In a message dated 99-10-15 10:52:23 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> What I would like to know is which scholars have
>criticized Sitchin, what they have said and where they have said it.

>The problem with this whole thing is that Sitchin is one of only about a 100
>that an accurate figure?) or so people who can translate cuneiform, so
>finding somebody who can translate it is very difficult, finding somebody who
>can translate it and be objective-well, good luck.

Last I heard, there were HUNDREDS of people who can decipher Sumerian about
as well as scholars can read Hebrew today, plus there are Sumerian
dictionaries all over the place (if you know where to look in this relatively
recondite field) if anyone wants a more "hands on" approach to grasping the
language in the vast number of texts already translated ...  Sitchin is
unduly playing up the "mystique" of this ancient language.

I myself can sit down with an interlinear Egyptian-English text and, with
dictionaries and grammars in hand, examine WORD BY WORD how satisfactorily
the "standard" English translations render the subtleties and connotations of
the original
and, where appropriate, voice my own insights in an ALTERNATIVE translation.
I've done this with both Greek and Hebrew (relatively more "standardized" by
now) also.
If only I could afford it --technical works in fields of limited scholarly
interest are pricey--
I would be doing the same with SUMERIAN, because the field is now THAT
On the other hand, one really doesn't NEED to, because nearly all the
existing texts
of any value have ALREADY been translated (the majority of cuneiform tablets
are, I gather, routine ACCOUNTING records and the like!) and it's these which
Mr Sitchin QUOTES, without adding anything NEW, except in cases such as
redefining "shem."
Check out and you can see just how
Sumerian scholarship is and how accessible information about it is to
literate laymen.

Otherwise, linguisticaslly, here's an example of Sitchin "debunked," as I

There's even a web page for educated critics of Sitchin:

Subject: Re: Looking at Sitchin (12th Planet) and all
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Piotr Michalowski)
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 1996 20:59:12
Organization: University of Michigan
Newsgroup: sci.archeology

     On p. 139 Sitchin begins this incredible rubbish by
translating the Sumerian verbal prefix mu- as if it were a noun.
That is like arguing that the /s/ in "dogs" is not a plural
marker but means "bathroom."
     He seems to think that anytime the syllable /mu/  appears,
it is the same thing.  That is like arguing that -ness in
"goodness" is related to the Loch Ness monster!
     On p. 140 he really does a doozy, rendering as
"the bright Mu which is from afar."  This is news to everyone who
thought that zagmu meant "new year" in Sumerian and ku (actually
kug) meant "holy" or "pure," especially to the poor fellow who
just published a whole book on the word!  This is the holy
processional barge for the new year festival!
     On p. 141 he invents a meaning for mu "that which raises
straight" for which he provides not a shred of evidence.  That is
followed  by five cuneiform signs which are meant to show the
development of "mu."
     Only the first two are mu, the other three are completely
different signs and have nothing to do with it at all.
     The final sign on the left which he thinks is a conical
chamber is in actuality a version of ninda (bread) or gar (to
place), originally a representation of a beviled rim bowl, the
standard ration bowl of the Uruk culture.
     After more nonsense on p. 143 he says: mu or its Semitic
derivatives shu-mu (that which is a mu), sham or shem.... But the
universal application of "name" to early texts that spoke of an
object used in flying has obscured the true meaning of early
records".  This is truly mindboggling!  First, the root that
comes out as shumu in Akkadian and shem in much later Hebrew is
an old one, as attested by the fact that it occurs in other
Semitic languages, including Arabic, as well in Ethiopic, that is
in Afro-Asiatic outside of Semitic.  This means that it is older
than any contact with Sumerian and likewise there are no loans
from Sumerian in Ethiopic!
     Just because two words have an m in them does not mean that
they are related!
     If you believe that millions of people have misunderstood
the Old Testament for thousands of years, you might also believe
that one of the most COMMON verbal prefixes in Sumerian actually
refers to SPACESHIPS, so that every other or so Sumerian phrase
is about one thing only -- even when used in cattle accounts!
     If you do that, you would also have to believe that in the
Near East today people speak about speceships to each other every
day and we have never heard about it!   You might be interested
to know that in modern Hebrew the word to name is indeed shem,
and in Arabic it is ism, which derives from the same Semitic
root!  Every day people say, "your name please," or so we think,
but they are really talking about spaceships!
     It would be impossible to point out every single piece of
rubbish in this book, but every page is full of such nonsense.
     Enough already!


     In the attached file, a different critic tackles, one by one,
other, NON-linguistic discrepancies in Sitchin's argument,
pointing out logical contradictions such as the following:

     "[By Sitchin's own reckoning, the Twelfth Planet] should
have swung through the asteroid belt sometime in the last 3,600
years.  While the Chinese and others have very good astronomical
records over this period, there is no mention of what would no
doubt have been a very important event -- a bright new planet."

     And if it had anything to do with the birth of Judaism, in
its effect on Abraham ca. 2000 BC --as implied if not stated by
Sitchin-- the "Nefilim" SHOULD have visited us in the 1600s ...

Web page for Sitchin skeptics:

Subject: Re: "12TH PLANET" READERS

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Douglas Weller)
[Doug Weller moderates the UK-based "sci.archaeology.moderated"]
Newsgroups: sci.skeptic, alt.paranormal, [etc]
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 1997 09:00:44 GMT

On Sat, 22 Mar 1997 22:55:58 -0800, "John F. Winston"

>Now to answer a person.
>On 22 Mar 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Is there any other Sitchin readers out there who dig what he
writes about?
>JW  Yes.  I dig Sitchin.

Despite all his reading, he is still woefully ignorant of most of
the fields he writes about. His knowledge of ancient languages is
abysmal, ditto astronomy, archaeology, etc.

Do you know, for instance, that nowadays Sumerian is studied at
various Universities at undergraduate level? 
It's not the esoteric subject Sitchin implies, and his
interpretations are not shared by anyone else.

For example:

