-Caveat Lector-

> ** Original Subject: SNET: Fwd: FW: #4 from the United Nations Conference in Bonn, 
> ** Original Sender: "EAGLEFLIGHT--uSTC--\"David E. Rydel\"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ** Original Date: Fri, 05 Nov 1999 17:50:51 -0500

> ** Original Message follows...

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

>Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]@fixme
>From: "Paul Graham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: FW: #4 from the United Nations Conference in Bonn, Germany
>Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 11:57:06 -0600
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook CWS, Build 9.0.2212 (4.71.2419.0)
>Importance: Normal
>From: "Cathie L. Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: #4 from Bonn, Germany
>Sender: "Cathie L. Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>United Nations Conference in Bonn, Germany
>UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
>Fifth Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 5)
>For Immediate Release
>Contact: Cathie Adams ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>November 1, 1999
>The World Council of Churches Preaches a New "Earth Gospel"
>I attended a worship service on Sunday organized by the Protestant Churches
>of Germany with participation by Klaus Topfer, the UN Environment Program
>(UNEP) executive director, and members of the World Council of Churches
>(WCC) to the Conference of the Parties 5 (COP5) in Bonn. The WCC Program
>based in Geneva, Switzerland, parallels the prophetic "one-world religion"
>with its three-pronged agenda: justice, peace and creation.
>Following a magnificent musical prelude, the pastor cited Philippians
>2.:12, exhorting us to "continue to work out your salvation with fear and
>trembling" in the context of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
>(UNFCCC) meeting in Bonn.
>"God's creation is being damaged," he said, which is "one of the greatest
>threats to human existence. The WCC is involved because the threat is
>deeply spiritual and rooted in the Bible. We believe they have deep ethical
>and religious ramifications; we must recognize this because it is a matter
>of justice and love. Love," he continued, "for one another and for the
>earth. War, materialism and consumerism are problems," he claimed, but,
>"happy are those who are humble. We are deeply concerned about the danger
>of climate change. May God the Creator listen to our prayers," he
>He then reviewed the evolution of the UNFCCC. Since its beginning in Rio de
>Janeiro in 1992, the UN has held follow-up meetings in Berlin in 1995,
>Geneva in 1996, Kyoto in 1997, Buenos Aires in 1998 and now in Bonn to
>debate the mechanisms for implementation of the Kyoto Protocol.
>Unwittingly, the pastor preached the new "earth gospel" that industrialized
>countries are doing harm to the environment and that the world needs a
>far-reaching policy to achieve social and environmental "justice."
>Industrialized countries must scale back our standard of living (become
>humble) in order to save the earth.
>The WCC has co-opted unsuspecting churches in their mission to save the
>earth while they have chosen to be mute about the annual holocaust of 1.5
>million human babies created in the image of God! The UN spews its
>propaganda that the earth's carrying capacity (population explosion) has
>reached 6 billion people, although they cannot substantiate their numbers
>nor do they know how many people the earth's resources can provide for.

>Fertility rates in most "industrialized" countries are below replacement:
>2.1 children per woman. The UN contends, however, that if the fertility
>rate in "developing" countries drops to 2.2 children per woman, the world's
>population would reach 8.9 billion by 2050 (The Dallas Morning News,
>"Population problem hasn't been solved," September 11, 1999). These UN
>numbers require more faith than is required by any of the world's
>Regardless, the world's largest human genocide organization, Planned
>Parenthood (PP), preaches the UN message that "Americans gobble up 33% of
>the world's energy and produce 25% of its solid waste." Their summer 1999
>West Texas newsletter states that "[w]e have real challenges ahead of us
>with 6 billion people, including educating the increasing numbers of
>children, creating jobs for swelling ranks of young job seekers and dealing
>with the environmental effects of population growth such as deforestation,
>soil erosion and falling water tables." To the contrary, only about 5% of
>America's lands are developed and 75% of the U.S. population lives on only
>3.5% of our land. More than five times as much land is set aside in
>national parks, wilderness areas, federal forests and federal grazing lands
>than has been developed (Investor's Business Daily, September 21, 1999, by
>H. Sterling Burnett, NCPA)
>It is fascinating that the UN, the World Council of Churches and Planned
>Parenthood preach the same "earth gospel" that places more value on tigers
>and elephants than on humans. In September, for example, the UNEP reported
>that representatives from 147 countries met in Lisbon to strengthen
>international protections for the tiger and consider the status of a
>program allowing controlled trade in elephant ivory. In contrast,
>billionaires Bill Gates, Ted Turner, George Soros and Warren Buffett are
>contributing a lot of their wealth to the cause of the environment and
>population programs aimed at limiting/destroying humans
>"The Ecologist" magazine, March/April 1999 edition expounds on the
>spiritual aspects of the radical environmentalists in an article entitled,
>"Gaia's Fever." Gaia is a female pagan deity name for the earth. The
>article contends that man's industrial activities cause the earth to warm
>and that mankind should not wait for "all the details in order to act"
>claiming scientific proof of global warming is unnecessary. Gaia's
>lifespan, they contend, is ten billion years, with at least another five
>billion to go. If we do not act now, they claim, it "could be the end of
>civilization for us."
>An advertisement inside the magazine's cover promotes a new book entitled,
>"The Way, An Ecological World-View" by Edward Goldsmith
>(http://www.uga.edu/ugapress) which puts the issue into a nutshell. Gilles
>MacBain of Common Ground said about the book: "One of those books, like
>Darwin's Origin of Species or Karl Marx's Das Kapital, that is going to
>change the world we live in." If his assessment is true, then the radical
>environmentalists have surpassed Marx who convinced too many that there was

>no God and that man's innate goodness could equitably distribute wealth.
>The new "earth gospel" teaches that the God-ordained church is to condone
>wealth redistribution and abortion/genocide in order to save the earth.
>Christians do have a responsibility to care for our environment because God
>uses it to profit our health and welfare. Our responsibility, however, is
>first to human beings because we, including the pre-born, are eternal
>beings. The new "earth gospel" demands faith in MAN, that he CAN change the
>earth's climate, rather than in Creator God. Their rhetoric about
>hurricanes and melting glaciers makes me wonder what part of climate change
>is causing earthquakes in various places!
>In Matthew 16:2-3, Jesus told religious leaders who were testing Him by
>asking for a sign from heaven, "When evening comes, you say, 'It will be
>fair weather, for the sky is red,' and in the morning, 'Today it will be
>stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.' You know how to interpret the
>appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. A
>wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign, but none will
>be given it except the sign of Jonah."
>This "wicked and adulterous generation" is meeting to develop rules and
>mechanisms to implement the Kyoto Protocol, allegedly to save the earth,
>rather than to seek and obey the Creator God. Let us, instead, be more
>concerned about the climate inside the hearts of men. Those of us who place
>our faith and hope in Jesus-- who was born of a virgin, died on a cross and
>arose from the dead--will be saved from eternal destruction. As for the
>earth, it will be done away with, by the hand of God, not of men. The
>church has better things to do; we have an entire world of peoples to
>-- 30 --

          EAGLEFLIGHT                David E. Rydel
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>** --------- End Original Message ----------- **


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