-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Dear Rep. Smith & Committee:

Many people have their attention focused on your courageous grappling with
the question of people's RIGHT to choose their own modality of health care.
On this and other issues important to individual and State's rights,
Minnesota is proving itself to be a Leader !

I am hoping and trusting that you will look into your hearts and do the
right thing, even though this may be opposed by the multi Billion dollar
pharmaceutical cartels.... who have brought the people a nauseating litany
of fraudulent "scientific" studies used to gain FDA approval... who have
brought the once-sacred Art of Medicine to the point where today, Allopathic
iatrogenesis is the 4th leading cause of death in the U.S., Canada, the
U.K., and presumably elsewhere.

Conventional "modern medicine" is DIRECTLY responsible for more deaths than
automobile accidents and firearms combined.

"We the People" deserve the Legal Right to exercise our Freedom of Choice in
the face of these terrible realities.

I respectfully request that you support Freedom in the spirit of the
Constitution of these united States as you are considering your vote this
morning on Minnesota House file #537, appended.

God bless you one and all!


Dave Hartley
86 N. Lexington Ave.
Asheville, NC  28801


Proposed Amendments 10/04/99 5:00 p.m.              [RESDEPT ] EL/JMW

1       .......... moves to amend H. F. No. 537, as follows:
2       Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
3       "Section 1. [146A.01] [CITATION.]
4       This chapter may be cited as the Complementary and
        Alternative Health Care Freedom of Access Act.
6       Sec. 2. [146A.0.2] [DEFINITIONS.]
7       subdivision 1._ [APPLICABILITY.] For purposes of this
8       chapter, the following terms have the meanings given to them.

10      OR CLIENT.] "Complementary and alternative health care client"

11      or "client" means an individual who receives services from an

12      unlicensed complementary and alternative health care

13      practitioner.


15      PRACTICES.] (a) "Complementary and alternative health care

16      practices" means the broad domain of complementary and

17      alternative healing methods and treatments, including but not

18      limited to: (1) acupressure; (2) anthroposophy; (3) aroma

19      therapy; (4) ayurveda; (5) cranial sacral therapy; (6)

20      culturally traditional healing practices; (7) detoxification

21      practices and therapies; (8) energetic healing; (9) polarity

22      therapy; (10) folk practices; -(11) healing Practices utilizing

23      food, food supplements, nutrients, and the physical forces of

24      heat, cold, water, touch, and light; (12) Gerson therapy and


10/04/99 5:00 p.m.                [RESDEPT ] EL/JMW H537DE2

1       colostrum therapy; (13) healing touch; (14) herbology or

        herbalism; (15) homeopathy; (16) iridology; (17) body work,

3       massage, and massage therapy; (18) meditation; (19) mind-body

4       healing practices; (20) naturopathy; (21) noninvasive

        instrumentalities; (22) traditional Oriental practices, such as

6       Qi Gong energy healing; and (23) other complementary and

7       alternative health care and healing practices pursued by clients

8       for the purpose of preventing or treating illness or promoting

        health and well-being.

10      (b) Complementary and alternative health care practices, in

11      and of themselves, do not include surgery, x-ray radiation,

12      administering or dispensing legend drugs and controlled
        substances, practices that invade the human body by puncture of

14      the skin, or the manipulation or adjustment of articulations of

15      joints or the spine as described in section 146.23 or 148.01.
        (c) Complementary and alternative health care practices do
        not include practices that are permitted under section 147.09,

18      clause (11), or 148.271, clause (5).

19      Subd. 4. [HEALTH-RELATED LICENSING BOARD.] "Health-related

20      licensing board" has the meaning given in section 214.01,

21      subdivision 2.


23      CARE PRACTITIONER.] "Unlicensed complementary and alternative

24      health care practitioner" means a person who:

25      (1) is not licensed or registered by a health-related

26      licensing board or the commissioner of health, or does not hold

27      oneself out to the public as licensed or registered by a

28      health-related licensing board or the commissioner of health

29      when engaging in complementary and alternative health care

30      practices;

31      (2) is engaging in complementary and alternative health

32      care practices; and

33      .(3) is providing complementary and alternative health care

34      services for remuneration, or is holding oneself out to the

35      public as a practitioner of complementary and alternative health

36      care practices.