Subject: Re: Looking at Sitchin (12th Planet) and all
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Piotr Michalowski)
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 1996 20:59:12
Organization: University of Michigan
Newsgroups: sci.archeology
     First of all, I did point out that the whole 'shem' is a
sham, but here is one more go at this nonsense.
     On p. 139 S begins this incredible rubbish by translating
the Sumerian verbal prefix mu- as if it were a noun.  That is
like arguing that the /s/ in "dogs" is not a plural marker but
means "bathroom."  He seems to think that anytime the syllable
/mu/  appears, it is the same thing.  That is like arguing that
-ness in "goodness" is related to the Loch Nes monster@!
     On p. 140 he really does a doozy, rendering as
"the bright Mu which is from afar."  This is news to everyone who
thought that zagmu meant "new year" in Sumerian and ku (actually
kug) meant "holy" or "pure," especially to the poor fellow who
just published a whole book on the word!  This is the holy
processional barge for the new year festival!
     On p. 141 he invents a meaning for mu "that which raises 
straight" for which he provides not a shred of evidence.  That is
followed  by five cuneiform signs which are meant to show the
development of "mu."  Only the first two are mu, the other three
are completely different signs and have nothing to do with it at
all.  The final one on the left which he thinks is a conical
chamber is actually a version of ninda (bread) or gar (to place),
originally a representation of a beviled rim bowl, the standard
ration bowl of the Uruk culture.
     After more nonsense on p. 143 he says: mu or its Semitic
derivatives shu-mu (that which is a mu), sham or shem....But the
universal application of "name" to early texts that spoke of an
object used in flying has obscured the true meaning of early
records".  This is truly mindboggling!  First, the root that
comes out as shumu in Akkadian and shem in much later Hebrew is
an old one, as attested by the fact that it occurs in other
Semitic languages, including Arabic, as well in Ethiopic, that is
in Afro-Asiatic outside of Semitic.  This means that it is older
than any contact with Sumerian and likewise there are no loans
from Sumerian in Ethiopic!  Just because two words have an m in
them does not mean that they are related!
     You might believe that millions of people have misunderstood
the Old Testament for thousands of years, you might also believe
that one of the most common verbal prefixes in Sumerian actually
refers to spaceships, so that every other or so Sumerian phrase
is about one thing only, including cattle accounts!
     If you do that, you would also have to believe that in the
Near East today people speak about speceships to each other every
day and we have never heard about it!   You might be interested
to know that in modern Hebrew the word to name is indeed shem,
and in Arabic it is ism, which derives from the same Semitic
root!  Every day people say, "your name please," or so we think,
but they are really talking about spaceships!
     It would be impossible to point out every single piece of
rubbish in this book, but every page is full of such nonsense. 
Enough already!

     And archaeology -- he tries to claim Tiahuanaco in South
America is thousands of years old despite the abundant evidence
that it is mid-1st millennium.

