Okay. I'm not arguing with Mr. Andrew anymore, (which is very difficult, because he infuriates me) but will someone stop his posting of religious beliefs and propoganda and libellous statements about others? I was accused of prosyletizing for mentioning one biblical verse in response to a statement that he made about a certain belief that he claimed was in the bible, and my verse was to show him that no, the Bible said otherwise. He continues to send this stuff, and I get told I'm prosyletysing? Nuff said.
-----Original Message-----
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Andrew X98
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2000 11:09 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Introduction to X

In The Name of God The Merciful
David Koresh had a group of very close followers that were known as the "Mighty Men". They consisted of not only males but of woMEN too. They were given special knowledge that no one else had. Their vision was greater than most, so it was given that they should see farther. Seeing in this case meant looking into the "Unseen Reality" which is the power that sustains the material world that we live in from day to day. They were shown things that would turn some, who lacked this greater vision, away from the message that had been established at that time. They were the modern Apostles.
This secret knowledge can not be understood through the written word. It is a state of consciousness that is arrived at by disciplining the mind. Through a willingness to look at the truth, Grace is given and from this Grace freedom is obtained.
"What is Truth?"  said Pilate after Jesus said:
"Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice."
You see, if we are not of the truth we can't hear the truth no matter how clear it is. It can be right before our eyes and we will not see it. This "Truth" is what the Mighty Men were shown. They were shown the same thing that everybody else sees, but most call the truth a lie. Why do we call the truth a lie? Well, because it hurts. We are conditioned to flee "from" pain and run "to" pleasure. We want to feel good, we want to believe that everything is  O.K.  so we will not have to worry. But if you are of the truth you have the vision and that vision is what the Children of God have. They fear no one but God. Having this vision alone however; will not let you see the greater truths. To see these truths one has to be a Mighty woMan or Man you must be Brave. And that's what we are talking about when we are asking for an understand of the connection between Koresh and Iran. You have to be Brave, because the entire system of the society we live in is geared to keep you from seeing this truth. It is so plain that when you see it you will have a hard time believing that you could not see before.
Vernon Howell died in 1985. When his body came back to the United States David Koresh declared that he was the spirit that was inside the body that was formally known as Vernon Howell. This sounds strange to a person who doesn't have knowledge of what it means to be born in the spirit. Before rebirth death must occur.  Death is a taboo , because rebirth is the path to freedom. We all know that we are much more than these bodies. We are lights that use bodies. The light inside David Koresh was the Christ that is to fulfill the prophesies of the Bible and the Quran.
What are the prophesies of Islam that he will fulfill? Well, in Islam there is an awaited savior just as there is in Judaism and Christianity. His name is The Mahdi. He is from the family of Quraish who was of the family of Ishmael who was the son of Abraham. This savior comes with Jesus to wage war against the Anti-Christ. After Satan's destruction the Government of God is set up. David Koresh taught the same thing.
To show these prophesies in the books will take time and many questions. It is for this study that this list was created. We are not interested in arguing personal faiths or belief systems. I will simply tell you the things that I have learned and we will discuss them in the light of reason founded in truth. Remember 82-?  human being have been killed by Bill Clinton for studying this message. The question is how much are you will to give for the Word of God?  God says it will cost you everything. I say lets study.
Muhammad said: "Knowledge is a great treasure chest that is under a great lock the key to which is QUESTIONS.

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