-Caveat Lector-

Joshua2 Wrote:

>Your a liar.

>And an idiot.

>Only to an idiot.

>A hard working idiot.

Well J2..your argument has just blown me out of the water.
Such eloquence....

>OK. So you are saying that the choice should be for gun owners to
>get rid of their guns, or commit suicide.

I am not suggesting this at all. I am suggesting that the destruction
of all human life on earth would be relatively simple when compared with
collecting and destroying 10 billion + firearms.
(I would love to bid on that contract)
Guns are everywhere in abundance.
Bad people are everywhere in abundance.
Neither of these things are going to change...ever.
Any solution must take both of these truths into account.

>I thought my idea would be more reasonable and humane, but if you
>I could get behind your suggestion. After all, that's what America is
>about. Choice.


Calling me a liar and an idiot I can handle, but hard working!!!
That is the last straw.

Lets address each of your points on its merit.
oops...sorry..look like your arguments have no merit.

O.K. Now that we have done that lets address the silly things that you have

1. idiot & liar.   Mea culpa, mea maxima bloody culpa.

You seem to have a big problem with other people having guns. Is this because
you are afraid that your attitude that everyone who does not share you opinion
is both a liar and an idiot might get you shot?
I am afraid that it is the likes of you who make guns necessary.
Lets face it...when the shit hits the fan where will you be???
Hiding under the bed waiting for someone with a gun to come and save you?

Do you have a solution to the gun problem?
And I don't mean a meaningless diatribe on the evils of people with guns.
Give us a real solution.

Also...if you can..I don't mind personal abuse if it is relevant.
When it is not relevant it just makes you look incapable of sustaining your
argument. Respond to my statements with some intelligent arguments and maybe we
can have a reasonable debate on the subject.

Your response to my post made no contribution to this discussion.
Feel free to abuse me via my personal Email but please don't fill everyone elses
mailboxes with silly opinions.
But only one abusive Email per dissenting opinion please.


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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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