10/04/99 5:00 P.M.             [RESDEPT ] EL/JMW H537DE2
1        Sec. 3. [146A.03] [PRACTITIONER RIGHTS AND
3        An unlicensed complementary and alternative health care
4       practitioner has the right to engage in complementary and
5       alternative health care practices if:
6        (1) the practitioner is 18 years of age or older;
7        (2) the practitioner provides the appropriate disclosures,
8       notices, and information required under section 146A.04 to the
9       client before treatment commences; and
10      (3) the practitioner receives informed consent from the
11      client before treatment commences.

14      PRACTITIONER.] Before providing treatment to a client, an

15      unlicensed complementary and alternative health care

16      practitioner must provide the following information in writing

17      to the client:

18      (1) the health care services available from the

19      practitioner;

20      (2) the practitioner's education, experience, and training,

21      and any credentials, continuing education, and professional

22      affiliations related to the complementary and alternative health

23      care practices in which the practitioner engages; and

24      (3) information regarding the fee schedule, billing

25      practices, and insurance reimbursement.


27      PROCEDURE.] Before providing treatment to a client, an

28      unlicensed complementary and alternative health care

29      practitioner must inform the client of the following-.

30      (1) the nature and purpose of the proposed treatment or

31      procedure;

32      (2) the benefits that may most likely be expected from the

33      proposed treatment or procedure; and

34      (3) the significant risks and side effects associated with

35      the proposed treatment or procedure.

36      Subd. 3. [DISCLOSURE AND NOTICE FORM.] Before providing
10/04/99 5:00 p.m.              [RESDEPT I EL/JMW H537DE2

1       treatment to a client, an unlicensed complementary and

2       alternative health care practitioner must provide the following

3       disclosure and notice form to the client.

4       "Before providing treatment, an unlicensed complementary

5       and alternative health care practitioner must provide clients

6       with written information about the practitioner's education,

7       experience, and training; the services the practitioner

8       provides; and information regarding fees, billings, and

9       insurance reimbursement.  The practitioner must also discuss

10      with clients the nature and purpose of the proposed treatment,

11      the benefits that may most likely be expected; and the

12      significant risks and side effects associated with the treatment.





17      The practices of an unlicensed complementary and

18      alternative health care practitioner do not constitute a

19      diagnosis from a licensed physician, chiropractor, or

20      acupuncture practitioner.  If a client desires a diagnosis from

21      a licensed physician, chiropractor, or acupuncture practitioner,

22      or services from a physician, chiropractor, nurse, osteopath,

23      physical therapist, dietitian, nutritionist, acupuncture

24      practitioner, or any other type of health care provider, the

25      client may seek such services at any time.

26      Health care records and communications and transactions

27      with the practitioner shall be kept confidential, unless the

28      records are released according to written authorization from the

29      client or as otherwise provided by law."


31      LIMITED.]

32      (a) No civil remedy or disciplinary action may be sought or

33      imposed against an unlicensed complementary and alternative

34      health care practitioner by the state, a political subdivision

35      of the state, or a health-related licensing board based on

36      section 214.11 or 214.131 unless the state, political


10/04/99 5:00 p.m.               [RESDEPT ] EL/JMW H537DE---

1       subdivision, or health-related licensing board can demonstrate

2       by a preponderance of the evidence that:
3       (1) one of the following criteria is met:
4       (i) there was no informed consent by the client before
5       treatment was provia@l@
6       (ii) the practitioner failed to provide the client with all
7       of the notices and disclosures required under section 146A.04;
8  or
9       (iii) the treatment method, when used by the client as

10      directed, caused significant, direct, physical or mental harm;

11      the harm occurred as a result of the complementary and

.12     alternative health care practice; and the client would not have

13      otherwise suffered the harm; and

14      (2) continued provision of complementary and alternative

15      health care practices by the practitioner would create an

16      imminent risk of harm to others and the potential for harm is

17      recognizeable and not remote.

18      (b) In any civil or disciplinary proceeding against an

19      unlicensed complementary and alternative health care

20      practitioner, engaging in complementary and alternative health

21      care practices shall not constitute an imminent risk of harm per

22      se or the unlawful practice of medicine under section 147.081,

23      subdivision 3, clause (3).

24      (c) No criminal sanction may be sought or imposed against

25      an unlicensed complementary and alternative health care

26      practitioner by the state, a political subdivision of the state,

27      or a health-related licensing board for practicing medicine

28      without a license under section 147.081, subdivision 3, clause
29   (3).
30      (d) A client's delay of the use of conventional medical

31      care to receive complementary and alternative health care

32      practices may not be considered evidence of harm per se.