     Here's a bit more from Rob Hafernik

>                   SITCHIN'S TWELFTH PLANET
>                          Rob Hafernik
>                         November 1995
>                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      Zecharia Sitchin's _The 12th Planet_ purports to contain
"indisputable documentary proof" that all of humanity was created
by a group of aliens who visited this planet between roughly
430,000 BC and 13,000 BC.  The aliens created humanity by
combining their DNA with that of the proto-humans they found on
Earth in a scheme to create somewhat intelligent workers for the
mining enterprises they were founding on Earth.
     This work is intended to be an analysis of Sitchin's book in
light of mainstream archeological thought about ancient Sumeria
and mainstream science in other fields such as aerospace
engineering, astronomy, evolution, Bible research, and so on.
>I used the following works as primary sources.
>The 12th Planet, Z. Sitchin, 1976.   Paperback edition published
by Avon.
>     The work in question.
>The Sumerians, C.L. Woolley, 1929.  Published by AMS Press, New
>     One of the first authoritative works on the subject, widely
>     quoted by others.
>The Sumerians, Their History Culture and Character, S.N. Kramer,
>   Paperback edition by University of Chicago Press.
>     Used as a textbook by some universities, considered the
best overall work in the field, as far as I can determine.
>Anthropology, The Exploration of Human Diversity, C.P. Kottak,
1978.  Published by Random House.
>     A general text of anthropology and ancient civilizations.
>Origins Reconsidered, R. Leakey and R. Lewin, 1992.  Published
by Doubleday.
>     A look at the modern problems of anthropology and evolution
of man.
>Planets, A Smithsonian Guide, T.R. Waters, 1995.  Published by
>     The latest, most up-to-date printed information available.
>The Foundations of Astrodynamics, A.E. Roy, 1965.  Published by
>     A good reference for orbital dynamics and orbital
characteristics of the planets and moons.
>I used several translations of the Bible, to cross check: King
James, The New American Bible and The American Standard Bible.
>Asimov's Guide to the Bible, I. Asimov, 1968.  Published by
>     One of the best handbooks to help you with the history and
translations behind the Bible.  The Good Doctor at his best.
>Below are the URLs for assorted helpful Internet resources:
>     NASA RECON database.  Abstracts of all papers published by
NASA and NASA contractors.
>     Web page for Sitchin skeptics.  Links to other interesting
>     Web page for Sitchin supporters.  Links to other
interesting places.
>     My name is Rob Hafernik and I'm not an archeologist, I only
play one on the Internet.  Since I donšt have any training in
archeology, I'll be careful to document anything I say that
relates to archeology back to some expert on the subject or
clearly mark it as my own non-expert opinion.  I do, however,
have a BS degree in Aerospace Engineering (Texas A&M, 1979)
and worked as a government contractor for NASA on the Space
Shuttle for three years.  So, I'll express my professional
opinion to matters relating to orbital dynamics, spaceships and
so on.  Mail for me can be addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>    Sitchin's work is a masterpiece of linguistic maneuvering
and allegorical interpretation.  He is clearly well-versed in the
archeology and mythology of ancient Sumeria and related lore. 
His work conflicts, however, with mainstream archeological
opinion.  He also takes certain liberties in his translations and
interpretations that are not usually allowed by the scientific
community.  His work completely falls apart, however, when
modern science is brought to bear.  Sitchin's interpretations of
Sumerian Epics and other writings describe events that simply
couldn't have happened.
>    The first thing that confronts a reader of _The 12th Planet_
is an Author's Note.  The note talks about the translations of
biblical verses quoted within the book.  The second paragraph
says: "In the final version quoted in _The 12th Planet_, I have
compared the available translations against each other and
against Hebrew source and the parallel Sumerian and Akkadian
texts/tales, to come up with what I believe is the most accurate
rendering."  (Sitchin, Authors Note.)
     As we will see, this is a telling statement.  Instead of
quoting standard translations for Biblical verses, Sitchin makes
up his own translations, based on his interpretation of "the
parallel Sumerian and Akkadian texts/tales".  Unfortunately, he
is USING those verses to support his interpretation of those
    Right away, we're in deep academic doo-doo.  He's let us know
he's going to twist the translations around to support his
thesis.  Indeed, a reader of Sitchin's book would do well to keep
a couple of Bibles handy to check up on the verses Sitchin
quotes.  Many of them will sound odd or unrecognizable because
they have been translated from their familiar form (this is made
harder by the fact that Sitchin rarely tells you just WHICH
verse he is quoting).  This would be much more acceptable if he
wasn't using the twisted translations to support the thesis that
led to the twisted translations.
     The book starts with a brief survey of ancient history, from
2,000,000 years ago to the beginning of modern man and leading up
to what he sees as the real mystery: how did modern man get
started and why did civilizations suddenly spring up?
     "Why -- why did civilization come about at all?  For, as
most scholars now admit in frustration, by all data Man should
still be without civilization."  (Sitchin, 4)
     None of the other books about Sumeria or general archeology
bring up this question at all and Sitchin offers no support for
his claim about academic frustration.  Kramer, in fact, has an
answer for this question:
     "... there was on overriding factor which fostered a strong
spirit of cooperation among individuals and communities alike:
the complete dependence of Sumer on irrigation for its well-being
-- indeed for its very existence.  Irrigation is a complicated
process requiring communal effort and organization.  Canals had
to be dug and kept in repair.  The water had to be divided
equitably among all concerned.  To ensure this, a community was
mandatory: hence the growth of governmental institutions and the
rise of a Sumerian State."  (Kramer, 3-4)
>    Kottak says practically the same thing:
>    "...a group of regulatory officials arose in southern
Mesopotamia, concerned with the management of domesticated
animals, agricultural activities, distribution, manufacture and
other economic activities."  (Kottak, 234)
     Now, we KNOW that Sitchin has at least read Kramer.  He
lists ALL of Kramer's books in his bibliography and even mentions
Kramer by name several times, calling him "one of the great
Sumerologists of our time" (Sitchin, 40).  Why does Sitchin
ignore this obvious theory of the rise of Sumerian civilization
without refuting it?
     Sitchin moves on, describing the rise of agriculture in
Sumeria and shows that Sumeria had the earliest instance of plant
domestication.  It's not clear that other scholars would agree
that Sumeria contained the FIRST instance of plant domestication,
but it certainly was one of the first.
     As he describes the rise of Sumeria, he makes many
statements that run contrary to mainstream archeology, but in
tiny ways that make you wonder.
     For example, Sitchin describes Akkadian (spoken by
Babylonians and Assyrians and derived, he claims, from the
Sumerians) as "the first known Semitic language, akin to but
predating Hebrew, Aramaic, Phoenician, and Canaanite." (Sitchin,
19).  Kramer, though, says "Sumerian is an agglutinative tongue
unrelated to the inflected Semitic family of languages of which
Hebrew forms a part." (Kramer, 298)  It's details like this that
drive you crazy reading Sitchin's work.
     While Kramer and Woolley make much of the idea that Sumerian
civilization was almost completely unknown to us before the
excavations in the 1800's and early 1900's, Sitchin argues that
the Bible is full of references to Sumeria and the Sumerians.
     Sitchin makes the claim that "Shinar" was the "Biblical name
for Shumer [Sumeria]". (Sitchin, 22)  While Kramer makes a much
more sweeping and interesting statement:
