-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 05/11/99) --  It  is  becoming  increasingly clear that Ru
Mills' source was correct when he stated, on May  8,  1999,  that
"NATO  purposely  targeted  the  Chinese Embassy.  It was done to
derail the peace initiative being put forward by the Russians and
the Chinese."

Ru Mills, special correspondent to Conspiracy Nation News Service
(CNNS), uses a pseudonym which  covers  her  true  name,  a  name
well-known  in  intelligence  circles.  Her May 8th report, "NATO
Purposely Targeted Chinese Embassy," was published by CNNS on May
9th, under the title "'Ru Mills':  Embassy Hit On Purpose" and is
available in our archives. (See below for URL.)

Reports now coming in from other sources tend to confirm that the
bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade was not an accident.

A story from Itar-Tass and  reported  on  by  CNNS  on  May  9th,
detailed  how  the USA sometimes operates independently from NATO
leadership  in  the  current  Yugoslav  conflict.   Basing  their
information,  in  part,  on  a  report  in  the  London Telegraph
newspaper,  Itar-Tass  stated  that  U.S.   B-2   bombers   which
demolished  the  Chinese  embassy in Belgrade may indicate a "war
within a war," where  the  U.S.,  for  covert reasons of its own,
sometimes operates independently of NATO.   (See,  "Avalanche  Of
New Data On Balkans War," CNNS, 5/9/99.)

The May 9th report by Itar-Tass ("US bombers target China embassy
in  Belgrade for strikes"), also pointed out "that the bombing of
the [Chinese embassy] was  conducted  by  a  special force of the
U.S. strategic aviation, which is not subordinated  to  the  NATO
command and which flew from the American territory..."

Sun  Yuxi,  a  spokesperson  for the Chinese government, speaking
from  Belgrade,  now  states   that   the  "embassy  was  clearly
targeted."  Yuxi "specified that several missiles hit the embassy
from different directions very precisely, and that both buildings
in the embassy compound had been hit."  [1] If,  as  the  Chinese
spokesperson  says, both buildings in the compound were precisely
hit, this indicates  that  whoever  controlled  the bombing had a
very exact idea of  what  they  were  shooting  at.   That  would
controvert U.S. claims that a "bad map" caused the tragedy.

German political scientist Erich Schmidt-Eenboom, according to  a
report  by the Tanjug News Wire, concurs that the "bombing of the
Chinese  embassy  in  Belgrade  was  no  mistake  but  a sabotage
directed by USA..."  [2] Schmidt-Eenboom calls the CIA "bad  map"
story  "ridiculous," and adds that "such mistakes are impossible.
The most reasonable explanation would  be  that the USA wanted to
sabotage the declaration by the G-8 foreign ministers  concerning
the  principles  for  the  peaceful solution on the Kosovo crises
because including Russia and  the  United Nations in resolving of
the problem wouldn't suit [USA's] wishes."

In  an uncanny circumstance, Russian president Boris Yeltsin last
week, a few days prior to the bombing of the Chinese embassy, had
departed from the text of  a prepared speech and exclaimed, "Just
let Clinton, a little bit, accidentally, send  a  missile,  we'll
answer  immediately!"   [3]  Had  Russian  intelligence picked up
hints of what Clinton/USA  might  do?  Was Yeltsin's dire warning
the reason why the Chinese embassy, and not  a  Russian  embassy,
was picked as the target?

Relying on a London Times  article, Tanjug News Wire reports that
some British analysts believe  the  embassy  bombing  was  a  CIA
operation.   The  British  analysts reportedly are convinced that
the embassy was not  bombarded  due  to  a  "bad map" but "due to
special  plans  of CIA..."  [4] A "war within a war," a "parallel
war," with USA having its own hidden agenda, separate from NATO's
purported rationale for the  bombing  of  Yugoslavia -- that idea
also is gaining increasing credibility.

Summing  up, we have Boris Yeltsin departing from the text of his
prepared speech, and having  a  sudden  fit:  "Clinton better not
hit us -- or else!"   Only  days  later,  the  Chinese  (not  the
Russian) embassy gets destroyed.  Almost immediately, Ru Mills is
contacted by a source who assures her the embassy bombing was not
an  accident.  Mills issues her report, and scoops all other news
outlets.   Thereafter,  other   reports   begin   to  trickle  in
indicating that, yes, the bombing of the Chinese embassy was *no*
*accident*, but was done to derail peace talks, as Mills also had
already reported.

---------------------------<< Notes >>---------------------------
[1]  "Chinese  spokesman says Peking sharply condemns brutal NATO
act." Tanjug News Wire, 5/11/99.
[2] "Attack on Chinese Embassy - American Sabotage."  Tanjug News
Wire, datelined Bonn, 5/10/99.
[3]  Report  by Dana Lewis, apparently from MSNBC.  The report of
Yeltsin's strange outburst was also carried by Matt Drudge at his
[4] "'Sunday Times' - Chinese Embassy was on  the  target  list."
Tanjug News Wire, 5/9/99.  (Also titled, "USA hit Chinese embassy
on purpose.")

CNNS  (Conspiracy  Nation  News  Service)  is an INDEPENDENT news
outlet, not owned by anyone.  (But  of course, we would say that,

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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