-Caveat Lector-

Yes, it seems that threats must constantly be created in order for the
global government to stay in operation.  Just about any threat can be
utilized to restrict the civil liberties of citizens.

For instance, we have the government's "war on drugs"--clearly, IF the
American government seriously wanted the drug trade to come to an end, it
would be eradicated.  But the illicit trade is integral to the economies
of both our latin american "trading partners" AND our national security

With the passage of NAFTA, the drug flow could be more efficiently
micromanaged...  On a twenty-four hour basis, trucks are lined up at the
Mexican/US border crossing.  Few of them get inspected.  Just the sheer
number of trucks, the logistical nightmare of having to examine every
trailer, and the shortage of personnel means many trucks roll across
with a minimum inspection.

On the Mexican side, there are checkpoints on every major highway going in
and out of the interior of Mexico, which are manned by federales, Mexican
army units, state police, or local cops--all of this armed muscle is
supposedly in place in order to discourage narcotics traffickers, but the
local citizenry know they're there to keep complete chaos from breaking
out. (Mexico is virtually a police
state.)  The Mexican cops tend to shake down their own citizens, demanding
mordida (bribes)... It's just the way things are done in a police state.
Heaven help you if, as an American citizen, the cops just happen to
discover a drug in your vehicle!  While all of this intense scrutiny of
individual citizens is going on....the big narcotraficantes are cutting
their deals with their American counterparts, and major shipments of drugs
are carried across the border in trucks.

When NAFTA was being debated, there were a few rational voices of protest
raised.  Individuals who had firsthand experience with Mexican
political/economic institutions warned American legislators about what
would happen, but they were ignored.  The fix was in.  When the Salinas
family was revealed to have been involved in narcotics trafficking AND
political assassinations, none of this surprised anyone who has knowledge
of conditions down there.

Perhaps, the two countries (the US and Mexico) will eventually merge into
one big super cop state.  Badges? We don' need no steenkin badges!

On Wed, 23 Jun 1999, Zombie Cow wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> On Tue, 22 Jun 1999, William Hugh Tunstall wrote:
> > But in those days of yore, I was all of eighteen years of age and
> > idealistic as hell.  I had all of these idiotic notions that my government
> > would never engage in illegal activities, acts of thuggery, etc.
> Even thugs are privatized nowadays. You can buy any size of mercenary
> army if you have the money, excluding perhaps nukes. Just search the
> web. There are at least two very big companies, one in England and one
> in the US right now selling their services to private companies
> operating in Africa.
> When a government can't do something openly, they simply pay the
> right private individuals or assassinators via anonymized and
> untraceable methods. Believe me, if a government really needs you
> dead, then you're dead. It can all be done untraceably, and appear
> as an accident. Traffic accidents are probably one of the most
> popular methods.
> I've even seen private people advertise on the internet their
> anonymous assassination services.
> > was followed by another black ops incident: another friend had the police
> > do a search of his apartment only "to discover" drugs.  The drugs had been
> > planted.  In terms of notoriety/importance, all of us were rather
> > unimportant actors on the great stage of life...but once we had the
> > audacity to resist the system, we placed ourselves in the position of
> > being enemies of the state--and whatever civil liberties we might possess,
> > were conveniently disregarded.
> And that's how the police forces deal with unwanted persons.
> > Our system has any number of different ways of discrediting/destroying
> > individuals. The tactics/techniques have been well-documented, of course.
> > So I tend to sympathize with all of those who have been on the receiving
> > end of these operations--regardless of their political/philosophical
> > sympathies.  In theory, we have civil liberties...but the reality is
> > something quite different.
> >
> > But for those of us who were alive back in the sixties, many of us know
> > that the Kennedy assassination was a turning point of sorts for
> > the nation... a fork in the road that set the nation in a particularly
> > nasty direction.  We didn't know it at the time, but, in retrospect, we
> > crossed the Rubicon back then...and the National Security State went into
> > overdrive.
> Still, they've very nicely managed to keep the public convinced of
> things being just fine otherwise. Most of the terrorist threats are
> just manufactured to enhance their rights and corrode the rights of
> private individuals.
> Now, with bioterrorism "becoming a threat", they'll likely be able to
> strip any individual of his or her rights for any length of time, and
> all you need as proof is some easily manufactured e-mails and some
> shit-samples. Both easily manufactured. They can lock anyone up for
> good.
> ==========
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> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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