34      Subdivision 1. [PROHIBITED CONDUCT.] An unlicensed

35      complementary and alternative health care practitioner is

36      prohibited from engaging in the following conduct:


10/04/99 5:00 p.m.               [RESDEPT ] EL/JMW H537DE2
1       (1) engaging in sexual conduct with a client unless the
2       client is the practitioner's spouse or current or former sexual
3       partner, engaging in any behavior that is seductive or sexually
4       demeaning to a clienti or engaging in sexual exploitation of a
5       client;
6       (2) improper or unauthorized personal or other use of any
7       legend drugs as defined in section 151.01 or any controlled
8       substances as defined in section 152.01;
9       (3) revealing a confidential communication from or relating

10      to a client without the client's express written authorization;

11      or

12      (4) splitting fees or promising to pay a portion of a fee

13      to anyone other than for services rendered to a client by

14      another health care practitioner.

15      Subd. 2. [PROHIBITED PRACTICE.] An unlicensed

16      complementary and alternative health care practitioner is

17      prohibited from engaging in complementary and alternative health

18      care practices if the practitioner:

19      (1) was convicted of a crime within the past five years,

20      including a finding or verdict of guilt, an admission of guilt,

21      or a no contest plea, in any court in Minnesota or any other

22      jurisdiction in the United States, reasonably related to

23      engaging in complementary and alternative health care

24      practices.  Conviction, as used in this clause, includes a

25      conviction of an offense which, if committed in this state,

26      would be deemed a felony or gross misdemeanor without regard to

27      its designation elsewhere, or a criminal proceeding where a

28      finding or verdict of guilty is made or returned but the

29      adjudication of guilt is either withheld or not entered;

30      (2) was convicted of criminal acts against persons within

31      the past five years.  For purposes of this clause, a crime

32      against a person means violations of the following: sections

33      609.185; 609.19; 609.195; 609.20; 609.205; 609.21; 609.215;

34      609.221; 609.222; 609.223; 609.224; 609.2242; 609.23; 609.231;

35      609.2325; 609.233; 609.2335; 609.235; 609.24; 609.245; 609.25;

36      609.255; 609.26, subdivision 1, clause (1) or (2); 609.265;


10/04/99 5:00 p.m.                [RESDEPT ] EL/JMW H537DE2

1       609.342; 609.343; 609.344; 609.345; 609.365; 609.498,

2       subdivision 1; 609.50, subdivision 1, clause (1); 609.561;_

3       609.562; 609.595; and 609.72, subdivision 3; or

4         (3) is currently adjudicated as mentally incompetent or as

5       a person who is dangerous to self, or is currently adjudicated

6       pursuant to chapter 253B as chemically dependent, mentally

7       retarded, mentally ill and dangerous to the public, or a sexual

8       psychopathic personality or sexually dangerous person.

9         Subd. 3. [ENFORCEMENT.] A city attorney or county attorney

10      may enforce any provision of subdivision 1 or 2 by taking one or

11      more of the following actions against any unlicensed

12      complementary and alternative health care practitioner who

13      violates any provision of subdivision 1 or 2:

14      (1) seek a civil penalty against the practitioner, not to

15      exceed $10,000 for each separate violation; or

16.     (2) seek injunctive relief to enjoin, limit, or condition

17      the practitioner's complementary and alternative health care

18      practices.

19      Sec. 7. [146A.07] [CIVIL ACTION; DUTY AND STANDARD OF

20      CARE.]

21      Nothing in sections 146A.01 to 146A.07 relieves an

22      unlicensed complementary and alternative health care

23      practitioner from liability for the professional's torts.  In

24      any civil action against an unlicensed complementary and

25      alternative health care practitioner regarding complementary and

26      alternative health care practices, the duty of the complementary

27      and alternative health care practitioner is to exercise that

28      degree of care, knowledge, and skill ordinarily possessed by a

29      person with that education, experience, and credentials in the

30      health care practice the practitioner is providing.  A cause of

31      action against such practitioners shall be based upon a standard

32      of care that reflects the standard practiced by other unlicensed

33      complementary and alternative health care practitioners with

34      similar education, experience, and credentials in the

35      complementary and alternative health care practice that the

36      practitioner has provided, and who are practicing under like

10/04/99 5:00 P.M.              [RESDEPT j EL/JMW H537DE2

1       circumstances.

2        Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 1999 Supplement, section

3       147.09, is amended to read:

4        147.09 [EXEMPTIONS.]

