-Caveat Lector-

SO   What you imply is that anyone that asks for the truth is protecting the
May I refer you to history?
Research Charlemagne, Napoleon, then go to the period in history prior to
the first
world war.
read his letter from:
Medieval Sourcebook: Charlemagne: Letter to Baugaulf of Fulda, c.780-800
Charlemagne: "De Litteris Colendis"
This letter illustrates Charlemagne's concern to promote learning in his

Then think, have you ever heard of people saying to not intellectualize the
I have!

    Religions are not cults.  They are ways of defining how hard you intend
to work at education and the protection of the young that result from the
union of male and female.
When people went from hunter / wanderer TO farmer / animal husbandry they
suddenly had to make a decision.  Why?
    Depending on where they lived and the examples from the animal kingdom
on the protection of young.  Once they realized how babies were made and the
cause and effect of that union of female and male, they had to decide how
they were going to format their tribe, kingdom, etc.
    What examples did they have?  Whales that take care of any and all young
to Lions that eat the offspring of the previous inseminator.  So, the format
was based on their geological location.  What animals are / were there in
Siberia?  Should I mention a talisman of most of the Native Americans - the
Eagle who mated for life?  When those people went into that area and
Dictators took over they would have based things on a format of a dominate
male.  Other areas?  Well with horses it is the lead mare that the herd
follows, in elephants the female again.  What would happen when a blood
thirsty race that believed in sacrificing young met one that believed in
protecting young.  It is not that one is technologically superior to the
other one, or that one of the races is more evolved.

The story from the Bible that Jesus protected the children, Jews that
require education and have no bastards, Confucius that taught the Orientals
to bury their dead.

So what was happening to the Jewish Religion at that time if Mary was
pregnant and thrown out?  True story or not, what were they saying about the
times?  That there were some (even in the Jewish religion) that had changed?
Was Jesus born into the True Jewish Religion?  The one of the Old Testament.
The one that where if your husband died, his brother was required to help
raise the children?  Where the children were protected NO Matter What!

    Stop thinking that the "professionals" have all the answers.  Look at
their education.  Bush that got through school on daddies money.
The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush - Online at
Clinton that supposedly had such high grades?  Even IF he did do you know
what Lawyers think of their own?
under 8) History on my home page
Help Return The Law To A Learned Profession -
This is a message that many were trying to get out.  Slaves no matter what
were a obligation.  Texas reinstated slavery (check this yourself - I have
not been able to get the exact dates yet - this is just my thought) about
the same time that Mexico freed it's slaves.  Does anyone realized that
Cannibalism was / is still a fact in South America?  That during that time
there was a bounty on scalps and a black scalp was as good as any other?
How to protect the blacks?  Ask other states to help them keep slavery out?
Many would have come in to scalp the free blacks themselves!  When Mexico
freed it's slaves and by that made it so that they were not worth the $2000
that was paid for slaves in the main part of the United States, what they
said is that they could eat or be eaten or starve like anyone else!  Many of
the original settlers had to have seen that there was only one way to keep
their obligations.  The War Between the States?  Granted some slaves became
free if they went North But who made a lot of money off of those
plantations?  The big businesses in the North?  The sale and transportation
of Cotton.

 Lincoln was killed after he undermined the Constitution.  I do not think
that was his intent, but once it was done they did not want it undone.

    I am still working on part two of the original essay on this but right
now life calls and I need to do some mundane work called washing clothes.
Check out the facts with a open mind.  Oh yes, Kennedy's assassination - to
have people not look at the fact of what those students were trying to say,
What John Denver tried to say in his songs.  They tried to take it apart
through some of Lennin's songs.

It is not one world order that is wanted.  We will go from cloning to
synthesizing to replicating (like Star Trek) at that time what will the coin
of greatest value be?
Knowledge, History, Traditions, Preference.
    What if they are able to bomb the Library of Congress and get rid of the
History of the Vatican?  What if computers allowed people to be educated yet
stay on the farm, in the hills, to keep their traditions at the same time.

