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News Release from Fritz Springmeier


Over two weeks ago, this author was given inside information that the
World Order had pulled all their key people---specialists, and so
forth out of San Diego, CA. These people were given a secret high
level briefing which told them to leave San Diego by April 3rd, and
that the reason they were to leave was that Russia was going to drop
nuclear bombs on San Diego, Seattle, NYC, coastal cities on the
eastern seaboard where U.S. naval forces (such as subs) are kept, and
Biloxi, Miss. These important people were then moved to Colorado,
Idaho, Montana, and Utah where they could be secure underground. Two
of these people had lived through Vietnam, and no longer trusted their
government to care about the people, and it is through these two that
this information leaked to this author.

This information is important, but what is even more alarming is that
many other things support this information & lead to only one
conclusion, a nuclear war has been planned against the United States
by Russia, & the American public is being blindly led into this war.
People who are aware of Dmitri  Dutiman s prophecies may not be
surprised by this state of affairs, but none the less are placed into
the same position everyone else is in. That position is to ask, "Will
this really take place?, "What can we do to prevent this? & "What can
we do to prepare to survive such an attack?" and finally, "What will
be the warning signs that bombs are about to drop?" This news release
will try to answer these questions.

Bad weather over Yugoslavia has apparently set back the script a few
days. NATO says that they are two days behind because of bad weather.
Apparently, the entire script must be played scene by scene, and the
bad weather gave us a little more time. I also hope that by blowing
the whistle on this devious plot over radio to 1 million listeners
might make the plotters think twice about their play which has
chillingly gone through act 1, act 2, act 3, and act 4 all according
to the script. There are many interesting things about this Kosovo
crisis that the news media is mostly ignoring, What will follow is
some of the collaborating evidence and related affairs which the
reader may not be aware of, Yugoslavia is like Russia s little
brother. Since NATO s attacks on Yugoslavia, Russian television has
repeatedly referred to Russia s close relationship to Yugoslavia.
Russia has a treaty to protect Yugoslavia if it is attacked. What big
brother would not defend his little brother? So why has not  Russia
honored their commitment to Yugoslavia? Perhaps they are moving to do
just that. More on this in a moment.

NATO and Yugoslavia are locked into this crisis which continues to
escalate. NATO continues to weaken itself as it uses up its limited
supply of cruise missiles and ammunition. The United States has been
sending its reserves of food and medical supplies to the Balkans. The
United States is greatly overextended. In order to fight in the
Balkans, air force units patrolling northern Iraq had to be shifted to
the Balkans theater. The aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf went to
the Adriatic and the only American aircraft carrier in the Pacific is
now in the Persian Gulf. The fighting in the Balkans has no strategic
importance in relationship to a conflict between Russia and the U.S.
In other words, we are preoccupied with a costly war which if we get
into a war with Russia has no strategic value.

According to eyewitnesses who have sat in on high level meetings, the
Kosovo crisis is following a script. There are numerous clues that
this is true, in fact, many items of the pre-written script are being
played out before our eyes. On the Bill Brumbaugh radio show, this
author warned that the next step in the script was for Russia to
increase tensions and "rattle her sabres". This stage just began
today, as the Russian government demanded that the United States and
NATO stop the bombing in a few days or else they would take action. At
the same time, Russia has announced they will try to form a group of
world leaders to work on diffusing the crisis. For those who are still
skeptical, lets postulate for the sake of discussion that Russia
wanted to nuke the U.S. If so, then how would events be scripted? The
Russians would not want to announce their intentions so they will wear
a smiling mask that hides their true intentions.

Instead of being bellicose like Kruschev, they will put on a calm nice
front, so as not to alarm their prey. Further, there would have to be
some kind of pretext that would justify to the Russian people that
America was aggressively a threat to them, and that their honor,
patriotism and morality called for a strong reaction. NATO has been
portrayed in the Russian media as having broken several international
laws to interfere in the internal affairs of the nation of Yugoslavia.
The U.S. has supposedly according to their news already launched an
ICBM from a submarine that hit Yugoslavia. The United States also
placed sanctions on 3 Russian companies Tula Design Bureau, Volsk
Mechanical Plant, and the Central Research Institute for Precision
Machine Building on April 4, 1999. At a time that American-Russian
relationships are fragile, our government is busy humiliating and
agitating the Russians. It does not make much sense. Why are we
ignoring the Russians and humiliating the Russian government in front
of the Russian people? Like I reported, we are following a script in
which our traitorous leaders like Bill Clinton are involved in order
to bring in the New World Order. This script will soon usher in W.W.

