-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990913b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No Tasmanian Devils were cloned during the production of this bulletin.
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# FLUORESCENT monkeys could hold the key to future research into genetic
  diseases. (Times) Researchers hope to splice the gene that makes jellyfish
  glow into a monkey embryo. If successful, it will be the first time a gene
  has been spliced into the embryo of another species. It is hoped the re-
  search will give scientists a greater understanding of genetic mutations.

: Would you like to have glowing monkeys? Would'ya like to glow? Would it be
easier keeping track of you? Will our alien masters genetically-engineer us
so that we all glow, the easier to herd us, the easier to harvest us? When?
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# Cloned Back to Life? Tasmanian Tigers have been extinct for 3 decades, yet
  some scientists think they can bring it back to life with via perfectly
  preserved DNA. http://www.wired.com/news/news/technology/story/21690.html

: Who d'ya wanna clone? Whaddya wanna revive? Can/should we clone/revive the
Neanderthals? Should revived clones have the "glow-gene" for easy tracking?
Would a bunch of glowing tigers, Neanderthals etc. running around be scary?
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# Virtual Archaeology. A good archaeologist needs brawn as well as brains to
  reconstruct a fragmented relic-pieces of objects such as stone statues can
  be heavy and must be manipulated carefully, since each move risks damage.
  But computer-based imaging is changing how archaeology is done - possibly
  eliminating much of the heavy lifting. Pieces can be endlessly arranged
  and rearranged: http://www.techreview.com/articles/oct99/benchmark2.htm

: Do you prefer real or virtual archaeology? Are VR expeditions safer/easier
than plodding thru the RL (real-life) meatworld? Is reality over-rated? How?
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# Oasis a comfort for weary nomads. TAFADEK, Niger (AP) - For centuries, the
  oasis surrounded by a sea of sand has enticed nomads traveling across the
  Sahara Desert in a quest for a private miracle, or perhaps just a hot,
  healing bath. Some visitors complain of minor aches and pains, others are
  doubled over with wounds or disease. Old, or young, they ride camels or
  stagger miles by foot to the date palms of Tafadek, where a steamy spring
  bubbles from the sand on the edge of a mountain range called Air. Wars,
  poverty and endless hardships have merely added to the Tuareg nomads'
  reverent cultural attachment to the remote waters of Tafadek, reputed by
  many to have mystical therapeutic properties and believed to bring good
  luck. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2561110084-bd8

: Do you have a favorite magickal retreat? Do you keep it a secret? Is it
surrounded by crop/sand/rock/kelp circles? Is it protected by spirits? Who?
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# Hunt for threatening asteroids goes down under. Scientists all over the
  world are searching the skies daily for asteroids that might one day slam
  into Earth. Correction: Scientists all over the *Northern* Hemisphere are
  conducting such searches. Asteroids in the Southern Hemisphere could be
  approaching this very moment, preparing for a cosmic sucker punch that
  could destroy a city, or even render the planet unlivable. Bend over, kiss
  ass goodbye: http://www.explorezone.com/archives/99_09/10_nea_search.htm

: Are you looking for planet-busting asteroids? D'ya wanna see some planets
smashed? Which? If you saw something coming at Earth, would you tell us??
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# Bandit Trades Crime For Monk's Life. MOSCOW (Reuters) At a time when the
  Russian mob was allegedly laundering billions of dollars through a U.S.
  bank, small-time gangster Sergei went and did something equally shocking
  he gave up his criminal life and became a monk. Said he really liked the
  haircut and robe: http://news.excite.com/news/r/990913/08/odd-mob

: Does your religion launder money, or bless those who do, or accept tithes
of laundered cash, or provide a refuge for ex-criminals, or offer bribes??
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# Massachusetts high court gets spanking case: GOD-GIVEN RIGHT. BOSTON (UPI)
  A minister says the Bible gives him the right to use a belt to discipline
  his misbehaving son. A state agency says using a belt to spank the boy is
  child abuse, and a lower court agreed. "Spare the rod, spoil the child,
  the Bible says" - http://news.excite.com/news/u/990913/09/news-spank

: Does your belief system encourage you to beat your children? Would you
mind if your children beat you? Do your deities beat you? Are you happy?
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# When does millennium really start? AUCKLAND, NZ (AP) Asian & Pacific heads
  of state began their first full session of meetings by tackling a profound
  philosophical question: when to celebrate the new millennium. White House
  flak Joe Lockhart, briefing reporters afterward, said a lively discussion
  ensued over whether the celebration should come on Jan. 1, 2000 or a year
  later. Calendar purists contend the 21st century does not begin until Jan.
  1, 2001. But politicos are seldom known for embracing purism. NZ PM Jenny
  Shipley, hosting the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation [APEC] forum, noted
  her island nation would be celebrating the millennium first, no matter
  when it began, due to its proximity to the international date line. Nyah
  nyah. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2561125267-b78

: What's your favorite calendar? When was the last time it was corrected? Do
you know of any natural phenomena that occur in kiloyear cycles? Why not???
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# Cultists Killed Amid Doomsday No-Show. JAKARTA (Reuters) Three Indonesian
  cult members were beaten to death by fellow cultists when a 9/9/99 dooms-
  day prediction failed to materialize. Be very, VERY careful about what
  you prophesy: http://news.excite.com/news/r/990913/08/odd-indonesia-cult

@ Surviving the Millennium 101: Course Invitation: http://www.mrr2001.com/
# Y2K - Taiwan cash machines pass Y2K test - no need to stockpile cash:
# A September Dress Rehearsal for the Year 2000 Computer Test
  http://d.moreover.com/click/here.pl?l3577172 New York Times
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  It is written, "Beardists who eat bread shall be cursed with crumbs in
  the wilds of their beards, and lo, those crumbs shall attract various
  beasts, and those beasts shall take residence in the wilds of their
  beards, and those beasts shall make scary noises and the populace shall
  be mightily afraid." --WILY COYOTE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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