     "...except for the rather obscure word "Shinar", which
scholars usually identify with Sumer, but which actually stands
for the Sumerian equivalent of the compound word "Sumer-Akkad",
there seems to be no mention of the Sumerians in the entire
Bible..."  Kramer, 297)
     So, "Shinar", as a reference to Sumeria, is more complicated
than Sitchin mentions.  Sitchin never recognizes that there is
any argument, however, just states his opinion and moves on.
     Page 24 of Sitchin's book contains a table that shows the
development of some aspects of Cuneiform writing.  This table is
very interesting for an unexpected reason: it's copied directly
from Kramer's earlier book.  Since the table contains
hand-written symbols, it's easy to compare the strokes, relative
weights of lines, and so on and come to the conclusion that the
table has been photocopied somehow, NOT merely reproduced by
     Even MORE interesting, the labels of the table have been
changed.  Where Kramer clearly states that the table shows the
evolution of the writing system over a 2500 year time span,
Sitchin labels the table with a bunch of other classifications
that obscure this fact.  To his credit, Sitchin also adds in
columns that show the pronunciation and meanings of the symbols.
     Did Sitchin get permission to use this table?  No way to
tell, but he certainly doesn't credit Kramer or anyone else with
drawing it.
     Sitchin now continues with his rather fawning praise of the
Sumerians.  He claims they invented writing, printing, various
metallurgical technology, a written code of laws and lots of
medical technology.  He goes too far, however, when he claims
that one of the Sumerian tablets "shows, without question, a man
lying on a special bed; his face protected by a mask, and he is
being subjected to some kind of radiation." (Sitchin, 35)  He
refers us to a figure which is a hand-drawn copy of a scene,
presumably from some unearthed tablet.  Personally, I would say
that the figure could represent a LOT of things, but I'm not an
     This is a problem in several academic ways, however.  We
have no way to know what the original tablet actually showed.  We
have no reference or citation so we can go look up the tablet. 
Yet, we have a totally wild claim based solely on this
     We now come across a chapter that describes the religions of
many other peoples from that part of the world over time. 
Greeks, Romans, Hindus, and so on all get their innings.  I'm not
enough of an expert to know if Sitchin gets all this right or
not, I certainly didn't spot anything odd.  Since this chapter
has little to do with the rest of the book, let's just assume
it's all correct and move on.
     Sitchin now turns to the Sumerian pantheon.  He heads up the
Sumerian pantheon by describing AN as the master:
     "The head of this family of Gods of Heaven and Earth was AN
(or Anu in the Babylonian/Assyrian texts).  He was the Great
Father of the Gods, the King of the Gods.  His realm was the
expanse of the heavens and his symbol was a star."  (Sitchin, 89)
     Well, this matches somewhat with the other sources, but not
quite.  While Kramer and Wolley list a pantheon and it includes
An, they don't put An up as the undisputed head of the group.
     There is good reason to believe that AN, the heaven-god, was
at one time conceived by the Sumerians to be the supreme ruler of
the pantheon, although in our available sources reaching to about
2500BC it is the air-god, Enlil, who seems to have taken his
place as the leader of the pantheon.
     "... AN continued to be worshipped in Sumer throughout the
millenniums, but he gradually lost much of his prominence.  He
became a rather shadowy figure... By far the most important deity
in the Sumerian pantheon, one who played a dominant role
throughout Sumer in rite, myth, and prayer, was the air-god,
Enlil.  (Kramer, 118-119)
     Again, we find Sitchin glossing over the way his opinion
disagrees with the rest of the archeological community and
stating his case as if it were generally accepted.
     Sitchin goes on to develop the central gods of the
Sumerians, describing each one and the relations among them. 
Once the main set is lined up, however, he drops off the deep end
into numerology.  He finds mystical significance to the idea that
TWELVE gods made up the "ruling council" of the Sumerian gods. 
Not only do other authorities fail to list twelve members for
this inner circle, they describe no Sumerian interest in
     "It may be that this group of seven deities, An, Enlil,
Enki, Ninhursag, Nanna-Sin, Utu, and Inanna that is referred to
as the seven deities who "decree the fates" ... The fifty "great
gods" are never named but seem to be identical with the
Anunnanki, the children of An, at least with those of them who
are not confined to the nether world."  (Kramer, 122-123)
     So, Sitchin piles some of the sons of Enlil and Enki into
the ruling council, apparently to round out the number to the
mystical twelve.
     Sitchin moves on to describe the Nefilim, the "people of the
fiery rockets".  There is a few pages of wind-up here, where he
lays the groundwork for his later assertions that could be
nitpicked.  He claims, for example, that one of the ancient
statues unearthed by modern archeologists is wearing things over
their ears that "remind one of pilot's earphones" (this was
written before the Walkman changed our perceptions of
headphones).  I don't see any reason to pick the nits, however --
there are larger things to come.
     Now we come to the word "shem".  Much of Sitchin's
interpretation revolves around the interpretation of this
particular Biblical word.  Interestingly, Kramer also looks into
the meaning of the word "shem", but comes up with a study by a
guy named Arno Poebel that describes a completely different
alternate meaning from the one Sitchin promotes.
     From "traditional" authorities, we see that shem is
generally translated to mean "name", as it would be used in the
sentence: Sam has made a name for himself.  In this sense, it
perhaps comes closer to "reputation" than the way we use the word
"name" in modern English.  Originally, it may also have meant
"monument", a physical artifact that bore the name of something
to be remembered.
     All three of the translations of the Bible I checked
(representing the reputations of hundreds of Biblical scholars)
translate "shem" as "name".  Asimov and Kramer go along with the
rest.  Sitchin argues that shem meant "monument", but that the
monuments were copies of the rockets used by the ancient gods
(space aliens).
     "Stone pillars shaped to simulate the oval vehicle were
erected at selected sites, and the image of the god was carved
into the stone to indicate he was within the object."  (Sitchin,
     To buck this up, he goes through a paragraph that relates
the names given these pillars to the idea of fire or "going up". 
"The Sumerians called them NA.RU, stones that rise."  (Sitchin,
145)  Well, we talk about high-rise buildings all the time, but
we don't mean they fly into the air.
     "The Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians called them naru
(objects that give off light).  The Amurru called them nuras
("fiery objects" - in Hebrew, ner still means a pillar that gives
off light, and thus today's "candle")."  (Sitchin, 145)
     Well, it sounds shaky to my non-professional ears.  All of
these objects did indeed LOOK like stone candles, even if they
didn't glow, so it's not much of a stretch to me.  
     The capper comes when he makes the following quote, which he
attributes to Isaiah:
     "And I will give them,
     In my House and within my walls,
     a yad and a shem."  (Sitchin, 145)
     He goes on to talk about how this relates to the shapes of
the memorials, which he claims look like rocket ships.  It took
quite a while for me to search through Isaiah and find this
quote.  He didn't give us the number of the verse, I think, since
it is so different from the original and he didn't want to start
an argument.  
     The various bibles translate this as (the King James is
almost identical to the New American translation):
>    "To them I will give in My house and
>        within My walls a Memorial,
>    And a name better than that of sons
>        and daughters.
>    I will give them an everlasting name
>        which will not be cut off."
>            (Isaiah, 56:5, American Standard Bible)

