-Caveat Lector-
Ummm ... so?
What exactly is infamous about the "infamous second "Hermanoubis" Temple of the Golden Dawn" ... ???
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 1:52 PM
Subject: "Golden Dawn" or the Dawn of Zionism ?

-Caveat Lector- The Rothschild-Cecil/Balfour Alliance / Freemasonry & "Hermetic (Jewish) Mysticism"


Possible Masonic Roots of the Golden Dawn
(from the "Golden Dawn FAQ" by Stephen R. Cranmer)

Some scholars have suggested that there is a more direct connection between the Golden Dawn and Masonry: a historical one, via a possible source of the mysterious "Cipher Manuscripts" which Westcott and Mathers used to construct the Outer Order rituals. Several sources have alluded to the existence of little-known Masonic groups in the early 19th century which have an eerie similarity to the Golden Dawn. Specifically, there have been two (possibly related, possibly identical) possibilities:

(1) The "Loge zur aufgehenden Morgenrothe," a Masonic Lodge in Frankfort with a primarily Jewish membership. Referred to in French as the "Aurore naissante," (both titles meaning "Rising Dawn"), this group was founded by three Masons connected with the Rite of Strict Observance of von Hund. In 1817, a subsidiary Lodge was formed in London by the Duke of Sussex, the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England. In 1822, it was closed by an Anton Wolf, who might have been a representative from the Mother Lodge in Frankfort.

(2) A "Qabalistic College" in London, also known as the "Chabrath Zerek Aour Bokher" ("Society of the Shining Light of the Dawn"), formed around 1810 by a Johannes Friedrich ("Rabbi") Falk, from Hamburg, Germany. Mentioned mainly by Kenneth Mackenzie's Royal Masonic Cyclopaeida, this organization might have been a long-propagating fraud.

Both of these supposed London-based Lodges have been argued to be the infamous second "Hermanoubis" Temple of the Golden Dawn. The Cipher Manuscripts, which were probably written circa 1860-1870, are similarly argued to have come indirectly from one of these groups, via such varied persons as Kenneth Mackenzie, Lord Bulwer-Lytton, or Frederick Hockley. Further research is definitely required to prove any of these hypotheses. For more information, see:

Gilbert, R. A., 1990, "Provenance Unknown: A Tentative Solution to the Riddle of the Cipher Manuscript of the Golden Dawn," in Wege und Abwege: Beitraege zur europaeischen Geistesgeschichte der Neuzeit, ed. A. Goetz von Olenhusen (Freiburg: Hochschul Verlag), p. 79.

Heisler, R. 1989, "Precursors of the Golden Dawn," in Cauda Pavonis: Studies in Hermeticism, v. 8, no. 1, 1-4.

Prinke, R. T. 1987, "The Deeper Roots of the Golden Dawn," in The Hermetic Journal, 36, 16.

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