-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

SkeptiNews 000120c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* No evil international conspiracies were hacked to produce this bulletin.
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@ Zillions of skeptic files: http://linkline.com/personal/frice/flist078.htm
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# Climatic Flip, or Blip? U.S. May Be Entering New Weather Era. The United
  States may be on the brink of a change in climate patterns that could last
  20 or 30 years, some scientists believe. It could happen almost overnight:

@ Probing the "Chemtrails" Conundrum:
@ New Chemtrail Book by William Thomas:
# Chemtrail Planes Caught on Video in Near Collision Over Texas:
# New Chemtrail Photos from Idaho
# Heavy Night Chemtrails Reported Over Indiana
# Chemtrails Continue to Sicken Many - International Uproar Brewing

: Have you altered the climate lately? Is it fun, exciting, challenging, a
dirty job but someone's gotta do it? What alien lifeforms will the climatic
changes favor? Who's paying you to do this? Will you survive the changes??
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# Hackers attacked WTO. SEATTLE (AP) - Apparently it wasn't enough for World
  Trade Org foes to take to the streets. Some waged war on the host commit-
  tee's Web site during the group's tumultuous gabfest last year. There were
  "hundreds of illegal attempts, particularly during November 1999, to knock
  us off the Internet." More than 500 people were arrested in protests - see

: Have you hacked any international conspiracies lately? Did they retaliate?
Do you still wage cyberwar? Is cyberwar more fun that trashing storefronts?

# Just say no to Web filtering - censorship sucks:
# Bank info exposed online - News agencies find little trouble displaying
  account numbers: http://zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2423776,00.html
# Oz website taken down - New law gives govt power to remove 'damaging'
  material: http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,33750,00.html
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# Boy acquitted on school plot charge. PORT HURON, Mich. (AP) - A jury has
  acquitted a 14-year-old boy who'd been charged with hatching an elaborate
  plan with three other boys to steal guns, lure students to their school
  gym and open fire on people they didn't like. Charges against one boy were
  dropped; the other two accepted plea bargains that will keep them out of
  jail. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2563462806-5e0

# Second Amendment skirmishes - Tanya Metaksa expects gun-grab heat up:
@ US Code Calls For Full Disarmament Of America - See For Yourself:
  DEPT OF STATE PUB 7277: http://mikenew.com/pub7277.html

: Do you have plenty of weapons? Should everyone? How many weapons are there
in the world now: too many, too few, just enough? How many weapons d'ya want
to have? How many should everyone else have? Who should they be used on???

# One in Three Women Are Victims of Violence. WASHINGTON (Reuters) One out
  of every three women worldwide has a serious long-term health problem
  linked to beating, rape or other violence, U.S. health experts said on
  Thursday. http://news.excite.com/news/r/000120/14/science-health-women
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# LOW-POWER REVOLUTION: Today the FCC votes on whether to allow low-power
  radio stations. If yes, it will revolutionize the FM radio landscape and
  thousands of low-wattage new stations could spring up around the country.
  Existing FM stations oppose the idea. PBS/NPR mercenary hypocrites:
# What low-power stations mean to you - freedom of expression:

# DRUG OFFICE NEWSPAPER CONNECTION: Last week Salon Magazine reported that
  US TV networks had taken money from the White House drug office in return
  for inserting anti-drug messages into their programming. The Wash.Post now
  sez "the drug office says it is spending $11.3 million in the current 12-
  month period to advertise in 250 newspapers... $893,000 of that money is
  being spent on the New York Times, USA Today and The Washington Post. And
  ... in 3 cases - 2 of them involving the Times and The Post - newspapers
  were granted $200,000 in financial credits that reduced the amount of
  public service advertising they are required to provide under the pro-
  gram." http://washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/style/feed/a4439-2000jan20.htm

: Would you like a low-power FM transmitter? Do you have one already? Do you
use it to broadcast propaganda to the world? Do you influence people? Do you
provoke revolutionary change, abstemious behavior, sales of precious metal,
fear & loathing? If you had a li-power transmitter, would you take govt cash
to broadcast their propaganda? Do you already? Are you a media whore? Why??

# Researchers To Test 'Marijuana Patch' - Scientists are planning research
  on whether a ``marijuana patch'' similar to the patches that help smokers
  kick the habit could help ease the suffering of cancer patients. Just say
  please: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20000120/hl/pot_patch_2.html
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# Archaeologists uncover earliest Egyptian temple. Excavating at Tel Ibrahim
  Awad in the eastern Nile Delta, Dutch archaeologists have found a large
  Middle Kingdom temple. Beneath this building, which dates from around 2000
  BC, there were traces of five earlier temples, the earliest dating back to
  around 3100 BC. This is at least as old as the oldest temple previously
  found, at Hierakonpolis. The ground plan of the earliest of these temples
  is unlike anything previously discovered in Egypt, and no other sites are
  known where a similar series of temples was built one on top of the other
  and which date back so far. The archaeologists do not yet know which gods
  were worshipped in the temples. http://newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9257161

: How old is your cult, your temple, your belief system? What gods do/did
you worship? Do you change gods/beliefs/practices over time? Do your gods
ever become annoyed at these changes? Do they punish you? Are you sorry?

# Japan Doomsday Cult Says It Poses No Danger. TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's
  doomsday cult said it is no longer dangerous and should not be subject
  to new laws that would put it under heavy government surveillance.

# Japan Doomsday Cult Pledges to Practice Democracy. TOKYO (Reuters) - A
  senior member of the doomsday cult accused of one of Japan's worst mass-
  murder attempts says he wants to bring democracy to a reborn group.
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  "The industrious man who keeps his nose to the grindstone is
   blessed with a clear conscience, a sense of accomplishment
   and a bloody stump for a nose." -- http://www.SleazyTabloid.com

* Rev. R.Carter, ULC * http://www.sonic.net/~ric * FAX: 603-415-3736
* Fringes of: Science, Faith, Sex, Dope, Art, Paranormal, Conspiracy
* (sorry, I can't answer all email - but thanks for your feedback)
* SkeptiChat/News archives: http://www.sonic.net/~ric/sc/files.htm

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