-Caveat Lector-

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Date sent:              Fri, 23 Jul 1999 16:31:35 -0700
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                Tax Cut?

Institute for Public Accuracy
915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045
(202) 347-0020 * http://www.accuracy.org * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Friday, July 23, 1999


These analysts are available for interviews about the tax bill
just passed
by the House of Representatives and the implications of such

Michele McGeoy is the CEO of RH Solutions and a member of Responsible
Wealth, a national network of affluent Americans working for fairer and
more effective economic policies. She said: “Wealthy people like me, I’ve
discovered over the years, tend to find we have ‘friends’ we never knew
existed. My newest friends sit in Congress. They must really like me. With
all the problems in the world today, they’re worried that I'm not rich
enough... The so-called budget surplus that congressional leaders want to
spend on tax breaks is largely the product of past and future cutbacks on
everything from Medicare to bridge repair.”

A policy analyst with Citizens for Tax Justice, Gardner, said: “The House
has decided to gut the estate tax, which is only levied on 1.6 percent of
the highest-valued estates. And the House made it a priority to
substantially reduce tax rates on capital gains; more than 90 percent of
the benefit will be enjoyed by the wealthiest 10 percent of Americans.
(Capital gains is income from the sale of stock and other property.) And
the bill still includes billions in ‘corporate welfare’ for multinational

DEAN BAKER, www.preamble.org
An economist with the Preamble Center, Baker said: “The Republicans want
to cut capital gains taxes at a time when almost every serious economist
in the country thinks the stock market is already hugely overvalued. What
is the point of making the bubble even larger? Many of the other tax cuts
make about as much economic sense. By eliminating the inheritance tax, are
we trying to give people an incentive to die? The claim that these tax
cuts will help the economy is ridiculous on its face. The cuts are simply
a way to give more money to the wealthy, which is not at the top of most
people’s priorities just now.”

Chuck Collins is the co-director of United for a Fair Economy and
co-author of "Shifting Fortunes: The Perils of the Growing American Wealth
Gap." He said: “This is Robin Hood in reverse. Low- and middle-income
Americans will lose more than they gain -- through the health, education,
and other budget cuts required to pay for these tax windfalls for the
already rich... This legislation would only exacerbate income and wealth
inequality in the U.S., presently at its greatest point since the 1920s.”

For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; David Zupan, (541) 484-

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                       German Writer (1759-1805)
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It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
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information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway
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