>    "I will give, in my house
>        and within my walls, a monument
>            and a name
>    Better than sons and daughters;
>        an eternal, imperishable name
>            will I give them."
>            (Isaiah, 56:5, New American Bible)
     When you look at the word "name" in this verse, it's pretty
ease to imagine that it came from the original word "shem".  You
could replace "name" with "reputation" and it would all still
make sense.  However, if you change it to "rocketship", the
meaning sort of sags.  After all, how would a rocketship be
better than "sons and daughters"?  Sitchin has pulled yet another
translational fast one, this time by not quoting the whole verse.
     Next he supports his claim by quoting the verses about the
building of the tower of Babel:
>    "Let us build a city,
>    and a tower whose top shall reach the heavens;
>    and let us make a shem,
>    lest we be scattered upon the face of the Earth."
>            (Sitchin, 148)
     Of course, he wants us to read this as "let us make a
skyborne vehicle", but it's getting hard to keep a straight face
by now.  If you read the quote in context, it's not so hard to
read "shem" as "name".  
     The American Standard lists this verse as:
>    "And they said to one another, "Come,
>    let us make bricks and burn them thoroughly."
>    And they used brick for stone, and they
>    used tar for mortar.
>    "And they said, "Come let us build for
>    ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will
>    reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves
>    a name; lest we be scattered abroad
>    over the face of the whole earth."
>            (Genesis 11:3-4, American Standard)
     It's hard to see how they would be using burned bricks to
make a rocket or how they could even talk in the same sentence
about mud brick towers and rocket ships.  Sitchin is tap-dancing
as fast as he can here, but it's not working for ME -- but I'd
love to hear from biblical scholars who know more about these
words and they way they're used.
     Stichin beats this dead horse a while longer, then switches
over to the tales of Gilgamesh for support.  He quotes the
following verses:
>    "The ruler Gilgamesh
>    toward the Land of Tilmun set his mind.
>    He says to his companion Enkidu:
>    "O Enkidu...
>    I would enter the Land, set up my shem.
>    In the places where the shems were raised up
>    I would raise my shem."
>            (Sitchin, 156)
     Interesting, as far as it goes, but notice the ellipsis in
the fourth line.  What's THAT doing there?  If you see the lines
in Kramer's translation, you'll understand:
     "The lord set his mind toward the "Land of the Living."
>    The lord Gilgamesh set his mind toward the "Land of the
>    He says to his servant Enkidu:
>    "Enkidu, brick and stamp have not yet brought forth the
>fated end / I would enter the "land", would set up my name,
>    In it's places where names have been raised up, I would
>raise up my name,
>    In its places where names have not been raised up, I would
raise up the names of the gods."
     What a difference!  First of all that "brick and stamp"
stuff would have ruined the whole thing, so it got accidentally
"translated" into the ellipsis.  That last line about raising up
the shems of the gods would have been awkward too (wouldn't the
gods take care of their own rockets? how could Gilgamesh set up a
rocket ship of the gods?), so off it goes.  
     If you think of "name" in it's older meaning of "monument",
this all works just fine, no need to resort to "skyborne
vehicles" at all.  This shem business is central to Sitchin's
arguments, yet it's some of his poorest scholarship.
     On page 157, Sitchin quotes some verses that he claims
represent the "launching of a rocket ship", but the verses don't
seem to show up in Kramer's account.  Whether the translation is
unrecognizable or he claims Kramer left something out, I can't
     Continuing to gather support for these ancient rocket ships,
Sitchin launches into a tale of Etana and comes up with a bizarre
     "The tale of Etana informs us that, seeking a shem, Etana
had to communicate with an Eagle inside a pit.  A seal depiction
shows a winged, tall structure (a launch tower?) above which an
eagle flies off."  (Fig 78, Sitchin, 163)
     Figure 78 is another hand-drawn representation of a clay
tablet, without reference or citation.  It does contain what
looks like a fluted cylinder with wings and some sort of bird
above it.  It also contains about a hundred other things, many
taller than the "launchpad".  Stichin has more for us, though, an
amazing revelation:
     "What or who was the Eagle who took Etana to the distant
heavens?  We cannot help but associate the ancient text with the
message beamed to earth in July 1969 by Neil Armstrong, commander
of the Apollo 11 spacecraft: "Houston!  Tranquility base here. 
The Eagle has landed".  (Sitchin, 163)
     He goes on to speculate that "Eagle" could not only
represent the lander, but the astronauts inside of it as well. 
So could it be mere coincidence that "just as in the Etana tale,
they, too, were 'Eagles' who could fly, speak, and communicate."?
(Sitchin, 164)  He also gives us a nice photo of the Apollo 11
mission patch, which shows an Eagle flying over the moon (when
what we could have used was a photo of the tablet recreated in
Figure 78).
     Sitchin goes on to wind up this chapter with some drawings
of ancient cuneiform symbols and pictographs, attempting to show
that they resemble rocket ships.  Of course, the English letter
'A' looks like a rocket, too...  I'll get into my opinion of his
aerospace engineering and orbital dynamics later on.
     The next chapter has Sitchin going for the heart of the
matter.  His twelfth planet and the beings that lived there.  It
starts out innocuously enough, with more translations and
speculations, but at least one of them is odd.  
     When describing a cylinder seal, he says:
     "When the central god or celestial body in the Berlin seal
is enlarged (Fig 89), we can see that it depicts a large,
ray-emitting star surrounded by 11 heavenly bodies - planets. 
These, in turn, rest on a chain of 24 smaller globes.  Is it only
coincidence that the number of all the "moons", or satellites, of
the planets in our solar system (astronomers exclude those of ten
miles or less in diameter) is also exactly 24?"
     Before we get to the Berlin seal and what it shows or
doesn't show, let's remember one thing:  there are a LOT more
than twenty-four moons in our solar system, even if you throw out
those less than 10 miles in diameter (which astronomers do not). 
Even if there WERE 24 known when Sitchin wrote this book, there
have been some discovered recently, including Charon, Pluto's
moon.  Live by numerology, die by numerology, I always say.
     As for the seal itself, it's hard to say what it's supposed
to depict.  While it DOES show eleven bodies around a central
body with twenty four others in a ring around it, some of the
eleven have rays emanating from them (and thus look more like
stars than planets) and some don't.  There is a guy standing in
front of the whole thing too, making it hard to know if they
intended for the guy to be covering up part of it or not.
     In any case, he goes on to assert that the Sumerians
"claimed that our system was made up of the sun and eleven
planets (counting the Moon), and held steadfastly to the opinion
that, in addition to the planets know to us today, there has been
a TWELFTH member of the solar system - the home planet of the
Nefilim". (Sitchin, 178)
     This is hard to swallow in light of the fact that Kramer
says that astronomy was "practically unknown in ancient Sumer; at
least as of today we have only a list of about twenty-five stars
and nothing more from Sumer".  (Kramer, 90)  He goes on to say
"observation of the heavenly bodies must have been practiced in
Sumer for calendrical purposes if for no other reasons, but if
the results of these observations were recorded, they were not
preserved". (Kramer, 90).  Wolley makes no mention of ANY
astronomy in relation to the Sumerians.
     Here we are at the heart of the matter.  These Sumerians,
direct descendants of the gods from the skies, privy to the
creation of the solar system, eye witnesses to rockets coming and
going, didn't record enough astronomical observations that even a
single tablet (out of many tens of thousands) has made it to the
present day.  I COULD just stop here ... but Sitchin doesn't, so
I won't.

