(c) (8/26/99) Ian Williams Goddard

  In addition to recently uncovered pyrotechnic
  projectiles in debris from the Waco fire, The
  Washington Post reports that there's also video
  which supposedly shows a helicopter firing down
  into the Davidian church on the last day of the
  Waco siege. It's been said that such occurred on
  the first day, but it's news to this author that
  it may have also occurred on the last day (the
  official FLIR video shows ground-based machine
  gun fire at the church). As The Post reports:

    "Another never-before-seen piece of evidence
    on the siege is a videotape shot by the Texas
    Department of Public Safety that some experts
    say appears to show machine gun fire directed
    at the compound's occupants from an FBI
    helicopter the morning of April 19. Federal
    officials have said that no federal agents
    ever fired on the Davidians. The video was
    obtained by a Colorado filmmaker, Michael
    McNulty, who helped produce the documentary
    'Waco: The Rules of Engagement.'" [1]

  Two days ago the deputy assistant FBI director at
  the time of the Waco siege, Danny Coulson, admitted
  that the FBI did use two pyrotechnic devices during
  the final siege on April 19, 1993. [2] But he claims,
  that they were used away from the main building,
  hours before the fire -- a claim that the official
  FLIR video suggest does not apply to devices other
  than the two devices Coulson refers to. His admission
  came after the discovery of what appears to be two
  pyrotechnic devices in previously-hidden debris. [3]

  Danny Coulson also told The Washington Post: "I only
  found out a week ago that these [pyrotechnic] rounds
  were fired." [1] That's a relevant point he made
  since I've been wondering where Mr Coulson was when
  federal officials swore under oath that there were
  absolutely NO pyrotechnic devices used. The Dallas
  Morning News reports that Mr Coulson also "said that
  they [pyrotechnic devices] were used with permission
  from FBI supervisors." [2] Mr Coulson was himself
  an FBI supervisor at the time, so this seems to
  suggest that approval came from supervisors over
  his head. These facts raise these obvious questions:

    1) What "FBI supervisors" approved
    the use of these pyrotechnic devices?

    2) Why would pyrotechnic devices be approved
    in conjunction with a gas attack that flooded
    the area with potential flammable CS power and
    its carrier, the solvent methylene chloride?[4]

    3) Who told Danny Coulson a week ago that
    at least two pyrotechnic devices were used?

    4) Why was Mr Coulson, founding commander of
    the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team and on duty at
    the time of the incident, not informed of the
    use of these devices until six-years later?

  Breaking news from Janet Reno [5] claims that she
  had no idea about the use of these pyrotechnic
  devices, which adds another question to my list:

    5) Are we to believe that leaders are placed at
    the head of federal agencies so that underlings
    can run everything themselves in moments of the
    highest magnitude without direction from or even
    the knowledge of their agency heads? Come on!

  The Dallas Morning News also reported: "'The stance
  has always been that they used no pyrotechnics out
  there that day,' said David Byrne, who retired from
  the agency in August 1996. 'There are some serious
  criminal violations if they did. They have testified.
  They have done it before Congress. They've done it
  in court. They've caused other people to testify that
  there were no pyrotechnics used. If that turns out
  not to be right, then somebody will have some serious
  problems on a federal level,' Capt. Byrne said." [2]

  Frankly, I'll be interested to see how it comes to
  pass that nobody or only lowly underlings will have
  serious problems over this. Since Danny Coulson
  implies that pyrotechnic devices were only used away
  from the main building and hours before the fire (an
  implication that the FLIR video calls into question),
  his admission strikes me as a cover story necessitated
  by the unescapable fact that two devices were found
  and therefore they must be accounted for some how.
  It will be interesting to see Mike McNulty's new
  documentary and how these latest findings unfold.

  [1] The Washington Post: "FBI Reverses Position On
  Actions in Waco Siege FBI Reveals Waco Munitions
  Were Potentially Incendiary." By Richard Leiby
  Thursday, August 26, 1999; Page A01.
  [2] The Dallas Morning News: "Ex-agent says device
  fired at Waco compound, Justice Department denies
  item used." By Lee Hancock, 08/24/99.
  [3] The Dallas Morning News: "Official disputes FBI
  account of Davidian fire." 07/28/99. http://dallasnews
  OF TEXAS http://www.indirect.com/www/dhardy/larsen.html
  [5] The Washington Post: "Reno, Angry, Vows to Press
  FBI on Waco." By Edward Walsh, Thursday, August 26,
  1999; 12:47 p.m. EDT http://www.washingtonpost.com/

GODDARD'S JOURNAL: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/journal.htm

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