-Caveat Lector-


By Marvin Lee

Recent weeks have yielded unambiguous evidence of crime and abuse
of power in the White House. Yet nobody seems to care.

First, Judicial Watch unearthed a Treasury report that reveals
that the White House orchestrated a politically motivated IRS
audit of its client, the Western Journalism Center.  The Western
Journalism Center has been a long-time critic of the White House.
In response to a newspaper ad revealing the botched official
investigation into the death of Vince Foster, a California man,
Paul Venze, submitted a letter to the White House questioning the
tax-exempt status of the organization. The letter was clearly
political in nature, otherwise Venze would have submitted it to
the IRS.  Yet the White House added its clout and power to the
letter by forwarding it to the IRS where it received instant
priority.  An excruciating audit of Joe Farah and his Western
Journalism Center ensued.

This is a blatant political abuse of the powers of harassment and
intimidation of the IRS by the White House, and it is no surprise
that the government for three years has tried to keep the
documentary evidence of this crime from the Joe Farah and his
legal counsel Larry Klayman.

Yet, apart from the Wall Street Journal, this super-Nixonian
abuse of power has received hardly a mention in the national

Second is the July 9 testimony by Johnny Chung that his $50,000
donation to Hillary Clinton at the White House was in return for
a "wish list" and was directly solicited by aides of the First
Lady to repay debts she had at the DNC.  Among the items on the
"wish list," or quid pro quo, was a visit to the White House Mess
-- a wish that was immediately granted.  When one of the requests
of the wish list, a meeting with the President, was not
immediately granted, Mr.  Chung complained and he received the
goods he had paid for. There cannot be any more obvious evidence
of a quid pro quo than that.

This is a clear violation of several statutes -- including
prohibitions against taking bribes at the White House -- and a
selling of tickets to the White House Mess, which is funded by

Most troubling of all are the at least four groups monitored by
the FBI in their attempt to physically harm Johnny Chung or his
family at the time he was a witness against the President and the
DNC.  Two of the groups where from China and it is reasonable to
assume that they were sent by Chinese intelligence.  But one
incident involved an Italian-American. Now, if he wasn't sent by
the Chinese, then who could have sent him?  What U.S.  interest
could have wanted this witness silent? Perhaps the answer lies in
Chung's testimony that the day after the FBI traced the license
plate of the Italian-American, the Justice Department removed the
FBI from the protection of Chung as a witness.  And one of the
Chinese agents relaying threats to Chung, Robert Luu, claimed
that he was close to the "number three man"  at the Justice

Johnny Chung in his testimony to Judicial Watch also relayed how
he sensed that government investigators had no interest in the
evidence of crime that he gave them. It is obvious that we would
not have reached the current state of lawlessness had it not been
for the active cooperation of the Department of Justice and the
mainstream media.

Does it come as any surprise that Justice Department announced
last week that the suspected Los Alamos nuclear secrets spy, Wen
Ho Lee, may not be tried for espionage?  None of the other
suspected spies have been tried for espionage.

In any banana republic or third world nation, the people would
not have accepted such blatant corruption. Resignations would
have been the only outcome.  Yet the American people, having
slowly been adapted by the media to a state of lawlessness at the
White House, no longer have any threshold for outrage.  They no
longer care.

  Published in the Jul. 26, 1999 issue of The Washington Weekly
  Copyright 1999 The Washington Weekly (http://www.federal.com)
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           Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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