-Caveat Lector-

>Darwin said we come from the monkies...yet we still have monkies......
>if DNA is a history to our past,  what is the DNA of a monkey.   Do we
>have monkey DNA?

The human race has approx 97% monkey DNA, but as no-one can now put their
hand on their heart and say Darwin we love you - considering the recent find
of a very evolved corpse in South Africa destroyed a lot of careers [again]
In germany, they excavated and found neanderthals living in close proximity
to Cro Magnon at the same time - which kinda causes a problem for those
who talk about long slow processes and genes gradually evolving etc etc ...
The Elohim saw the daughters of man and thought they were fair !!! those girls
had to be really hairy    :) and those spacemen had to be a bit randy ;)

>Here I sit at 4:12 a.m. wondering if I have monkey DNA.  Please help
>this lost confused soul.......am I the end result of a monkey or what.

Yes you have monkey DNA, but I suspect that the Star Gods who came here,
did naughty things, were arrested and left to it till the return of the
Others in 2013 etc etc practised Inbreeding a lot -ie. incest.
to while away the generations till the return in 2013 ad etc
Incest can be found in Egyptian and Celtic mythologies where all the
inbred to keep the best possible genes together and not get them further
contaminated by the lowly human monkey stock. [Arthur/Mordred, Isis/Set]
So ..... I think the Missing Link is the Genetic material provided by
the Elohim ......
further blasphemy comes when it is revealed that the best things about
the human brain are derived from Reptilian DNA !!!!!
ie. the third eye or pineal gland, seat of spirit, and the brain stem ...
[incest ref. Gods of the New Millenium by alan alford, and Book of Enoch]

>And if that be so, was the dog and cat
maxine the pitbull is a mammal, but all birds are actually evolved from
Reptiles where the scales have adapted to become feathers ...

There is also a compilation of darwin refutations by Richard Milton called
the facts of Life - and this comprises a serious academic debate, where
research scientists occasionally find refutations of Darwins theories in
their results.

The merovingian dynasty - the blue blooded dynasty - was said to have come
from the marriage of princess Mero to a Fish-man.
The daughter of King Lot, an ancient 'King of Edinburgh' was also said to
have married a merman and was persecuted and thrown into a river at
ladyburn near North berwick, south of Edinburgh.

Newtons best works were probably on astrology and magic, but a group of
scientific 'Fellows' came calling at his house the day he died and burned
every notebook they could find that was not 'materialistic'.

Andrew Hennessey

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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