-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

On Fri, 10 Mar 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
> </A> -Cui Bono?-
> Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:
> >
> > -Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
> > </A> -Cui Bono?-
> >
> > Maybe we should ask Khazar University (It has a web site). The "Law of
> > Return" is one of the Constitutional documents of Israel. If I remember
> > correctly it emphasizes (Anti-Christ) Jewish religion and not biological
> > race. I think it says if you have a Jewish mother you are considered to be
> > a Jew (one criterion) but only if you haven't converted to another
> > religion.
> This is right. So far so good Poley.
> > I suppose some world religions are exempt in practice but not
> > Christianity.
> Ah, this is the Poley I know and love. WRONG.

I SUPPOSED that one could, for example be a Taoist and a Jew. But I am
asking and since you are the expert what is the answer?

> > Thus the Cohen written up in the local BC Christian News
> > recently as a convert to Christianity is now excommunicated and does not
> > have aliyeh rights. His biology hasn't changed.
> But he is no longer a Jew is he ?

Jews for Jesus said on Larry King recently that they were 100% Jewish and
100% Christian so it DEPENDS ON WHOSE OPINION YOU SOLICIT. Or are the
rabbis of New Khazaria (Israel) saying they have papal infallibility with
respect to their ecommunications?

 The right of return is only for Jews
> in the Jewish State. This isn't too difficult to comprehend is it?

It is very clear as long as there is no controversy as to which
self-professed Jews are the REAL McCOYS, so to speak.

> > These Jews for Jesus are
> > Pro-Christ Jews by their self-description but they are rejected by the
> > Anti-Christ Jews.
> Jews for Jesus ARE NOT JEWS. They are Christians by definition. They
> believe that Jesus is god. This is ONLY a Christian belief.

But THEIR definition does not prevent them from also being Christians. Why
is your definition the only right one?

> > This is because the teachings of Christ are regarded
> > as BLASPHEMY by the Israeli Establishment.
> Ah, now we get into Poleyisms. Fasten your seat belts we are leaving
> reality.

Why do you think the Sanhedrin was party to the crucifixion of Christ
2,000 years ago? The crime was BLASPHEMY...that man could say that God
spoke through him.

> The Israeli Establishment is non religious and doesn't give a shit
> about the teachings of Christ.

If that were true they would have no difficuly with "Jews for Jesus".

 They do however fund and execute many
> archaeological projects and studies which focus on first century
> Jewish history in Judea and especially around Jerusalem. They are
> particularly interested in a group of revolutionary Jews known as The
> Poor. This group was headed by a devout Jewish leader named Yeshua who
> was crucified by the Romans for insurrection.
And the Sanhedrin had no part in this?

> After his death, the movement was led by his brother James, and his
> chief disciple " Peter " who was a known revolutionary.
> > "God CANNOT be manifested in a
> > human being" is the succint explanation I think.
> That is correct. It's called idolatry and is forbidden by Jewish and
> Muslim law.

Now you agree with my reasoning which you disagreed with above. Praise da
lo'd! You have seen da' light!

> > However, I have yet to
> > encounter a rabbi on the Internet who could defend such a theology.
> It is what it is and doesn't need to be defended. Deification of
> humans
> is purely pagan. Paul of Tarsus deified his version of Jesus for the
> pagans so that they could worship something "new" but still within a
> context which they understood. Hence the Jewish Jesus became the pagan
> Christ, a human deity.

Are Christians today PAGANS?