    Where is this going - if in the future History and Culture is the coin
of greatest value.
If Holograms allow us to take a virtual tour of another country and that is
what they can sell.  What if they lose that History - someone tells them
that it is not important?  Who would then teach or sell those Holograms?
China has started cyber cafes out in it's urban areas so that it's people
can be educated without losing their lives / traditions.  Could be they have
already seen this?

When you hear someone wanting to start history with WW II, Lincoln, The
Union Jack, Kennedy, Christianity, or to go after the Jews, what are they to
redefine, hiding or trying to hide behind?
Or hide from you?
One more thing to check is how old Christianity actually is!  Check out who
Saint Christopher actually was.  The patron Saint of the Sea.
What the true values of Judaism were / are.  The two areas "seem" to have
worked together at one time.

Life calls - but I hope this tune continues - many minstrels have worked on
it.  Many more are working on it now.  The Originals Piper took the
children - this one would like to give them back - Alive and Thinking.  Or
are you like the person that this story was written about?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Condit Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, December 18, 1998 12:45 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] The Holocaust

> -Caveat Lector-
>Right, Jerry, I'm not an anti-semite. Here's a test for you: name some
>criticism of anything the dominant Jewish Lobby is doing that could be
>criticized without you suspecting the person was an "anti-semite" -- and,
>my "uncharacteristic" syntax errors come from not double checking
>everything I write because I'm super busy and often writing these in the
>middle of the night after I get done a long day's work. But, as Fr. Fahey
>says, it has long been a tactic to try to associate criticism of anything
>Jewish with a lack of mental balance, as you have once again demonstrated.
>Yes, you do need Fr. Fahey to explain to you the difference between
>anti-Semitism and necessary criticism of movement's which oppose the order
>of the world, and I will be posting his short passage on that soon, as well
>as the titles of his books and where to get them. His books are "the"
>essential reading for conspiracy researchers, in order to get a balance
>between the relationship between high-level plotting (less of a problem)
>and the clash of social organisms which have conflicting moral agendas
>(much more of the cause of unrest in the world).
>Incidentally, war-monger Clinton has already cravenly put more bombs into
>Iraq than Bush did according to MSNBC --- this is the first time our
>beloved America has attacked another country at length when that country
>had not first invaded  or committed aggression against ourselves or someone
>else. PROOF that America is now under alien occupation at the Federal
>level. And Clinton declared this war WITHOUT Congressional approval. But
>I'm sure you couldn't care less about the constitution when it comes to
>killing for the New World Order and its "most favored" nation, Israel. Have
>fun . . . . . Jim Condit Jr.
>On Thursday, December 17, 1998 2:23 PM, Gerald Harp [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>  -Caveat Lector-
>> In a message dated 12/17/98 10:09:06 AM Eastern Standard Time,
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>> >
>> >  Incidentally, today's unbelievable, brazen, crass act of war against
>> >  by Clinton and the claque of Jews around him (Cohen, Berger, Albright,
>> >  Emanuel, and on and on and on) goes will go along way within six
>months to
>> >  have many more Americans using the term ZOG (zionist occupational
>> >  governement) and JOB (Jewish Occupational Government). This attack has
>> >  nothing to do with American interests, as more and more Americans are
>> >  waking up to that simple reality. Jim Condit Jr.
>> You're not an anti-Semite?  The dictionaries should show your face in the
>> definition space.  Incidentally, i don't need Fr. Fahey to tell me what
>> Semitism is since i have seen it all my life and find it disgusting.
> Your
>> uncharacteristic errors in syntax betrays your blind rage.
>> President Clinton launched the attack to cripple Saddam's WMD capability.
>> Saddam had placed so many restrictions on UNSCOM that UNSCOM left Iraq.
>> Therefore, there was no longer any surveillance of Saddam's WMD
>> status.  However, the final UNSCOM report stated that Iraq was proceeding
>> fast as it could given the presence of UNSCOM.  Since Iraq could develop
>> serious arsenal in just a few months, President Clinton had to move
>> fast.  Since it would be awkward to start the bombing during Ramadan, the

>> advised him to act now.  The brouhaha about the timing is just more
>> hysteria.  Anyway, it is not a big deal to put off the impeachment (coup
>> d'etat) vote for another few weeks.
>> Jerry harp

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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