     The next chapter starts off with a bang.  Right away we're
introduced to the most important illustration in the book.  This
time it's a photograph of a cylinder seal AND some hand-drawn
reproductions of it to help us out.
     The seal (shown on page 205), shows a six-pointed star,
surrounded by eleven circular bumps of assorted sizes.  Under it
is a drawing of the same sort, but with the bodies around the
central sun moved around a bit and changed in size.  Underneath
THIS is a drawing of the same central sun, surrounded by eleven
bodies, supposedly in the configuration of the actual seal.
     Sitchin first claims that the bodies involved represent the
planets of the solar system.  Instead of being shown in
increasing distance from the sun, they are shown arranged
circularly around the sun, but in order from Mercury,
counterclockwise to Pluto.  But to say this, he refers to the
first drawing, (figure 100), which isn't of the seal itself, but
an explanatory drawing that Sitchin drew himself.
     Now that we're supposed to have the idea in our heads,
Sitchin refers us to figure 101, the drawing of the seal he has
made for clarification.  He says this about this figure:
     "The small Mercury is followed by a larger Venus.  Earth,
the same size as Venus, is accompanied by the small Moon. 
Continuing in a counterclockwise direction, Mars is shown
correctly as smaller than Earth, but larger than the Moon or
     "The ancient depiction then shows a planet unknown to us --
considerably larger than Earth, yet smaller than Jupiter and
Saturn, which clearly follow it.  Farther on, another pair
perfectly matches our Uranus and Neptune.  Finally, the smallish
Pluto is also there, but not where we now place it (after
Neptune); instead, it appears between Saturn and Uranus.
     "Treating the Moon as a proper celestial body, the Sumerian
depiction fully accounts for all of our known planets, places
them in correct order (with the exception of Pluto) and shows
them by size."  (Sitchin, 204)
     You have to really study these pictures to see what a laugh
this is.  First of all, Mercury comes AFTER Venus (assuming it's
the smaller one) or is shown in the position of being a moon of
Venus.  Next Mercury is only a third the diameter of Venus or
Earth, but it's shown a lot bigger (about three-fourths their
size).  Next, the Moon should be a DOT on this scale, but it's
shown pretty good size.  Looking at the picture (rather than his
drawing) Mars looks exactly the same size as Earth.  Jupiter and
Saturn are in reality three times the size of Uranus and Neptune,
but drawn less than twice as big.  Pluto is shown about the same
size as the Earth, even though it's only a tiny bit bigger than
the Moon (about a seventh the size of the Earth).
     Lots of other details are missing: no rings around Saturn,
no bands around Jupiter, Charon (half the size of Pluto, they're
really a double planet) missing, and so on.  It's particularly
hard to understand why the earth's Moon is included in the list,
but no other moons are.  After all, many are large bodies in
their own right.  Ganymede, for example, is larger than Mercury.
     So, IF you're willing to overlook all these little details
PLACE!  Does Sitchin think we smell like turnips?  This is quite
a stretch.
     Before explaining the extra planet and Pluto's position and
all, Sitchin takes us on a little astronomy lesson, Sitchin
style.  Here are some "facts" according to Sitchin:

     * "Earth's heat comes from its radioactive materials,
'cooked' inside Earth under tremendous pressure" (Sitchin, 207)

     * "Scientists are now certain that the Moon and the Earth,
formed of roughly the same elements at about the same time,
evolved as separate celestial bodies"  (Sitchin, 207)
     NOT!  Current theory holds that the Moon was formed FROM the
Earth after the impact of a Mars-sized body.  (see "The giant
impact produced a precipitated Moon", CAMERON, A. G. W, 1993,
NASA RECON database).

     * The asteroid belt: "beyond any doubt, this is the debris
of a planet that had shattered to pieces" and "astronomers are
certain that such a planet existed" (Sitchin, 209)
     NOT!  Current theory says the planet never formed, due to
gravitational effects from Jupiter.  (see Watters, and see
"Structure and evolution of the asteroid belt", Chebotarev, G.A.,
1974, NASA RECON database)
     There isn't enough mass there for a decent planet anyway.

