-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990811c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No invisible entities were knowingly harmed to produce this bulletin.
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# Early Humans Got Smart By Cooking Veggies. (Reuters) Fire helped early
  humans evolve and become more intelligent not because it allowed them
  to barbecue meat, but because it allowed them to cook vegetables.

# New Imaging Technique Finds Damaging Brain Lesions. (Reuters) A new
  kind of imaging technique can help doctors find damaging brain lesions
  before they cause paralysis, strokes or other problems.

: Do vegetables grow brains? Do brains grow lesions? What's the connection?
Do alien implants help you cook vegetables? Do they cause lesions? <bzzzt>
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# Pink storm, tree-shaped frost on Mars. WASHINGTON Peering thru stormy pink
  Martian skies, a NASA spacecraft has found tree-like shapes dotting the
  red planet's south pole. But what appears to be rolling hills covered with
  vegetation are most likely sand dunes topped with melting frost. Latest
  images < http://www.msss.com/ > from the $250 million Mars Global Surveyor
  now mapping the planet offer new insight into weather there. "Since this
  whole area is at about minus 150 degrees Celsius, these are clearly not
  plants growing up out of the frost, but something else is happening."
  See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560656929-e7c
  and http://news.excite.com/news/r/990811/00/science-space-mars

: What are your favorite Martian trees? Are they intelligent? Will Martian
tree spores inadvertently returned to Earth consume our biosphere? When??
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# Unusual weather blamed on ocean. LOS ANGELES(AP) U.S. weather seems out of
  whack, with unusually cool temperatures in the West and stifling, unrelen-
  ting heat in the East. The ocean that spawned El Nino & its deadly storms
  may be to blame. Unusually warm Pacific Ocean temperatures off Asia and
  abnormally cool water off North America are shoving the jet stream farther
  north. That keeps the West Coast cool and prevents air masses from bumping
  into each other. And that means no thunderstorms or other rain. See

: Who's mucking around with oceans, causing these weather disasters, waging
EcoWar on the U.S.? Is this due to HAARP projections gone astray? Who gains?
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#: Muslim rule pushed in Russia region. MAKHACHKALA, Russia (AP) Bearded men
  in combat fatigues sit at a roadblock at the entrance to their mountain
  village in Russia's Caucasus Dagestan region. A car approaches. They lift
  their guns and aim toward it. The car stops. Inside, a man is smoking a
  cigarette, an act forbidden by the Koran, they tell the man as they drag
  him to a nearby building flying a green Islamic flag. A mullah pronounces
  the punishment - 40 cane blows on the back. In this part of south Russia,
  the Koran, as interpreted by local religious leaders, is the law of the
  land and Russian law means nothing. Across the Caucasus Mountains region,
  a rebellious mix of nationalism and Islamic fundamentalism is challenging
  Moscow's grip. http://infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560654867-eaf

: Should Russia just abandon Dagestan and Chechnya, the last-conquered and
least-Russian components of the Russian Empire? Are CIA mind-control rays
responsible for Russian intransigence in the Caucasus? What foreign powers
back the Ayatollahs there? Who gains by controlling the region? Gains what?
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# Kansas Educators To Vote On Teaching Of Evolution. TOPEKA (Reuters)
  The Kansas Board of Education prepared to vote on a proposal that would
  essentially strip evolution from the state curriculum as scientists from
  around the nation said they were watching the ballot closely. Dumb and
  dumber: http://news.excite.com/news/r/990811/00/science-science-evolution

: If evolution is banned in Kansas, will all rational people depart, leaving
the area to fundy jeezoids & cretinists? Are there any rational Kansans now?
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# Two religious groups banned in Sudan. KHARTOUM (AP)  Local officials have
  banned a Muslim and a Christian group after several people were injured
  earlier this week in a stone-throwing clash. Members of a hard-line Muslim
  group, which had been warned earlier not to provoke the Christians, began
  throwing stones during a Sunday Mass. The Muslims who led the clash belong
  to the hard-line Ansar al-Sunna group, not linked to the Islamic central
  gov't. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560655612-bb2

: What religious groups would you like to ban? Do you like to throw stones?
Are you without sin? Are you affiliated with a theocracy? Are you blessed?
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# Man believed dead awakens in Egypt. CAIRO (AP) A man pronounced dead after
  drowning off the coast of the port of Alexandria regained consciousness
  after spending 3 hours in a morgue refrigerator. "Help us!" his family
  cried. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2560657525-623

: Was he resurrected from death by divine forces? Should a new religion form
around him? Do you worship the resurrected? Would you rather that he's dead?
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# Uproar Over Phallic Beacon Statue. RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) Plans to build
  a glowing sculpture that looks like a phallus in Recife Brazil has plunged
  the port city into such an uproar that its gun-toting mayor even stormed a
  newspaper and threatened to kill the art critic and a gossip columnist. In
  your dreams: http://news.excite.com/news/r/990811/07/odd-life-phallus

: What shapes are your belief system's holy/cultural icons? Do you worship
human/animal/alien/robotic genitalia? Is the crucifix phallic, the rosary
vaginal? Do you prefer genital icons, other anatomical forms, abstractions?
Would you like to kill any art critics, gossipers, politicos, aliens, me??
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# Religion Meets Revelry In Festival. MANAGUA (Reuters) Josefa Vega danced
  along Managua's streets behind the tiny figure of her patron saint in the
  culmination of Nicaragua's annual bacchanal known as the festival of Santo
  Domingo. http://news.excite.com/news/r/990811/07/odd-nicaragua-fiesta

: Does your belief systems promote baccanals, orgiastic public festivals? Do
you dance with spirits, humans, aliens, animals, robots, me? Are you tired?
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  "He will tell you the story of his miserable and tormented life, but
  first he has to do the dishes." --Krystle Dominguez.
  * http://www.bulwer-lytton.com/99win.htm

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