-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 16 Apr 1999, Colleen Jones wrote:
>Now is has been a long time since I read the above book (1980 about) and
>hear Wagner's ring.....

I still have my copy, I believe, if you want me to look anything up...
I know my local library still has it, since I noticed it on the shelf a
few weeks ago...

An even more interesting book (which I haven't been able to finish) goes
by the title of Fire and Ice, I believe....goes into the history of the
occult movements which were going strong in Germany in general, and
Vienna in particular, in the 19th and early 20th century, and how such
societies had an influence on Hitler, and eventually the whole Nazi

>People have been waiting for the Messiah's return now for nearly 2,000

Ignoring the fact that:

        a) 2000 years ago, they were on a totally different calendar
           than we are now, and

        b) the Bible states that no one knows the time that Jesus will
           return, that it does NOT go by any one date; it only states
           that the discerning will recognize certain signs, which it
           describes in Daniel and Revelations, amongst other books...

>some believe he will be reincarnated,

Which is not scripturally supported...

>So, I think we have another thousand years to go....two thousand years
>is a long time to wait on anyone, but when he descends, allegedly his
>heel will hit the top of a mountain....book called Footsteps of Orpheus
>stated there are people drilling at the foot of this mountain now....

Perhaps you can point out the actual passages of SCRIPTURE which purport
to make these claims....?

>Such is life....Hitler thrived on Nazi Marching bands, not Wagner.

Wagner was his favorite composer, and he not only attended performance of
Wagner, but would listen to him on records when relaxing...

I had a friend of Germanic extraction who I knew from highschool, who
wrote a book (unpublished) about WWII from the German perspective, and
who would listen to Wagner at a drop of the hat....hence, I ended up with
a fair amount of interest in Nazi Germany myself, esp. the parts NOT
presented to the public, either by the Nazis themselves, or from the
mainstream history mavens...

But I could never get into Wagner...he's okay, I don't absolutely HATE
his music, The Ride of the Valkyries IS stirring....but give me Mozart,
Handel, Vivaldi, Tellemann, and Bach any day...

Or George Gershwin...

>Must get this stuff out again; but I had my favorite parts.   Always
>liked Midsummers Night Dream...which I nearly wore out on my "record
>player"...."I am sent with broom before to sweep the dust behind the
>door"....Shakespeare held a lot of masonic stuff too.

The Freemasons didn't exist during Shakespeare's time (altho THEY
might like to claim otherwise, there are no FACTS to support their
existance before the 18th century)...


        "To love another person is to see the face of God."

                            -Les Miserables
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