Unfortunately, much of what is happening is not being reported, so
most people can not put together the pieces that would expose how the
crisis has been created at the behest of the World Order in order to
implement their NWO agenda.

The subject of Russia and its reaction to the NATO attacks on
Yugoslavia has received very little attention on the establishment
media. When the subject is raised, the answer is that Russia is an
economic basketcase and they can t do anything. First, the bear still
has claws. For years, Russia has been stockpiling the food that U.S.
and Europe has sent them. Russia has secretly been enhancing their
military. Their people are poor and suffering only because they have
continued over the last few years to stockpile large quantities of
food and weapons. They have followed both Sun Tsu and Lenin's doctrine
of feigning weakness. One NSA agent told this author in a half-cocky
fashion, simply, "If you want to understand what is happening today,
read Sun Tsu." On the surface that does not seem to say much, but if
one understands that Sun Tsu advocated feigning weakness to surprise
one s enemy, it says a lot.

In 1992, this author attended a conference at Lewis & Clark College
which was opened to the public entitled "The New World Order". The
speakers were several Russian professors from Moscow, such as the
University of Moscow. I got a chance to ask questions. They said that
Russia was in the same transition that the Weimar Republic was ~ when
it became a Nazi regime. They also admitted that they had seen that
food was being stockpiled and not getting to the people. They said
that they had seen no tangible help from Europe and the U.S. reach
Russia, and yet our media made it sound like we were feeding the
hungry Russian people. After starving for years, just like the Germans
during their trial period with democracy after W.W. I, the Russians
don t care if they go to war, or if they are led by a dictator. They
just want to be taken care of and feel the same pride they had in
their country when the world feared and respected them.

Several books could be written about the details in this news release,
including several books about how the United States is practically
defenseless. Americans keep bearing the mantra "We are the world's
only superpower." And every time it is said, godly people should
remember the truth, "Pride goes before the fall."

America s early warning system, our radar network that told us when
enemy bombers were 2,000 miles away, was shut down by President Bush.
So now we have our eyes closed. If that were not enough to be
defeated, Clinton made an executive order which forbids the military
from reacting to a Russian first strike. Our generals and admirals
must wait until the first strike bits, before they can respond. This
is like going into the boxing ring and saying "Give me your best hit".
Well, the Russians are ready to give us their best hit, and it will be
a knock out punch. It used to be that we would launch our missiles
when we detected theirs being launched and the missiles would cross
mid-air and blow up both countries. Now we are to absorb their first
strike. That is why their first strike is targeted to knock out our
naval bases and submarines. They have produced enormous numbers of
killer submarines which greatly outnumber our submarines and these
will attack to eliminate any submarines at sea. Except for our mobile
subs, the U.S. no longer has mobile missiles, but only a reduced
number in fixed locations.

We are building a new defensive system that has not been brought on
line. Now is ideal for them to strike, The downsizing and budget cuts
have greatly weakened our military. Plus our leaders have done
everything possible behind the scenes to weaken us, claiming that this
was the peace dividend from the fail of communism, and necessary to
balance their budget.

