-Caveat Lector-

Ric says -

>Could megacorps suppress a free-energy device?  In some places, for a
>while, sure.  But suppose I'd designed such a device, and a simple
>method for producing it, and I don't want to be suppressed - what do
>I do?  How about: I go to Cuba, to North Korea, to Iraq, to Burma, to
>'pariah' states where international cartels don't have a lot of sway.

The Michael DePalma generator is already being built by a japanese corp

[i have the theory for this if anyone wants it !! - Andrew]

The DePalma generator is essentially a simple magnetized flywheel, ie a
magnetized cylindrical conductor rotating at high speed with the help of a
motor. His astonishing claim is that the present verions of the N machine
can generate up to five times more power than it consumes. This, of course,
defies the basic law of the conservation of energy, which says that the
output of energy cannot be more than the input. Most physicists simply
refuse to look at DePalma's findings and dismiss his theories out of hand.

Yet "proof of principle" for his invention was apparently provided when a
large N machine, dubbed the Sunburst, was built in 1978 in Santa Barbara
California. The Sunburst machine was independently tested by Dr. Robert
Kincheloe, professor emeritus of electrical engineering at Stanford
University. in his 1986 reprot (presented to the Society for Scientific
Exploration, San Francisco, 6/21/86), Kincheloe notd that the drag of the
rotating magnetized gyroscope is only 13 to 20 perscent of a conventional
generator operating at an ideal 100 ppercent effiiency, the DePalma N
machine could produce electricity at around 500 percent efficiency.

In Kincheloe's cautious summary: "DePalma may have been right in that there
is indeed a situation here wherby energy is being obtained from a previosly
unknow and unexplained source. This is a conclusion that most scientists
and engineers would reject out of hand as being a violation of accepted
laws of physics and if true has incredible implications".

"The jury is still out on the DePalma N machine," says physicist Harold
Puthoff, a senior fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin,
Texas. "It isn't clear where the reported excess energy is coming
from--wheater out of the elecromagnetic field or as the result of some
anomaly associated with rotating bodies in terms of inertia. The DePalma
machine needs to be replicated on a broad scale to see if it actually
works. Though I'm rahter skeptical, I certainly would encourage independent
laboratory experimentation. While such a phenomenon would have seemed to
absolutely go against the law of energy conservation a number of years ago,
we now recognize that the potential for extracting energy out of so called
empty space is in fact a reality".

Not So Empty Space:

Puthoff, a PhD. from Stanford University, belives that a new, non polluting
energy source may be acheived by tapping the force random fluctuaions
jostling atomic particles within a vacuum.
Scientists now know that "empty" space seeths with waht are called vacuum
fluctuations: huge amounts of energy that suddently burst forth, jiggling
particles to and fro. Puthoff has developed his own theory, zero point
energy, in an attempt to tap the abundant power found in the vacuum of
space. He and associates in a new company, Jupiter Technologies, may soon
try to manufacture zero-point energy machines.

DePalma described his N machine and outlined a theory to explain its
workings in a paper, "On the Possibility of Extraction of Electrical Energy
Directly From Space", published in the British science journel,
Speculations in Science and Technology (Sept 1990, Vol 13 No 4). So far,
the scientific establishment either has ignored DePalma's controversial
claims or remains unaware of them.

Patent *Not* Pending:

No one has ever obtained a patent for an N machine in the U.S., although in
the San Francisco area alone, there are some 200 patent applications
relating to such devices. The U.S. Patent office automatically denies a
patent to any gizmo which purports to produce more enerty than it consumes,
on the grounds that its personnel are not equipped to evalute such claims.
DePalma is quick to point out that the N machine is not a perpetual motion
machine, that mythical contraption long sought by frustrated inventors.
"The purpetual motion machine is only supposed to run itself. It could
never put out five times more power than is put into it. Perpetual motion
schemes used conventional energy sources, whereas the N machine is a new
way of extracting energy from space".

Other scientists-inventors who attempted to build and operate free energy
machines have been intimidated and harassed by the U.S. government. At
least one inventor had his device confiscated by the Defense Department on
the grounds that its free energy technology endangered national security
interests. This inventor was put under a gag order, so that he could not
even tell the press that his N machine had been confiscated. This is ironic
when one considers that the idea for the N machine came directly from a
famous experiment performed by Michael Faraday in 1831.

U.S. Not Interested:

The U.S. energy monopoly, which pushes for the development of oilm gas,
coal, and nuclear power--while defunding solar energy and other non
polluting alternatives--apparently does not want to see free energy emerge
as a viable option.

Meanwhile, other countries, notably India and Japan, are vigorously
pursuing what might prove to be a technological breakthrough. (is this yet
one more example of the Invented in USA/Made in Japan" syndrome, the
outcome of American shortsightedness and vested interests?) In India,
eminent engineer Paramahamsa Tewari is currently testing his invention,
called the Space Power Generator (SPG), which essentially replicates
DePalma's N machine. With 5 kilowatt total input, the SPG is reportedly
yielding 30 kilowatt electrical output (correspondence to B. DePalma

Tewari, a senior engineer with India's Department of Atomic Energy-Nuclear
Power Corporation, also directs the Kaiga Project, India's largest atomic
power facility, in Karnataka. He freely acknoledges his dept to DePalma,
who has shared his experimental results with Tewari for many years.
According to Tewari, "The electrical power generatred by the Space Power
Generator is indeed commercially viable and shoudl be brought to the notice
of the general public." He has urged India's Atomic Energy Commision to
create an independent research group to advance free energy technology.
Tewari also credits John Wheeler, the prominent American physicist and
discoverer of the black hole, for his steady encouragement. Wheeler, who
had been searching for a mathematical theory that would predict free
energty, appluded Tewari for his effors to develp such a theory, and the
two scientists corresponded for several years.

Japanese Interest:

The Japan Science Foundation, under Japanese government auspices, awarded
grants to two universities and one company to produce models of the N
machine and to investigate how it works.
Kazama Giken Corporation is commercially supplying small N machines for
research and educational purposes . Another Japanese company,
Panasonic/National, is also prusuing this technology. Shiuji Inomata, Ph D
president of the Japan Psychotronics Institute and seniaor scientist at the
Electrotechnical Laboratory in Ibaraki, has been instrumental in sparking
the interst of Japan's scientific community in the N machine.


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