  The  new arms arrived in Bosnia
on Iranian C-130 cargo planes, in violation of the NATO  embargo.
The  Iranian  arms  shipments were credited with stopping a major
Serbian offensive, and  costing  [Slobodan]  Milosevic victory in
the long war." [11]

So there's an intriguing China to Iran to Yugoslavia angle to the
current  Balkan  mess.   Add  to  that what Clinton nemesis Larry
Nichols has to say.   According  to Nichols, "fears over expected
Chinagate bombshells in the soon-to-be released Cox report"  were
what  "prompted  Clinton  to  order  'bombs away' over Belgrade."
Says Nichols:  "They expected the Cox report to come out the next
Wednesday, and they needed something big."  [12]

It  appears  from  all  the  above  that  the  escalating  Balkan
nightmare has been long-planned, but that its sudden upheaval may
have been  due  to  Bill  Clinton's  personal political concerns.
Maybe there is a behind-the-scenes battle between  some  in  CIA,
who wanted to do things their way, and Clinton/Albright:  Clinton
favoring  a  bomb  blitz  to  divert  attention  from  home-grown
scandals;  Albright  favoring  "bombs  away" due to single-minded

---------------------------<< Notes >>---------------------------
[1] "Serbian Unity Congress Condemns Calls  For  American  Ground
Troops in Kososvo," 4/1/99.
[2] "Clinton downplays Pentagon disagreement." UPI, 4/5/99.
[3]  "Madeline Albright:  The Spiritual Patron Of The Disaster In
Kosovo," by Arianna Huffington. 4/1/99.
[4]  "Washington  still divided over Kosovo," by Jennifer Brooks.
UPI, 4/3/99.
[5] "Clinton willing to risk  global  war in desperate attempt to
redefine legacy," by  Doug  Thompson.   Capitol  Hill  Blue,  ca.
[6] "Lebanon sees NATO failure in Kosovo." UPI, 4/5/99.
[7]  "Netanyahu backs away from FM statement on Islamic threat in
Kosovo." Agence France-Presse, 4/6/99.
[8] *The  CIA's  Greatest  Hits*  by  Mark  Zepezauer.   (Tucson:
Odonian Press, 1994. ISBN: 1-878825-30-5.)
[9] Ibid.
[10] "Is there a CIA war in Kosovo?"  by  Gary  Wilson.   Workers
World News Service, 3/19/98.
[11] Report by World Net Daily, 4/6/99.
[12] "White House Doves Turn to Hillary." NewsMax, 4/5/99.

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