-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990927b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No Yetis were harmed to produce this bulletin. But we're working on it.
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@ 8-Track Heaven: http://www.8trackheaven.com/index2.html
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# ET Issue Splits B.C. Sasquatch Conference Researchers. VANCOUVER (Reuters)
  For sasquatch fans mobbing Vancouver, the debate isn't over the reality of
  the big apelike beast but over its relation to UFOs. "It's a huge divide,"
  Stephen Harvey, organizer of the Int'l Sasquatch Symposium, said in desc-
  ribing the dispute between the cryptozoology and paranormal wings of
  sasquatch studies. http://www.canoe.ca/ReutersNews/LIFE-SASQUATCH.html

: Are Yetis ETs? Are you? Are you large, hairy, apelike? I wear US#18 shoes;
am I a Sasquatch? Am I an alien, like my dad? Does the Symposium want me??
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# SPACE: THE FINAL FRONTIER FOR TOURISM? Want to take an out-of-this-world
  trip? For a mere $90,000, you can buy a ticket for a rocket ride to space.
  One company already has 100 ticket holders waiting to reach for the stars.
  The technology that took NASA decades to develop is now being examined by
  tourism entrepreneurs who hope to launch an industry odyssey. Next step:
  hookers in orbit: http://cnn.com/TECH/space/9909/26/space.tourism/

: Have you indulged in any recreational orbiting lately? Have you had free-
fall sex yet? Were you nauseous? Are you nauseous anyway? Are ya nauseating?
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# PR Ploy Gone Awry - Hilton Not Planning Space Hotel. LOS ANGELES (Reuters)
  Forget about booking rooms at the Intergalactic Hilton for the time being.
  The giant hotel chain plans to remain earth bound for a bit longer. Hilton
  said it is not planning to build a luxury resort in outer space or on the
  moon as some media groups have reported -- but that its Earth-based hotels
  are taking reservations. Buzz that the hotel firm was planning an orbiting
  space resort 500 miles above the earth complete with artificial gravity &
  space walks for guests, was a public relations ploy run amok. Disinfor-
  mation: http://news.excite.com/news/r/990924/17/leisure-space-hilton

: Are you bummed? Do you seek revenge? Will tour-terrorists wage a bombing
campaign against Hilton until they build space hotels? Will they capitulate?
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# Canada's 'Avro' Flying Saucer - And German Disc Technology. It Came
  From Outer Toronto... Avro Canada is best remembered for the ill-fated
  Arrow, the supersonic jet fighter shelved by Ottawa in 1959. Now, newly-
  released CIA documents shed new light on another of the company's dreams
  -- a flying saucer. http://www.sightings.com/ufo4/canadadisc_u.htm

: Have you designed/built/tested/sold any flying saucers lately? Do you use
alien/Nazi/metaphysical technologies? Is there a market for flying saucers?
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# The truth is in San Antonio for 300 UFO believers. They exchanged sighting
  tales at the weekend National UFO Conference. Attendee Janet Broderick saw
  her first flying saucer in 1995. "I didn't even blink and tears were
  streaming down my face," she says. "All of a sudden, it just disappeared."

: Do UFOs make you cry? Did a UFO ever break your heart? Do they fuck & run?
Will they still respect you in the morning? Do they share your pain? How??

# Air jammer shortage strains Navy - extended deployments stretch
  Pentagon in some combat specialties, especially electronic warfare:
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@ Comparison of a Teleological Model With a Quantum Collapse Model of Psi.
  Compare "two previously described mathematical psi models... At an early
  stage of psi research, one could hope to understand psi by a straightfor-
  ward extension of physics." http://www.visitations.com/mindnet/MN203.HTM

: Do you have a good explanation for psi? Do you exploit psi? Do you use psi
to accumulate wealth & power, have good sex, control the masses, run things?

# Teen gunman could be free by age 42 - Kip Kinkel can kill again:
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# Hospital will return children's hearts. (BBC) A children's hospital in
  Birmingham UK will offer to return the hearts of 1,500 dead babies whose
  organs were to be used for medical research. Gourmet chefs devastated:

@ Links: British Organ Donor Society: http://www.argonet.co.uk/body/
@ British Transplantation Society: http://www.jr2.ox.ac.uk/bts/

: Do you have the heart of a young child? Do you keep it in a jar on your
desk? Did you take the sheep brain I used to have in a jar on my desk? Why?

# Caskets taken by floods retrieved - more still underwater:
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# If The Mob Ran An ISP - Digital Bond Demonstrates Online Investors at Risk
  From Simple Criminal Attack. WASHINGTON (BUSINESS WIRE)  Digital Bond(TM)
  revealed how virtually every investor that trades over the Net is at risk
  from a simple hacker attack. A live demo at the SmartCard Forum's annual
  confab showed how criminals could gather UserID / Password pairs to have
  access to investors' accounts. A criminal would use the investors' money
  to manipulate a stock price and would make money in the criminal's
  legitimate account. http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/990922/fl_digital_1.html

: Is your money secure? Are your financial & other transactions secure? Have
you been breached, penetrated, robbed, manipulated? Have you checked lately?
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# Dark questions still hang over Waco. "The FBI never fired one shot at
  the Davidians", said Dick Rogers,head of the hostage rescue team.

# GOP: Dems could join Waco probe - Demos: in a pig's eye!
# Also: 6 years later, Waco's horror hazy, see

# Critics Call For Inquiry Of Aircraft Role In Davidian Raid:
# Remember the Move? The Waco Before Waco:
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  "Bethune knew his chances with Dimpled Elaine had diminished considerably
   the moment whatever it was fell from his nostril, uncurled, and scooted
   away." --Craig Marshall Smith

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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nazi's need not apply.

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