-Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990819c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No environmental activists were harmed during production of this bulletin.
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# Timor activists warn of cyber war. (BBC) Computer hackers plan to sabotage
  Indonesia's financial system if Jakarta rejects an East Timor vote for
  independence, warns a resistance leader. Get your investments out now:

: Whose financial systems would you most like to sabotage? Does your belief
system promote cyberwar? Is it cleaner/faster/better than nuke/bio/chem war?
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# MSN MESSENGER EXPOSES PASSWORDS. As if the messenger mud-slinging between
  Microsoft and AOL weren't enough, a glitch in MSN Messenger gives easy
  access to user passwords. If the user quickly hits the stop button on the
  browser and then views the page HTML source, all of the user information
  is visible, including the password. MS counterspies interrogate suspected
  AOL agents. http://www.wired.com/news/news/technology/story/21323.html

# MS TO REVEAL MESSAGING CODE. Microsoft hopes to turn up the heat on
  America Online by publishing the specs for its instant messaging service.

: How many passwords have you collected? What have you done with them? How
will you exploit the passwords? Are you having fun with them? Will the code
specs let you hack/crash/penetrate/infect MS & AOL more easily? Is you glad?
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# Ships' sulphur fuels climate change. Sulphur emitted by ships may account
  for almost half the total going into the atmosphere in some parts of the
  oceans. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_422000/422856.stm

# 122 Companies Responsible for Nearly 80 Percent of World's Fossil-Fuel
  Carbon Pollution, the Main Cause of Global Warming. Efforts to reduce
  carbon emissions must overcome resistance by fossil fuel producers,
  says new report: http://www.sightings.com/politics4/gbw.htm

: Are you doing your share to promote/speed global warming? Do you emit much
sulfur, carbon, other greenhouse gasses? Are your alien masters happy with
y'r work? Do they reward you well? Will they let you live after the harvest?
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# OZONE EXPOSURE BAD FOR KID'S LUNGS. A study of more than 1000 Australian
  children found that long-term exposure to ozone air pollution can impede
  lung function later in life. Another blow to the fad of ozone generators
  to "purify" the air in your home. Why not just irradiate the little snots?

: Do you ozonify, irradiate, dehumidify, or otherwise process your residen-
tial air? Does it help you, your kids, your visitors? Are you much improved?
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# Time to Hit the Dusty Trail - Burning Man or Bust. The elaborate art inst-
  allations that appear in the Nevada desert once a year don't get there by
  themselves. It's a long and dusty road, it's a hot and a heavy load. See

: Have you run naked across a desert playa under a burning sky, chased by
hot demons and cold aliens? Have you taken many drugs? Have you made art??
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# US farmers in GM revolution. (BBC) Almost all processed food in the US
  could soon contain genetically modified ingredients, but unlike European
  consumers Americans do not seem to care. Just gimmee a cheap Big Mac:

: What's your favorite genetically-modified food? Do you eat a lot of it? Do
you only eat GM foods? Are you much improved? Have you mutated much? Where?
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# GPS Users Get Final Warning. The US Coast Guard tells users of the Global
  Positioning System to use alternative navigation when the satellite-based
  system turns to zero next week. Dust off the sextant, compass, star-chart:

# And: GPS Satellite Rollover -- Ten Things You Could Lose:

: Are you going anywhere? Will you get there? Are you lost yet? Why wait??
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# WAR IS VIRTUAL HELL. If you thought Saving Pvt Ryan was the most realistic
  war movie ever made, just imagine what'll happen when the US Army teams up
  with the USC film school. Cue the warbots, get that virtual bloodbaths set
  up, roll'em: http://www.wired.com/news/news/technology/story/21329.html

# CYBER-SCHOOL'S NEVER OUT. In the Information Age, you may graduate, but
  y'll never stop learning. A leading authority on adult education predicts
  the classroom of the future will exist online. No more teachers' dirty
  looks: http://www.wired.com/news/news/culture/story/21328.html

# A VIRTUAL UNDERWATER PARK. In Italy's first marine theme park, visitors
  will swim in VR waterbeds, use hand-held computers to learn about fish,
  and watch giant 3-D movies. See Moby Dick & killer giant squids from the
  inside: http://www.wired.com/news/news/culture/story/21333.html

: Do you prefer virtual wars, virtual schools, virtual parks, virtual scams?
What virtual worlds would you like to explore, colonize, exploit, ravage??
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>From ResearchBuzz: < http://www.researchbuzz.com/news/ >

@ DejaNews has a wizard now that helps you set up links from your site to
  searches or individual posts. http://deja.com/info/linkback_wizard.shtml

@ Northern Light announced yesterday that it intends to keep running
  http://www.usgovsearch.com despite recent reports that the Dept of
  Commerce intends to shut down the National Technical Information
  Services (NTIS) with whom Northern Light developed the service.

@ Popular Science has a 50 Best of the Web article covering science sites.
  More than 50 are needed: http://www.popsci.com/context/features/bow99/
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  "Why do I feel so trapped on this planet? Rupert Murdoch!
   Big daddy of the hoaxing mutants." --Twonky

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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