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Date: Thu, 15 Sep 1994 09:43:13 -0500
From: Kirby Cundiff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:  War on Drugs (Updated with no dead people)

The War on Drugs is Responsible for America's Huge Crime Rate

by Kirby R. Cundiff

In 1907, when Georgia and Oklahoma made the manufacture, sale, or
transportation of intoxicating liquors illegal state wide, the homicide
rate in the United States was 1 person per 100,000 per year. [2] Before the
end of the decade, 13 states plus Alaska, Puerto Rico and the District of
Columbia had gone dry. [6] By 1919--when the 18th amendment was passed,
making alcohol use illegal nationwide--the homicide rate had grown to 8 per
100,000.  The murder rate climbed steadily until it peaked at 10 per 100,000
around 1933, when our nation admitted its mistake, and repealed the
18th amendment.  By 1943 the homicide rate had drastically shrunk to 5 per
100,000 and stayed near that level until 1964 when the United States made
the same mistake all over again. [2]

In December of 1964, having been ratified by 40 countries, the Single
Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961 went into effect restricting narcotic
drug use to medical and scientific purposes. It also internationally
banned narcotic drug trade outside of government monopolies. [8]
History was about to repeat itself.  From 1964 to 1970 in the United States,
the number of state prisoners incarcerated for drug offenses more than
doubled from 3,079 to 6,596 (it was 90,000 in 1989) [9], and the
new concentration on enforcing victimless crimes caused the homicide rate
to skyrocket.  Between 1964 and 1970 the homicide rate doubled from 5 per
100,000 to 10 per 100,000, where it has remained, with minor fluctuations,
until today. [2]  Lyndon Johnson had declared war on drugs, to be
followed by Richard Nixon declaring War on Drugs in 1969, Ronald Reagan
declaring War on Drugs in 1982, and George Bush declaring War on Drugs in
1989. [4]

At the turn of the century, both heroin and aspirin were legally available
and sold for approximately the same amount.  Today aspirin can be purchased
at the corner drug store for 20 cents per gram; heroin costs $50 per gram.
[p. 33, 3]  The price of heroin rose drastically after it was made illegal
due to the dangers involved in its sale. Dealers are willing to kill each
other for profits obtained from such a lucrative market; junkies are willing
to rob and kill for money to support their habit--money, if drugs were legal
and cheap, that they could easily obtain by working at McDonald's.  You
and I, through high crime rates caused by the War on Drugs and high tax
rates used to support the War on Drugs, pay the price.  During prohibition
"liquor store" owners murdered each other to protect their turf just as
drug dealers do today. Today, liquor store owners are generally peaceful.
Eliminating the enormous profits involved in black-market businesses
eliminates the motive for violent crime, and therefore the violent crime.

More law enforcement is commonly touted as the answer to America's violent
crime problem. Since 1970 the percentage of the American population in
prision has tripled with no noticeable effect on the homicide rate. [2]
More than 1.3 million citizens are now in jail. [p. 24, 3] The United
States has a larger percentage of its population in prision than any
other nation [2], and still maintains the highest homicide rate in the
industralized world. [1]  We have even thrown away parts of our constitution
in the name of fighting crime. Asset forfeiture laws allow law enforcement
officers to seize the property of American citizens without even charging
them with a crime, even though the 5th amendment to the constitution clearly
states "No person shall be...deprived of life, liberty, or property,
without due process of law..." Of course if you want your property back
you do have the right to post a bond and try to prove yourself innocent,
of a crime you have not even been charged with, in a court of law.  No
attorney will be provided for you if you cannot afford one.  Over $2.4
billion worth of assets have been seized since 1985,  $664 million in
1991 alone--and in 80% of the cases no charges were ever filed. [7]

Disparities between the poor and the rich are often considered causes of
our high crime rate, but the United States has not only one of the world's
highest crime rates, but also one of the world's largest middle classes.
The religious right claims America's huge crime rate is caused by a break-down
of family values.  This would require family values breaking down suddenly
in 1907, returning in 1933, and suddenly breaking down again in 1964.
Many liberals believe that America's large crime rate is due to our lack
of gun-control laws, but America's gun-control policy has changed little
throughout this century.  There is no way gun control can explain the
enormous fluctuations in America's homicide rate.  The United States
government's substance control policies are the only answer.  The only
way to lower America's violent crime rate, short of turning the United
States into a totalitarian state, is through ending the War on Drugs.

The growing list of people who support decriminalization of drugs in
America include:  William F. Buckley, George Carlin, George Crockett,
Alan Dershowitz, Phil Donahue, Hugh Downs, Milton Friedman, Ira Glasser,
Michael Kinsley, David Letterman, John McLaughlin, Andy Rooney,
Carl Sagan, Kurt Schmoke, Tom Selleck, George Shultz, George Silver,
Tom Snyder, Robert Sweet, Thomas Szasz, Garry Trudeau, and Donald Trump.

The only political party supporting drug legalization is the Libertarian
Party (1-800-682-1776).  I urge you to join us.

1.  "Crime, Law Enforcement, and Penology."  Britannica Book of
            the Year 1993, Chicago:  University of Chicago Press, 117.
2.  "The Crime Scene." Forbes, 14 September 1992, 308.
3.  "Drugs in America." Rolling Stone, 5 May 1994.
4.  Hazlett, Thomas W., "Looking Backwards." Reason, May 1993, 70-82.
5.  "Honor Roll." Illinois Libertarian, April 1993, 10.
6.  Kobler, John., Ardent Spirits New York:  G. P. Putnam's Sons,
            1973, 196.
7.  Paff, John. "Fear." Libertarian Party News, December 1993, 17.
8.  "Pharmacology." Britannica Book of the Year 1966, Chicago:
            University of Chicago Press, 605-607.
9.  World Almanac and Book of Facts 1993.  New York:  Pharos Books, 950.

May be reprinted without permission, if reprinted whole.
(c) 1994 Kirby R. Cundiff
Published: Claustrophobia, August 1994 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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