-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000309c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Portal to notices, excuses, overflow, links: http://skepticon.pitas.com
* No archangels were mischanneled during the production of this bulletin.
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@ ETs Beware: http://www.watchingyou.com/autopsy.jpg [thanks HypCube4D!]
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# MONKEY BUSINESS. TOKYO -- There's a new ordinance before the town assembly
  of Nikko: "Don't feed the monkeys." Tourist attractions include a 318-ft
  waterfall, a shrine that is the burial place of a 16th century shogun and
  troops of wild monkeys. Problem is the monkeys, while scavenging for food,
  have stolen bags & bitten people. Govt blames it on the tourists' feeding
  habits. http://cnn.com/2000/ASIANOW/east/03/06/bc.japan.wildmonkeys.ap/

: Are your holy shrines infested with monkeys, tourists, fleas, Reptilioids,
Illuminati, secular humanists, robots, snakes, burros, hot peppers, ghosts,
vendors, camcorders? Are monkeys, apes, lemurs, other primates, worshipful?

# Hello kitties. In a country that favors group-feeling to individualism,
  two fashion-based subcultures, "egg girls" and "little gals," cause a
  big stir. http://salon.com/people/feature/2000/03/08/kogaru/index.html
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@ BAKER BOYS CHANNEL ARCHANGEL GABRIEL. We are now in an unprecedented time
  in the evolution of our planet, experiencing a great deal of change and
  challenge. However, the good news is that the shifts that are taking place
  are ultimately opening us to more powerful opportunities to heal our lives
  than ever before. Listen up: http://www.childrenoflight.com/welcome.htm

# Pope Prepares For Something Big, Perhaps Fatima, Perhaps Armageddon, or
  assimilation: http://earthchangestv.com/breaking/March2000/0307pope.htm
@ Writing Signs: The Fatimid Public Text and the Sign of Isma‘ilism:

: Have'ya channeled any extraterrestrial/extradimensional/extrareal entities
lately? Did they tell you to write a book? Has it sold many copies? Why not?

# LORD OF THE RIP-OFF: In post-World War popular lit, Generic Fantasy became
  the be-all & end-all escape device. It was so easy to write. No bothering
  with grounding your book in reality, with all its annoying demands. Just
  place your story in a "Secondary World", and you can write anything you
  want. Behold: http://www.spark-online.com/march00/miscing/yngve.html
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# Judge bans Greek best-selling book. ATHENS (AP) A judge has banned a best-
  selling book that was condemned by the Greek Orthodox Church because of
  passages about the possible sexual longings of Jesus Christ. To prevent
  violence: http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2564848682-1ea

# 'Anti-gay' billboards papered over - Homosexuality condemnations
  blasted by activists: http://www.msnbc.com/local/WNBC/714903.asp
# San Luis Obispo pulls newspaper ads over company policy on gay,
  abortion coverage: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9501316

: Does your belief-system / deity-cluster / cultural-elite promote/prohibit
specific sexual activities/thoughts/feelings? Do they encourage/discourage
violence [physical/vocal/mental]? Do you like brutal sex? Are you normal??

# Media Frenzy - Christian author sets off chain reaction of condemnation:
# Roman Catholic, Lutheran and Episcopal leaders usher in Lent together -
  Mormons, Baptists ignored: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9502033
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# Runaway donkey stumbles into treasure. (BBC) When a donkey fell into a
  hole in the Egyptian desert, it stumbled across one the biggest archaeo-
  logical finds in the country. The ancient temple of Alexander the Great:

# Also - Mummy cemetery discovered in Egypt - duddys not found yet:
# Museum admits 'scandal' of Elgin Marbles -  we were only following
  orders: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk/newsid_543000/543077.stm
# Archaeologists want anti-looting organisation - keep loot for ourselves,
  bubba: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/education/newsid_482000/482611.stm

: Have you uncovered many ancient treasures lately? Are you an ancient trea-
sure? If you're buried long enough, will you be worth something? Does your
conspiracy bury/excavate/fabricate ancient artifacts? What do they prove?
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# FBI says Chinese, Russian spies busier than ever in U.S.
# CIA: China boosts U.S. spy presence - foreign students used as
  intelligence agents
# China ups missiles facing Taiwan - but Pentagon downplays coming attack:
# Clinton seeks China 'quickie' - Wants Congress to vote on trade relations
  A.S.A.P. http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20000308/pl/wto_china_15.html
# Russians smuggling nuke materials through 9 border crossings to Iran,
  thence to North Korea. http://www.worldtribune.com/index-one-text.html

: What are China-Western conflicts really about? Whats being hidden from us?
Where are nuclear/biological/chemical/digital wars being waged? Who pays??

# U.N. peacekeepers 'spreading AIDS' - Holbrooke: "disease unintentionally
  proliferating" - yow: http://www.vny.com/cf/News/upidetail.cfm?QID=69903
# CDC detects West Nile virus in mosquitoes wintering in New York - massive
  plague imminent - US doomed: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9502354
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# MEDITATING MAY BE GOOD FOR THE HEART. A special type of meditation may do
  more than provide inner peace. In a new study, signs of atherosclerosis --
  the accumulation of fatty plaques on artery walls -- diminished in people
  who meditated. http://www.healthcentral.com/news/newsfulltext.cfm?ID=28774
  TM now! http://healthcentral.com/drdean/DeanFullTextTopics.cfm?ID=29072

# Make Way for Frankenfish! What Happens To These Ordinary Salmon If The
  Genetically Modified Lunkers Ever Get Loose? [Nothing - GM fish aren't
  survivors] http://time.com/time/magazine/articles/0,3266,39961,00.html

# Nightlight-nearsightedness link nixed. (AP) - Two new studies suggest that
  parents who leave the night light on won't make their children nearsighted
  after all. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2564826036-2d9

# Mars Photos Show Major Differences In Polar Caps. LONDON (Reuters) - High
  resolution images from the Mars Global Surveyor satellite have shown that
  the Red Planet is much more varied & complex than scientists had expected.
  Lost civilizations revealed: http://www.sightings.com/politics6/polar.htm
# Martian poles like cheese: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9499280
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  "I will not teach others to fly." --Bart Simpson

* Rev.R.Carter, ULC * http://skepticon.pitas.com * FAX: 603-415-3736
* SkeptiNews bulletins now *ONLINE* at: http://skeptinews.pitas.com/
* Fringes of: Science, Faith, Paranormal, Conspiracy, Sex, Dope, Art

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