5        Section 147.081 does not apply to, control, prevent or

6       restrict the practice, service, or activities of:

7        (1) A person who is a commissioned medical officer of, a

8       member of, or employed by, the armed forces of the United

        States, the United States Public Health Service, the Veterans

10      Administration, any federal institution or any federal agency

11      while engaged in the performance of official duties within this

12      state, if the person is licensed elsewhere.

13      (2) A licensed physician from a state or country who is in

14      actual consultation here.

15      (3) A licensed or registered physician who treats the

16      physician's home state patients or other participating patients

17      while the physicians and those patients are participating

18      together in outdoor recreation in this state as defined by

19      section 86A.03, subdivision 3. A physician shall first register

20      with the board on a form developed by the board for that

21      purpose.  The board shall not be required to promulgate the

22      contents of that form by rule.  No fee shall be charged for this

23      registration.

24      (4) A student practicing under the direct supervision of a

25      preceptor while the student is enrolled in and regularly

26      attending a recognized medical school.

27      (5) A student who is in continuing training and performing

28      the duties of an intern or resident or engaged in postgraduate

29      work considered by the board to be the equivalent of an

30      internship or residency in any hospital or institution approved

31      for training by the board, provided the student has a residency

32      permit issued by the board under section 147.0391.

33      (6) A person employed in a scientific, sanitary, or

34      teaching capacity by the state university, the department of

35      children, families, and learning, or by any public or private

36      school, college, or other bona fide educational institution, a
10/04/99 5:00 p.m.              [RESDEPT ] EL/JMW H537DE2

1       nonprofit organization, which has tax-exempt status in

2       accordance with the Internal Revenue Code, section 501(c)(3),

3       and is organized and operated primarily for the purpose of

4       conducting scientific research directed towards discovering the

5       causes of and cures for human diseases, or the state department

6       of health, whose duties are entirely of a research, public

7       health, or educational character, while engaged in such duties;

8       provided that if the research includes the study of humans, such

        research shall be conducted under the supervision of one or more

10      physicians licensed under this chapter.

11      (7) Physician's assistants registered in this state.

12      (8) A doctor of osteopathy duly licensed by the state board

13      of osteopathy under Minnesota Statutes 1961, sections 148.11 to

14      148.16, prior to May 1, 1963, who has not been granted a license

15      to practice medicine in accordance with this chapter provided

16      that the doctor confines activities within the scope of the

17      license.

18      (9) Any person licensed by a health related licensing

19      board, as defined in section 214.01, subdivision 2, or

20      registered by the commissioner of health pursuant to section

21      214.13, including psychological practitioners with respect to

22      the use of hypnosis; provided that the person confines

23      activities within the scope of the license.

24      (10) A person who practices ritual circumcision pursuant to

25      the requirements or tenets of any established religion.

26      (11) A Christian Scientist or other person who endeavors to

27      prevent or cure disease or suffering exclusively by mental or

28      spiritual means or by prayer.

29      (12) A physician licensed to practice medicine in another

30      state who is in this state for the sole purpose of providing

31      medical services at a competitive athletic event.  The physician

32      may practice medicine only on participants in the athletic

33      event.  A physician shall first register with the board on a

34      form developed by the board for that purpose.  The board shall

35      not be required to adopt the contents of the form by rule.  The

36      physician shall provide evidence satisfactory to the board of a


10/04/99 5:00 p.m.               [RESDEPT ] EL/JMW H537DE2

1       current unrestricted license in another state.  The board shall

2       charge a fee of $50 for the registration.

3       (13) A psychologist licensed under section 148.907 or a

4       social worker licensed under section 148B.21 who uses or

5       supervises the use of a penile or vaginal plethysmograph in

6       assessing and treating individuals suspected of engaging in

7       aberrant sexual behavior and sex offenders.

8       (14) Any person issued a training course certificate or

9       credentialed by the emergency medical services regulatory board

10      established in chapter 144E, provided the person confines

11      activities within the scope of training at the certified or

12      credentialed level.

13      (15) An  unlicensed complementary and alternative health

14      care practitioner practicing according to chapter 146A."

15      Delete the title and insert:

16                          "A bill for an act
17      relating to health; allowing unlicensed complementary
18      and alternative health care practitioners to practice
19      in certain circumstances; establishing requirements
20      for disclosures, notices, and informed consent;
21      specifying a standard of care for civil actions
22      against practitioners; establishing civil penalties;
23      amending Minnesota Statutes 1999 Supplement, section
24      147.09; proposing coding for new law as Minnesota
25                    Statutes, chapter 146A."

God bless you one and all!


Dave Hartley
86 N. Lexington Ave.
Asheville, NC  28801


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