> > If you
> > find one put him on.
> > FWP.
> Here I am baby.
> " Rabbi " J2

Hallelujah!!! When are you going to start with setting the matter

> >
> > On Thu, 9 Mar 2000, William Shannon wrote:
> >
> > > -Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
> > > </A> -Cui Bono?-
> > >
> > > By: Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal
> > >
> > >
> > > Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal, historian, journalist and lecturer, is a graduate
> > > of Cornell University and Columbia Law School. During the Second World War,
> > > he served with the US Army in the Middle East. He later served with the
> > > Department of State, and as a consultant to the American delegation at the
> > > organising meeting of the United Nations in San Francisco.
> > >
> > > Since 1947, he has been at the forefront in the struggle for a balanced US
> > > policy in the Middle East. He is the author of several acclaimed books on the
> > > Middle East, including The Zionist Connection. He now lives in Washington, DC.
> > >
> > > On December 18, 1993 Dr. Lilienthal celebrated both his 80th birthday and the
> > > 40th anniversary of his first book, What Price 'Israel'? Dr Lilienthal, who
> > > is a courageous anti-Zionist Jew, was joined by more than 200 guests who
> > > travelled from all over the United States to attend. The following excerpt is
> > > taken from this first book, What Price 'Israel'?
> > >
> > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >
> > > Today, to trace anyone's descent to ancient Palestine would be a genealogical
> > > impossibility; and to presume, axiomatically, such a descent for Jews, alone
> > > among all human groups, is an assumption of purely fictional significance.
> Maybe in the middle of the last century the good Doctor's statement
> would have been correct.
> BUT NOT TODAY! Today, it has been done.
> > > Most everybody in the Western world could stake out some claim of Palestinian
> > > descent if genealogical records could be established for two-thousand years.
> Genealogical records have been established for the past 2000 years
> through
> the tracing of the " Cohen " gene.
> So far only three groups trace back to that time and that place.
> Pay attention now so that this finally sinks in.
> a) The Ashkenazi Jews of Europe.
> b) The Sephardi Jews of Southern Europe, the Mideast, and South
> America.
> and...Get ready for this one.
> c) A sect of Black African Jews of Zimbabwe
> > > And there are, indeed, people who, though not by the widest stretch of
> > > imagination Jewish, proudly make that very claim: some of the oldest of the
> > > South's aristocratic families play a game of comparing whose lineage goes
> > > farther back into 'Israel'. No one knows what happened to the Ten Lost Tribes
> > > of 'Israel', but to speculate on who might be who is a favored Anglo-Saxon
> > > pastime, and Queen Victoria belonged to an 'Israelite' Society that traced
> > > the ancestry of its membership back to those lost tribes.
> Not bloody likely.
> > > Twelve tribes started in Canaan about thirty-five centuries ago; and not only
> > > that ten of them disappeared - more than half of the members of the remaining
> > > two tribes never returned from their "exile" in Babylon. How then, can
> > > anybody claim to descend directly from that relatively small community which
> > > inhabited the Holy Land at the time of Abraham's Covenant with God?
> Two problems here. Anybody can claim it as long as it can't be proven.
> No one can trace back to Abraham. In all likelihood Abraham is
> legendary.
> But only Jews can trace back to Temple times which predates the
> expulsion
> of the " lost tribes."
> The genetic identification of the Cohen gene makes it more likely that
> Aharon and
> his brother Moshe were real rather than legendary characters. Aharon
> was the
> first Cohen and only his descendants were Cohanim. Priests.
> The Cohanim were obliged to keep to much stricter marriage rules than
> was
> the general population. IT IS FOR THIS REASON THAT THE COHEN GENE
> > > The Jewish racial myth flows from the fact that the words Hebrew,
> > > 'Israelite', Jew, Judaism, and the Jewish people have been used synonymously
> > > to suggest a historic continuity.
> And this has in fact turned out to be the case.
> > But this is a misuse. These words refer to
> > > different groups of people with varying ways of life in different periods in
> > > history. Hebrew is a term correctly applied to the period from the beginning
> > > of Biblical history to the settling in Canaan. 'Israelite' refers correctly
> > > to the members of the twelve tribes of 'Israel'. The name Yehudi or Jew is
> > > used in the Old Testament to designate members of the tribe of Judah,
> > > descendants of the fourth son of Jacob, as well as to denote citizens of the
> > > Kingdom of Judah, particularly at the time of Jeremiah and under the Persian
> > > occupation. Centuries later, the same word came to be applied to anyone, no
> > > matter of what origin, whose religion was Judaism.
> Irrelevant academic masturbation.
> > > The descriptive name Judaism was never heard by the Hebrews or 'Israelites';
> > > it appears only with Christianity. Flavius Josephus was one of the first to
> > > use the name in his recital of the war with the Romans to connote a totality
> > > of beliefs, moral commandments, religious practices and ceremonial
> > > institutions of Galilee which he believed superior to rival Hellenism. When
> > > the word Judaism was born, there was no longer a Hebrew-'Israelite' state.
> > > The people who embraced the creed of Judaism were already mixed of many races
> > > and strains; and this diversification was rapidly growing...
> This is true. But not for the Priestly class who were not allowed to
> marry
> converts.
> > > Perhaps the most significant mass conversion to the Judaic faith occurred in
> > > Europe, in the 8th century A.D., and that story of the Khazars (Turko-Finnish
> > > people) is quite pertinent to the establishment of the modern State of
> > > 'Israel'.
> snip> a lot Khazar stuff that is totally irrelevant to the
> establishment of the
> modern State of Israel because the khazar Jews' descendants make up a
> tiny part
> of European Jewry and have been absorbed into the fold. Not as those
> who would
> cut off Jews from their history would have the gullible believe. Jews
> are not
> Khazars. Khazars are Jews and other nationalities that absorbed them.
> This line doesn't work anymore guys. The earth is not flat. The Sun
> doesn't
> revolve around around this planet. And, this particular line of
> anti-Semitism is
> dead.
> Joshua2
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