     * Bode's Law "convinced astronomers that a planet ought to
revolve in a place where hitherto no planet had been known to
exist - that is, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter".
    TRUE!  But Bode's Law ALSO predicts a planet formed where the
EARTH, is, which Sumerian cosmology says arrived later.  Another
case of Sitchin using a fact when it supports him, but ignoring
it when it doesn't.

     * "How could [ancient Sumerians] know without telescopes and
spacecraft that Neptune is a watery planet?" (See interview,
     TRUE!  Well, not exactly.  While Neptune may have water
oceans, they are under extreme pressure, and tainted with
methane, ammonia and ammonium hydrosulfide.  They lie on top of
an ocean of liquid hydrogen.
     It's NOT a "watery planet" the way earth is, not by a
million miles.
     It's not a "blue planet" due to these oceans, either, it's
blue because it has a methane atmosphere, same as Uranus.  And
how did the Greeks and Romans KNOW that Neptune was a watery
planet?  After all, they had no access to Sumerian myths...

     Tired of mangling astronomy, Sitchin goes back to mythology
for a while, then gets to the arrival of the TWELFTH PLANET and
how it molded our solar system.
     I'll have to synopsize his work, since he takes up lots of
pages tying it in with Sumerian texts.  I don't for a second
doubt his translation of the texts, by the way, it's the
resulting interpretation that's goofy.  He has assumed that the
gods represent planets, that the myths represent actual events
(events that happened before the Earth or Nephilim existed) and a
good deal of literary license.  NONE of the other sources make
any assumptions like this.  No one else seems to think that the
gods in the epics were really astronomical bodies.  Sitchin
himself never really explains why HE thinks this is a fair
interpretation, he just does it.
     Here's what he claimed happened (the numbering of the steps
is my own, to make things easier to refer to later):
     1) We started out with a solar system just like the one we
have now, but the Earth and Moon are missing and there was a
planet between Jupiter and Mars.
     2) The planet Marduk arrived from outer space and passed
near to Neptune.  Marduk is a retrograde planet, orbiting in the
opposite direction of all the others.  Neptune's gravity bent its
orbit so that it plunged down into the solar system (still
against the grain, retrograde).  At the same time, Neptune's
gravity pulled a bulge in the side of Marduk (which was still
plastic at this stage, it had just been formed).
     3) The planet Marduk passed Uranus, where the bulge ripped
open and several moons were pulled out of Marduk to orbit it. 
It's path was bent even more inward.  As it pulled on Gaga, a
moon of Saturn, Gaga was pulled loose and eventually became Pluto
in its present day orbit.
     4) Marduk approached Tiamat (the planet where the asteroid
belt is now) and its gravity began to tear away bits of Tiamat.
     5) Marduk missed hitting Tiamat, but its orbiting satellites
delivered a mighty blow.  They also exchanged lightning in the
form of static electricity.  Tiamat was cracked, but still
     6) Marduk sailed out into deep space again, past Neptune.
     7) When it came around again, Marduk smashed Tiamat all to
hell.  Half of Tiamat was destroyed and became the asteroid belt,
the other half was hit sideways by one of Marduk's orbiting
moons, knocked into the orbit of Earth and became the Earth. 
Kingu, one of Tiamat's satellites, went along with the broken
half and became the Moon.
     8) Marduk continues in this orbit today, swinging out past
Neptune and back into the Asteroid belt in a retrograde orbit
that takes 3,600 years to complete.
     There you have it, in all its glory, the twelfth planet
wrecks the solar system but creates the planet Earth in the
     There is so much wrong with all of this, from a cosmological
and physical standpoint, that it's hard to know where to start
(well, you can START by laughing, but that won't help the
situation at had).  Let's go through it a step at a time:
     1) No way to know whether this is true or not, let's give
him the benefit of a doubt and assume this is true.
     2) No current scientific cosmology can account for a large
planet forming in a retrograde, very eccentric orbit.  If Neptune
pulled on Marduk, then Marduk pulled on Neptune.  Yet its
present-day orbit is very circular, more so even than the
Earth's.  Same is true of Uranus.  If Marduk is falling freely
near Neptune, the gravity of Neptune effects it the same all
over, no "bulge" would be pulled in it's side.  Pack a ball of
dirt together with your hands and throw it into the air.  Does
the large gravity of nearby-Earth pull a bulge out of the side of
it?  No.  Tidal forces might create small effects if Marduk got
VERY close, but obviously it didn't.
     3) More of the same.  How did Gaga get flung out to where
Pluto is?  It could be flung outward by gravitational force, but
what circularized its orbit out there?
     4) More gravity tearing away at things, a childish view of
     5) OK, assume this is true.  HOWEVER, after such a close
encounter with a massive retrograde body, BOTH planets would have
their orbits seriously altered.  They would BOTH slow down quite
a bit, changing their orbits drastically.
     6) OK, funny how it misses everyone on the way back out...
     7) This is just nuts.  Suppose that it came around again to
exactly the same spot (a huge supposition), how did Marduk smash
Tiamat and still not lose enough energy to alter its orbit?  It's
even worse: if Tiamat collided with Marduk and picked up the
vector needed to head for the Earth's orbit, how did it get
circularized?  It's flatly impossible (ask anyone how knows about
this sort of thing) for a body to have left the asteroid belt and
ended up in a circular orbit where the earth is without some
additional acceleration.  Flatly impossible.  So what accelerated
the entire earth by a couple kilometers per second to circularize
the orbit once it got down to the right slot?  Sitchin offers no
     Lots of other questions come to mind, too many to go into
here.  Some examples I just can't resist:
     * If Marduk is still in this retrograde orbit that crosses
through the outer planets every 3,600 years, why hasn't it
disturbed the nice, circular orbits of Jupiter, Neptune and
Uranus?  If the disruption caused by puny Pluto (smaller than
Earth's Moon and NOT in a retrograde orbit) is noticeable, why
not Marduk?  Why haven't those asteroids been swept out of there
by Marduk in the millions of times it has cruised through?
     * How did Kingu become tide-locked (one side facing always
towards the Earth) if it used to be a satellite of body twice as
large and how did ITS orbit get so circular after that rough
     * Where's all the missing mass?  There just isn't an
Earth-sized planet worth of junk in the asteroid belt.
     * Marduk should have swung through the asteroid belt
sometime in the last 3,600 years.  While the Chinese and others
have very good astronomical records over this period, there is no
mention of what would no doubt have been a very important event
-- a bright new planet.
     * Marduk, having an orbital period of 3,600 years must swing
out about 230 AU from the Sun (about 6 times further out than
Pluto).  It seems to me that ANY body in such an orbit (receiving
almost NO solar radiation) would be dark and frozen most of the
time.  I know some people argue that it might have a hot core
that heats the surface.  Fine, it's still completely dark,
nothing like earthly life could evolve there.
     You get the picture, you can probably come up with a lot of
examples of your own.  This is unquestionably the screwiest
cosmology since Velikovsky.  Nothing in his text gives one any
reasons to think that he's even considered these sorts of
problems, much less suggested answers.
     Now we're set to meet the aliens.  The next chapter
introduces us to Sitchin's theory about the people who have
evolved and developed on Marduk, then made their way to Earth. 
Along the way, we're treated to the usual mangled Bible verses. 
There is one that I just can't find (of course, Sitchin is no
help).  Biblical scholars please find this:
     "The Book of Job, having described the celestial collision,
contains these significant verses telling us where the lordly
planet had gone:
>        "Upon the Deep he marked out an orbit;
>        where light and darkness [merge]
>        Is his farthest limit."
>            (Sitchin, 239-240)
     Since the book of Job is pretty clear in its purpose and
contains nothing but the sufferings of Job, I'm sure this verse
is weirdly translated, but I can't find it.  There are plenty of
verses with light and darkness, but none that match this
particular quote.  Sitchin is grasping here, because he jumps
immediately to the book of Psalms, with a quote that is similarly
     After a bunch of additional Bible and Sumerian Epic quotes,
we wind up at figure 114, on page 246.  The explanation of this
figure shows Sitchin's childish understanding of orbital
     This figure shows a view of the solar system with Earth to
the left of the sun, in a counter-clockwise orbit.  Below and to
the right is Marduk, the twelfth planet.  To show how some
Sumerian verses might be adapted to orbital dynamics, Sitchin
draws a line from Earth down and to the right to intersect Marduk
at what is labeled point "A", where Marduk supposedly first comes
into view (at this angle, looking past the orbit of Mercury).
He also draws a line from Earth to point B, where Marduk is now
just past the orbit of Jupiter.  Then he draws a line from Earth
to point C, where Marduk is in the orbit of the asteroids (hard
to describe without the figure).  Each of these lines corresponds
to a verse from an ancient epic and the purpose of the figure is
to show us how Marduk can actually occupy all three positions in
the course of its path through the solar system.
     Only one problem with this figure: MARDUK MOVES, BUT THE
EARTH STANDS STILL!  Yep, he missed this one by a mile.  If
Marduk was seen by Earthlings along line "A", the Earth would be
half-way (or more) around the Sun before it could be seen at
point "B", at which point the angle would be completely
different.  The same goes for the line to point "C".  Now, you
can argue that he's just showing what's possible, that the earth
>could be moving, he's just showing us some of the possible
angles.  Fine, what he doesn't mention, then, is that EVERY angle
is possible if Marduk is in an orbit outside of the earth's --
Marduk could appear ANYWHERE in the ecliptic, just as the other
outer planets do (this, however wouldn't tie his quotes in quite
so easily).
     The whole figure is goofy (no, wait, that's Pluto...).
     On we go.  Not only has Marduk scrambled a couple of
planets, but now LIFE has evolved there.  Life with DNA exactly
the same as that of Earth (we'll see how this happened later on). 
We get another dose of psuedo-science:
     "Scientists have also come to the unexpected conclusion that
not only could life have evolved upon the outer planets (Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus and Neptune), but it probably DID evolve there."
(Sitchin, 254)
     This is balderdash.  Check any and every source you can
find.  I can't find ANYone who thinks this now or did in the
past.  While it IS true that organic molecules can be found in
space (as Sitchin suggests), there is NO suggestion, NONE, that
DNA has evolved anywhere else.  You can't PROVE a negative, but I
challenge Sitchin supporters out there to come up with a source
for this one.
     Think a little about Marduk, too.  Here is a planet out past
the orbit of Mars at its closest.  All of the other planets in
this range are composed mostly of liquid hydrogen, frozen methane
and so on (Watters, 126-181).  No planet in this range will
evolve an Earthly form of life.  None of the outer planets have
liquid water (at a reasonable pressure anyway), none have free
