-Caveat Lector-

Your half-wit paranoid rant BS is clear evidence why people ought not have
siblings for parents.

Your homoerotic queer eye imagery of myself with a "boyfriend" is probably
the result of too much of that wacky weed you toke whilst thumbing gay porn
mags featuring your Fuhrer. Is it true that you're a is a wife beater and
kiddie diddler BS?

And you still haven't explained evidentially or factually what "your ilk" is
supposed to mean? Or has demonisation simply become an emotionally
uncontrollable habit for you - an addiction?

"picks fights"  -- now that's a piss-weak diversionary trick BS and everyone
knows it. On the one hand Mr BS wants cart blanche for himself to allegedly
innocuously "question," spin-term to post his political screeds, whilst
questioners of the questioner are deemed inappropriate and picking "fights".
Now that's funny!

The phrase "self-loathing" is one I've used myself when context supported
the claim. I think the fact that BS finds so much epiphany with so much
negativism and neo-Nazi ideologues; that term would tend to be indicative of
his own hate-drenched paranoia, certainly not mine.

So much so that he forcibly and regularly barfs the content of his cranial
colostomy bag, mixed with that of his co-Fundi Conspiracy kooks, onto this

On the issue of Zionism, Mr BS's rhetorically phrased "question" about
myself is just that - rhetoric designed somehow to smear because his
paranoid brain (term loosely employed) thinks there are evil Zionists
everywhere. He probably sees "Z"ionists swimming in his alphabet soup at the
Nursing Home.

If one rummages through the archives here they'd note I've had more than the
odd disagreement with an ardent supporter of most things Israel ala "Zuukie"
and I am on record in first place in proposing that Israel is in fact a
tool, a puppet State of the West; particularly the US, and not some
concocted chimera that the neo-Nazi, ZOG clowns, bandy about with their
bonehead blather about Jews running America in whatever kitsch anti-Semitic
euphemism or code-word they presently bandy about.

The fundamental mores of America are Christian. Just recently, the allegedly
all-powerful Jews couldn't even stop a grotesque and ghastly Catholic snuff
movie like the "Passion of Christ" from being distributed widely, whilst the
powerful Religious Right of America were instrumental in censoring a mildly
unfavourable mini-drama series about Ronald Reagan from being aired in the
mass media!

My inference that BS shares the rhetoric and tripe of White Supremacists is
evidenced by the their common and mutual demonisations as does my inference
of his inherent neo-Nazi gestations, and I had reasons to mention the
butcher Stalin also.

One simply has to note the number of times, including the post I commented
on; where he quotes fabrications along with adulated references to the
established and well-known forgery "The Protocols of Zion".

The "Protocols of Zion" is the modern terrorists bible, much as it is to
White Supremacists and as it was to Adolf Hitler.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a notorious, antisemitic forgery,
which is still being printed and read today. Alfred Rosenberg reissued the
Protocols in Nazi Germany (Protokolle der Weisen von Zion) and Hitler
believed in their authenticity and referred to them in Mein Kampf; Nazi
authorities recommended the use of the Protocols in schools.

>From Mein Kampf: The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion
>From Chapter XI: Nation and Race -- Volume I: A Reckoning

  "To what extent the whole existence of this people is based on a
continuous lie is shown incomparably by the Protocols of the Wise Men of
Zion, so infinitely hated by the Jews. They are based on a forgery, the
Frankfurter Zeitung moans and screams once every week: the best proof that
they are authentic. What many Jews may do unconsciously is here consciously
exposed. And that is what matters. It is completely indifferent from what
Jewish brain these disclosures originate; the important thing is that with
positively terrifying certainty they reveal the nature and activity of the
Jewish people and expose their inner contexts as well as their ultimate
final aims. The best criticism applied to them, however, is reality. Anyone
who examines the historical development of the last hundred years from the
standpoint of this book will at once understand the screaming of the Jewish
press. For once this book has become the common property of a people, the
Jewish menace may be considered as broken".

Similarly, Stalin produced a siamese version of the Jewish conspiracy myth
in which Jews figured as agents of an imperialist plot to destroy the Soviet
Union and assassinate its leaders. This myth was used to secure the
execution of Rudolf Slansky and his Jewish colleagues on the Central
Committee of the Czechoslovak Communist party in 1952, and it also formed
the basis for the story of the 'doctors' plot' in 1953.

Edvard Radzinsky, STALIN: The First In-Depth Biography Based on Explosive
New Documents from Russia's Secret Archives (translated from the Russian By
H.T. Willetts, Hodder & Stoughton, London 1996) asserts:

"Professor Vovsi, for instance, one of the Kremlin doctors, was related to
Mikhoels. This prompted the idea of a proliferating Jewish conspiracy
utilizing the world's most humane profession. Stalin had vivid memories of
the anti-Semitic tracts devoured by the mob in his youth - Protocols of the
Elders of Zion, the outpourings of the Union of the Russian People. With his
mind always on the Great Dream he knew that there were two emotions which
could unite society: fear, and hatred of the Jews." [cf p 534]

In light of the original post; "JFK Versus World Zionism" there could not be
a more fabricated piece of disinformation that insults the very mythological
name of JFK, whose intention was far removed from the likes of these
purveyors seeking to smear others in the manner that Hitler and Stalin did,
whilst they themselves were power-mad and enacted the very things they
attributed to some Zionist or Jewish conspiracy myth.

The best of Billy Shannon is to simply live up to the euphemism colloquially
conjured from the initials of his name - BS!


----- Original Message -----
From: William Shannon
Sent: Saturday, May 29, 2004 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] JFK Versus World Zionism

-Caveat Lector- Every 3-4 months this David psychonaut comes around and
picks fights.
I don't know what your problem now is Dave...but I suspect you're off the
wagon or your boyfriend left you and you're a wreck.
Anyway, Stormfront is a racist website, I am not in any way a racist and in
fact am very tolerant of others. Zionism, being neither a race nor a
religion, is a fair trait to discriminate against IMO. Do you see it
differently? If so, why? Are you a Zionist Dave? If so, why? Regardless, you
have a mean streak and it would seem to me are full of self-loathing.

In a message dated 5/28/2004 8:22:48 PM Central Daylight Time,

With "your ilk" -- what exactly does that mean? Another paranoid crack from
that too cranial-tight tin hat of yours?

And your just -- "questioning" -- that's almost as funny as you are a lying

Well given the content of that vomit you posted, you've got quite a few
contemporary and historic co-questioners.

Just little eager Johnnies, questioning teachers pets, waving little hands
in air; "me Miss, me Miss," in dire search of honest, object reporting and
answers - saint Bill no less!

A few such fellow "just questioning" co-students come to mind, Czarism, the
Russian Secret police, the Nazis, anti-Semitic clerics, Nazi-boneheads,
Adolf Hitler, Arab Terrorists, White Supremacists, the bloody Ustache,
Mussolini, Fascists, Stalin  -- so on and so forth ad vomitus.

Here's an online university that'll expand your style of "scholarship".



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