-Caveat Lector- McFraud,

If you wish to contest my words please take me to court. I have never contested any content and have based my charges on the rather clumsy attempts of the forgery. The first by webfariy was released in "two" forms, one edited and one after I called her on the message — a supposedly "real" one. The next occurence was by Dick Eastman, the message included a lengthy cc list, only you and webfairy received the message — three others did not.  That is my case. If you wish to claim that something caused those three to not receive that email, then, I guess you can. Take me to court, you are a fraud, a liar and a shill.

And who supports you?

Why all this correspondence in private email, trying to divide the consensus that the Internet is achieving. Sounds awfully cointelpro tactical too me. I mean we have all seen your "thorough discussion" with Jim Rarey on the issue.
I really don't know how stupid you think we are, but your rhetotric is really quite transparent as is your boilerplate talk that goes round and round in the same old bs grind.

McFraud, you talk out of both sides of your mouth and you think that people don't notice?

Your feeble attempts to trash me woud have nothing to do with a book that is being printed that breaks multiple stories in the public's understanding of the secret societal control over us hoi polloi and our heritage?
Fleshing Out Skull & Bones — Investigations into America's Most Powerful Secret Society

Like, what have you ever done but trash and snipe at folks, with your clever rhetoric? Ever notice that you rarely answer questions?

You always want other people to do your research. I already been there done that. It is in the archives, you are a fraud, you have proved it to my satisfaction. I have stated it in public several times. If you would like me to apologize take me to court and give us what you always demand of others … proof … that you are not.

My address is
Robert A Millegan
PO Box 577
Walterville, OR 97489

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

In a message dated 9/30/03 2:53:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

-Caveat Lector-


Several times now you've been asked to point to any passages in the alleged forged messages which you think that Brian Downing Quig didn't write.


You've failed to respond every time.


You are the only person who has made this false charge that Brian didn't write those messages.  No one will support you, especially among the group of people who knew Brian best and who were corresponding with him in private email.


You are unable to explain how anyone would benefit from these "forged" messages.


Again: which passages of the "forged" messages do you believe that Brian didn't write and which didn't express his real views?  Your failure to respond to this central question says it all.


Your attempt to connect me with Dick Eastman is a classic smear technique.  I've had no communications with Eastman, other than to ask him to remove me from his mailing lists, and have condemned his anti-Semitic rantings in the strongest possible way.  I think he is a disaster for anyone trying to work through to the truth about 911.


Why do you continue to make these false charges?


----- Original Message -----



Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 11:21 AM

Subject: Re: [CTRL] Kris Millegan's Recent True Charges in CTRL

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 9/29/03 11:04:49 PM,


I have stated quite clearly that two forged emails were used in a campaign against myself, EIR and the CIA-Drugs group. I never said that anyone else said that. I quite clearly stated that you, Eastman and webfairy were involved. 

When you make the charge, without a shred of evidence, that I was involved in a conspiratorial and secretly coordinated campaign against you and cia-drugs with two forged emails, you are making a FALSE charge.  You are either deluded or lying.  And you are seriously damaging your credibility among those who know the truth.

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