-Caveat Lector-

I have a letter in my desk since 1984...in which my attorney requested
my FBI file - now I went not to my regular attorney because he was
former FB

I had previously gotten part of my file and this was just prior to Larry
Flynt being shot; Mr. Flynt has that portion at this time and they would
never return it...supposedy I was told it was in a locked box, and only
Althea and Larry Flynt had access....then of course, Larry Flynt was
gunned down...he had hooked up with a certain person whom he could ot
trust, and this individual was CIA connected.

Well, Clarence Kelly was director for awhile - he said he was trying to
collect my file...suddenly he was gone...the some time later this
Webster - well that was the one director, and I think he was with
Sullivan when he was accidently hot....and then so on, etc.  Well in
1984 I got another attorney and suddenly he called and said my file was
in the National Archives.  Now why would my file be in th National
Archives....a man named Reagan or Ragon (not Ronald, of course) called
me at home, and said he would send.....was very nice....and I am still
waiting for it.

I know why they do not want to send it, or did not at that time;  and
yes, they do not want information released. from certain files....but
the reason they will not get me my file was for this reason...the
Interntional Teamsters under this Frank Fitzsimmons, had the FBI watch
put on me, because they thought I had access to secet files...at the
time I was working with certain people...and suddenly, Sybil Leek had
the IRS after her for $150,000 dollars and could only get me for fifty
dollars, which they raised to 1800 dollars, when I refused to pay the

Well I raised enough hell for twenty people, and we parted friends and
compromised....Sybil had to pay up...but the reason I wonder....the feds
did not like Sybil into this drug stuff and the name of the ship was the
RIO....and they already were disturbed with me anyway, so they got us
both and we were on a list...I even had the Secret Service at my
door...which was rather funny and my bossie didn't even want to know

The reason here....Rockefeller wanted to know about any information
anyone had on JFK stuff; and nothing I had would hold up in Court, but
made somebody upset when you consider that Margaret Mitchell went before
the Judgement at the Watergate carrying a King James Bible...my those
were interesting times.

Freedom of Information Act?  Well, I still got the letter in there, and
just for the fun of it tomorrow I am going to write thm, after waiting
now 14 years, and tell them I have been patient enough.

Most files are tossed out; I had commited no crime, was only on a pest
list - but once you get the masons disturbed, well so much for that.

I will try again....if you can help me I will give you the case file
number.....the one letter I did get was blanked out, or cesored....and
old Hoover himself had written a note on it for Cartha who sent to
Toomey and it said "looks like she is equating the Catholic Mafia, to
the Masons, to the KKK"...ha, ha, ha....he who laughs last....well a few
years later in  Time Magazine with the PT stuff, there was a story about
the Mafia, in the Masons, and they guy was dressed like a membr of the
KKK...and that is when Webster got mad and wrote a snide letter ....so
yes, I do not think they pay any attention to anybody.   And I wonder if
my file is still there now....not that I really care.

Then, Bud Fensterwald died who headed up the Committee...the last big
meeting of the group was November of 1974...at Georgetown....then, the
books, books, and more books....

Let me know....


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