Obviously a few of our missiles will get past their excellent
Anti-ballistic Missile Defense system (by the way, we have no ABM
system). This means that the Russians will receive a few casualties,
but these will be minor compared to the damage that we receive. There
are many reasons why the Russians need to strike soon, or lose their
capability. Their own nuclear weapons are corroding and decaying. They
also face a worse Y2K problem than we do with their military
computers. Their military leaders are now publicly urging that the
Russians do something with their military to stop the bombing of

The groundwork has been laid for the Russian people to believe that
they have the moral high ground in launching a nuclear first strike.
We are seen as the aggressors who created this Yugoslavian crisis. The
Russian people have seen women and children killed by our bombs. The
Russian government warned the United States that it would take it very
seriously if any harm came to the many Russians in Yugoslavia. The
Russian embassy was very close to one of the sites which was just
recently destroyed by NATO bombs. The Russian military now has a
complete advantage over the United States, and in their eyes every
reason to strike us. Will they? Many clues and inside reports from all
over confirm that this is exactly where we are headed. In fact, we
only have days from now. By the time this report reaches you, we will
be very short on time.

I apologize that this warning is so late. On the other hand, there
have been many visions received recently by devout Christians warning
of what this news report states. Even the reported prophecies by the
Virgin Mary in Yugoslavia years ago, said W.W. III would break out
this way. (I don t believe that "she" was honestly the Virgin Mary,
but that the enemy manufactured those reports so that people would
later recall them and say that this W.W. III was God's  will and that
we could not do anything about it. The truth is,  it is a World Order
script that has been well orchestrated behind the scenes.) One of the
important areas to watch to see if war is to break out is North Korea
which will join Russia. North Korea recently had 7 spy ships chased
away from Japan  by the Japanese navy. It was reported that the
Japanese navy fired hostile shots for the first time since W.W. II.
These are the kind of incidents that one will see before a major
operation. Before any offensive, probes will be made to learn day to
day intelligence. An increase in probing and spying is an alarm. North
Korea has been very volatile, and the situation looks like it is ready
for a new war.

When war breaks out, the script is that China will jump in on Russia's
side and seize Taiwan, now that we have no fleet to protect Taiwan. It
is not difficult to imagine that Clinton and the NWO probably have
planned it this way, when one remembers that Clinton is facing a
scandal for having given the Chinese high tech for their military, and
that they were spying during his administration on our best secrets.
He also gave them the port facilities at Long Beach, CA.

Mexico has been denouncing NATO s attacks. Isn't that strange? Mexico,
who seems to be so close to America, is politically siding with Russia
and Yugoslavia on this one. Eyewitnesses report how Mexico has been
used to warehouse Russian heavy equipment for their next war against
us. Teams of Mexicans have been highly trained by the Soviets (similar
to our Delta teams) and are to be used during Russia's  takeover of
the U.S. Mexican gangs and highly trained Mexican military teams are
to be used for the house-to-house searches. Some have already received
the addresses of the houses they are to receive (occupy) when certain
American homeowners are evicted from their homes.

Cuba will also be used as a base of operations against us. Further,
millions of the recent immigrants into the United States have come
here from Russia, China, Eastern Europe and Vietnam, and are
programmed to cooperate with the destruction of America.

The extent of the crisis looming over the horizon, is worsened by the
fact that our government is loyal to the New World Order and can not
be  trusted any more than the Chinese, Yugoslavians, or Russians. Many
American mind-controlled slaves who work for the World Order are not
being taken out of harms way. They are somewhat expendable in order to
preserve the secrecy of this whole devious traitorous operation, They
are being programmed with information to make them more survivable
than the common ostrich-with-his-head-in- the-sand American. One of
the items that is being programmed into these mind-controlled slaves
is to not trust the American government after the nuclear attack. The
American government will be sending people to concentration camps, and
rounding up people they consider a threat for execution. These slaves
are being programmed with instructions to help them sidestep and
survive the tyranny of the American government after the war starts.

We still have another final act before the bombs hit. Russia's
military will increase their sabre rattling and increase the tension.
This is only a cover so that they can get their military in position.
People are going to think that the Russian military is responding to
Yugoslavian crisis, while in reality they are moving into position for

After a short increase in tension, a false political breakthrough will
occur, similar to the Japanese peace negotiations just before Pearl
Harbor. The U.S. will relax at this political breakthrough and then
the attack will hit.

Our time is very short, Prepare a shelter, get Potassium Iodide. Take
Calcium, Potassium, Zinc, and Vitamin B-12. Have some foods like
chocolate bars as morale boosters. We will be underground for several

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