-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990719b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Hey, SkeptiChat subscribers: let's see some responses, some discussion!!
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: Some initiatives were inhibited during the production of this bulletin.
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# Wind, rain form those crop circles (SAGINAW NEWS) No one knows why circles
  often linked to UFOs are more frequent in Saginaw County wheat fields this
  year, but farmers say Mother Nature is just fooling around. They report
  large numbers of crop circles, geometric patterns that form when wheat
  stalks break and grain falls to the ground. While farmers aren't sure what
  is causing the trend, they reject speculation that aliens are at work.
  "Farmers aren't scared - wheat falls over more this year because the heads
  (on the stalk) are heavier. We had a good yield this year." Domino effect:

# Holland Crop Circle Orbs. New crop circles are being reported almost every
  day in Europe. England as usual lead with 50, Czech Republic, Germany, and
  Holland follow. "We may be dealing with energies completely misunderstood"

: Are crop circles in your locale caused by nature, aliens, tricksters, you?
What messages do crop circles convey? What messages do you perceive? Why??
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# 2000 looms with prophecies of doom. (AP) - The early forecast for the year
  2000 calls for colliding comets, sinking continents, mass conflagrations,
  assorted reigns of terror and widespread gnashing of teeth. As one millen-
  nium fades and another looms, prophets of doom and gloom are going into
  overdrive. Would-be oracles claim harbingers of The End are everywhere for
  the looking - monstrous floods, deadly earthquakes, wars, bombs, the AIDS
  virus and computer viruses. Religious fervor is ratcheting up among those
  who believe 2000 marks the beginning of the end. Israeli officials are al-
  ready on alert for extremists seeking front-row seats for Christ's second
  coming. The World Wide Web is peppered with sites predicting all manner of
  Earthly ends, ranging from simple planetary destruction to space warps.
  See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560328886-ef8

: Will the end come with a bang, a whimper, a fanfare of trumpets, a flash
of light, a glob of dripping mucus, a disco duck, a flood, a war, a plague,
an instantaneous dissolution, a sound bite, an orgasm, excitement, boredom?
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@ The NWO And The Return Of The Gods. After the Voyager sent back signals
  that alerted NASA of a larger planet out beyond Pluto in the area of the
  sky where the ancient text said Nibiru would be found at, at this time as
  it started its return to the inner solar system. Zacheria Sitchin was then
  called to speak to the heads of NASA about Nibiru and their ancient text.
  In addition let us not forget pictures sent back from Mars by the Russian
  probe Phobos of a 15 mile long object that rose from the surface of Mars
  and came between it "the probe Phobos" and the Martian moon Phobos just
  before the probe as the Russians put it "disappeared." This 15 mile long
  theme was repeated in the movie Independence Day, that was no coincidence
  by the way we are slowly being readied for such an encounter. They're back

: Are you prepared for such an encounter? Has one of your probes disappeared
lately? Any others? Are you working to return ancient gods to Earth? Why??
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# Mini circuits may speed computers. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Researchers have
  created computer circuitry in a single molecule, a breakthrough that could
  open a brave new world of tiny computers billions of times more powerful
  than current PCs and sensors that could be injected into the bloodstream
  to diagnose disease. "We are... essentially building a computer in a test
  tube. Eventually computers are going to be so small you won't be aware of
  them. The computer won't just be in your wristwatch - it will be in the
  fibers of your clothes." Combining computer technology with chemistry -
  see http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560319439-ce2

# Website names could get naughty. WASHINGTON (AP) Some new addresses on the
  Internet may soon be along the lines of wash-your-mouth-out-dot-com. Due
  to recent changes in how addresses are assigned, people are permitted to
  register dozens of Web sites this week with names previously deemed too
  objectionable by the government's exclusive contractor. Bite-me-dot-org -
  see http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560324107-c60

: Would you like to be filled with submicroscopic computers whispering dirty
talk into your brain? Would you like to become a submicroscopic computer? Do
you have a plan? If you're filled with computers, will they all need modems?
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@ UNION OF CONCERNED SCIENTISTS. Save the planet and score brownie points
  with your chemistry prof! Even though scientists have gotten a bad shake
  with the cloning controversy, one organization, the Union of Concerned
  Scientists, seeks to serve as a bellwether on the fragile state of the
  environment and what we can do to preserve it. Currently 70,000 strong,
  the members are seeking a healthy environment and a safe world. How are
  they looking to accomplish such a goal? They divide their focus among 6
  categories, from agriculture to transportation, and all are expounded on
  at this site. Find out more about the organization, its initiatives, and
  how you can get involved. http://www.ucsusa.org
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# Dead gray whales wash ashore in W.coast - most in 1/4 century:
# Also: Facts about gray whales, see
# And: Whaler invites Greenpeace for hunt, see

# Great Lakes dip to 32-year low, dozens of boats run around:
# Overpumping affects food supply - underground fresh water at risk:
# Brazil in drought emergency - half of agricultural crops lost:
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"Professor Frobisher couldn't believe he had missed seeing it for so long --
it was, after all, right there under his nose -- but in all his years of
research into the intricate and mysterious ways of the universe, he had
never noticed that the freckles on his upper lip, just below and to the left
of the nostril, partially hidden until now by a hairy mole he had just
removed a week before, exactly matched the pattern of the stars in the
Pleiades, down to the angry red zit that had just popped up where he and his
colleagues had only today discovered an exploding nova." --Ray C. Gainey

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] * http://www.sonic.net/~ric * Amnesia Macht Frei *
* (sorry, I can't answer all email - but thanks for your feedback)
* SkeptiChat archives: http://www.sonic.net/~ric/sc/files.htm *
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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