oxygen (necessary for most earthly life), none have carbon or
nitrogen in any large amounts (necessary for earthly life), none
receive enough solar radiation for photosynthesis or other
earthly life.  Of course, this is all speculation anyway, so why
not just decide that Marduk was different from all the OTHER
outer planets...
     So, the Nephilim come from Marduk to earth, just to explore
and exploit, the same way we would.  They come in ships that
resemble rockets and they desire the petrochemicals of earth
(well, you would too, if you came from a planet that was mostly
liquid hydrogen).  Sitchin goes to a lot of trouble to make us
believe all of this, but it's hard to keep believing by this
     Once they get to earth, they set up a base and start to
create improvements.  This turns out to be tough though, as
Sitchin mentions:
     "The task was understandably complex and time consuming. 
Enlil stayed in Larsa for 6 shar's (21,600 years) while Nippur
was under construction."  (Sitchin, 295)
     Of course, we lowly humans have built all of the cities of
the earth and all other human works of engineering and
construction in a mere 5,000 years or so.  Evidently Nippur was
quite a feat of engineering.  Of course, NOTHING of any Nephilim
engineering survives to this day.  The mud-brick ziggurats of the
ancient Sumerians survive, but not the great engineering feats of
the Nephilim.
     Now we're treated to a series of linguistic and geological
arguments for the location of the Nephilim's cities.  One of the
most interesting is the map, Figure 130, shown on page 300.  The
map is used to show us why the Nephilim decided to settle the
area they did.  
     Only one problem: this is a CURRENT map and we know the area
has changed drastically over time, both in the boundaries of the
land and the courses of the rivers.  For example:
     "Lower Mesopotamia, which includes both Sumer and Akkad, is
a delta reclaimed from the Persian Gulf whose waters once reached
as far north as Hit, and it is a delta of very recent formation."
(Woolley, 2)
     Of course, Sitchin claims the Nephilim selected this region
more than 400,000 years ago as their base -- when it was
underwater (Hit, by the way is north of present-day Baghdad).
     We're treated now to more and more inducements to believe
this theory (none of which ring very true to me personally, but
I'll leave their refutation to experts who follow me), including
one that will ring the bell of any devout Jew:  Sitchin seems to
think that are Ark of the Covenant, built by Moses to Gods
specification was "principally a communications box" (Sitchin,
307).  Oddly, Moses and the Jews in general, came long after the
Sumerians were dust and the Nephilim had fled the scene (or were,
at least, only in communication with earth a little bit out of
every 3600-year orbit).  If it was a "communications box", just
whom was Moses going to call on it?
     The next chapter has Sitchin interpreting more myths.  The
gods settle southern Africa and decide to mine there.  I won't
attempt any critical analysis of the section.  There's not enough
to go on.  Sitchin rarely tells you exactly what parts of the
epics he's quoting and mixes them all together as needed to make
his point.  A more serious scholar than myself will be required
to judge his interpretations in this section.
     According to Sitchin, the Nephilim were hot to mine the
Earth primarily of what we would consider precious metals today:
gold, silver and copper (well, copper isn't too precious, but he
says they needed all of these strictly for engineering purposes
anyway).  They planned, evidently to purify them and ship them
back to the home planet, Marduk.
     This is pretty nutty when you consider the incredible
expense of lifting them against Earth's gravity in rocket ships. 
It also ignores the fact that iron, aluminum and titanium are
needed in MUCH greater volume to build rockets - gold, silver and
copper aren't tough enough for structural uses.  Why didn't the
Nephilim mine the asteroids where there is no gravity well to
     The lesser Nephilim gods start to get mad, however.  All
that mining is harder labor than they had bargained for.  Sitchin
grants that they probably used some sort of sophisticated tools,
but that the labor was still too much for them.  The lesser gods
throw down their tools and go on strike against Enlil.
     Enlil is pretty mad and almost decides to take up arms
against the strikers, but decides not to.  He thinks about
throwing in his godly towel and going home, but one of the other
gods comes up with a brilliant idea: THEY'LL CREATE SOME SLAVES!
     Instead of building better machines or robots, they decide
to do some genetic engineering and combine their own DNA with
that of the proto-humans already inhabiting the earth and create
a new breed of man smart enough to be a decent slave.
     The next chapter goes into the proof of this assertion in
more detail.  Of course, there is the old Genesis tale of God
creating man "in his own image" and so forth.  Sitchin also
     "But evolution cannot account for the appearance of Homo
Sapiens, which happened virtually overnight in terms of the
millions of years which evolution requires, and with no evidence
of the earlier stages which would indicate a gradual change from
Homo Erectus."  (Sitchin, 340)
     Again, I'm not qualified to argue this myself.  My reading
on the subject, however, indicates that current mainstream
opinion in the archeological community is that evolution works
just fine and that the evidence is strong enough.   Perhaps
someone reading along can comment.
     We DO know, for example, that evolution proceeds in fits and
starts, goaded by conditions that leave niches open.  Richard
Leakey, who has been personally present for so many of the
important archeological discoveries of this century, sees no
problem in proclaiming that man has evolved steadily from
proto-humans to homo sapiens sapiens.  He presents the competing
theories of how it might have happened quite eloquently (Leakey,
chapters 12 and 13), but never seems to doubt that it happened
for a moment.
     Sitchin even goes a bit farther.  He claims, "during the
celestial collision, their planet had seeded the earth with its
life". (Sitchin, 344)  In other words, the cosmic ping-pong match
that cracked Tiamat in half and sent one half down to earth orbit
to become earth also transfered life (in the form of DNA, etc)
over to Tiamat to evolve, eventually, into the proto-humans (and
incidentally, all other earthly life).  Of course, Marduk was
still hot enough to be "plastic" at this point (remember the
steps numbered before), so the chance of highly evolved organic
molecules being present seems slight.
     Now, we know that Tiamat was MOLTEN after the collision,
since it was half a planet that somehow flowed back into a round
shape (and, despite Sitchin's claims, the earth IS round, to
within a couple of parts per thousand).  Somehow, however, the
fragile organic molecules of life managed to survive this rough
handling.  After a billion years or more, when earth had cooled
and had oceans, these organic molecules were still around to
kick-start life on earth.
     My "skeptic" circuits have burned out by this point,
however, so I'll just let this silliness lie.  (Very, very small
pun there, if you're keeping score at home)
     It gets even better, however.  Since the biological science
of the Nephilim was limited, they decided to gestate these new
slaves inside >their own women (goddesses, that is).  The
Nephilim, evidently, were not exactly into women's lib.  To get
around all this awful mine labor, they decided to let their women
labor and birth a bunch of slaves to take their place.  Imagine
suggesting this on Earth today...
     This scheme worked and the new slaves were gleefully put to
work with "pickaxes".
     So, what happened to the Nephilim, how come they aren't
under foot today?  Well the next chapter tells us.  First, the
Nephilim didn't intend man to procreate on his own.   They
intended for the goddesses to manufacture man in the assembly
line of their own bellies.  Why they would be this stupid,
Sitchin doesn't say.  However, man soon learned to reproduce
(amazingly discovering sex unaided), a feat that didn't sit
particularly well with the gods.
     This reproductive ability, evidently practiced to extreme by
man, along with man's tendency to violence and other 
unwholesomeness angered the gods that had created man (you can
see how this follows Genesis, if you fracture the quotes just
right).  So, the gods "held a council and voted on the
destruction of mankind". (Sitchin, 381)
     The next chapter (we're getting near the end, hold on) tells
of the Deluge that the gods allowed to destroy most of mankind. 
To cut the story to its basics, the gods foresaw a great Deluge
coming.  Since they had decided to kill off man anyhow, they
decided not to tell any men about it and let the Deluge wipe
mankind out for them.  Enki, however, had a soft spot for man
and arranged for one group of men to escape the flood in a boat,
along with a bunch of animals.
     Since the Sumerian descriptions of the Flood and the
deliverance of Man from that Flood by divine intervention are
very similar to Biblical tales of Noah, Sitchin has no trouble
bucking up this story with many quotes from the Bible and
Sumerian epics.  The flood, he asserts (on flimsy evidence) was
caused by a gigantic sheet of ice breaking off the Antarctic
and falling into the ocean, all at once.
     The Nephilim's superior science was completely unable to
cope with this coming flood ...  
     To escape the Flood, the Nephilim retreated into orbit
(suggesting that the flood was indeed world-wide and very, very
deep -- moving to orbit is much more expensive than moving to
high ground), where they watched all of their centuries of
engineering efforts being wiped out (they evidently had never
built a single building or artifact on high ground -- not one
shred of their works has ever been found).  Somehow, there was
enough water to cover everything and wipe out all of the works
of the Nephilim, but it "subsides" quickly (where does it go?)
and the men in the boat can get out and get on with their lives.
     Feeling a bit guilty, the Nephilim land back on earth and
decide to teach the upstart humans that survived the flood enough
agriculture and animal husbandry to get by.  They had had enough,
however, of trying to colonize the earth.  From now on, they
would only visit occasionally and help man out here and there
(which, in Sitchin's view, accounts for much of the rest of
mankind's advances over the rest of ancient times).
     Of course, there is no geological or archeological evidence
for a gigantic world-wide flood 13,000 years ago (the date
Sitchin uses) that I can find.  Perhaps an alert reader (if any
are so by this time) can shed additional light.

     THERE YOU HAVE IT!  The Twelfth Planet laid bare.

     Of course, Sitchin has more books.  Lots more books.  I'm
tired, though, and I'll leave them for someone else.


     Clearly, Sitchin is a smart man.  He weaves a complicated
tale from the bits and pieces of evidence that survive from
ancient Sumeria to the present day.  
     Just as clearly, Sitchin is capable of academic
transgressions (fracturing quotes, ignoring dissenting facts),
theft of intellectual property (those tables he copied) and
flights of intellectual fancy (the whole book, really).  Worst of
all, he is almost utterly innocent of astronomy and other
assorted fields of modern science.
     He paints a picture that is very attractive.  One WANTS to
believe it, for it explains so many things.  Intellectual
honesty, however, prevents anyone with common sense, access to
archeological and astronomical data and the ability to read from
taking his book seriously.  In the end, he's just another nut
making a living selling books that treat folks to a tale they
WANT to believe in.


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