>Deal with this reality from French fighter pilots and 500 other hard
scientifically validated cases.  Let go of your scifi rhetoric and
confront the integrity, probity, and overwhelming evidence of the French
military and scientific

The "integrity" of the French military!?! Gimme a break. Theses are the
guys who clamped electrodes to Algerian genitals. These are the guys who
bomb women and children in Iraq, in Yugoslavia, and before they were
driven off at gun point, in S.E. Asia. They are not nice people. They are
imperialist predators.

 They have a top notch, world class intelligence service who can lie and
manipulate with the best of them. They are not  credible sources. NATO in
general is not a credible source. Ask [EMAIL PROTECTED] how credible NATO

They also have not come up with a single ET, just a lot of talk.


 >That intelligent ET's are visiting Earth for ANY reason is a BELIEF, and
as such is unassailable since no argument I put forth to refute it will
stand up to your innate belief in it.

At least we are making progress. We used to argue about matters of belief
that could not be resolved, i.e. morality. Morality, after all, is a
matter of opinion. One person's vice is another person's virtue. These
disputes can never be resolved. The best we can do is to hold truce about

But this thing here is about belief in things that can be resolved. They
can be resolved by hard, forensic, physical  evidence. They cannot,
however be resolved by eyewitnesses, even if they themselves believe they
are telling the truth. Everyone believes things that aren't true. It's
part of the human condition. As such, it can be used by clever
psy-warriors to alter the behavior of both individuals and groups. If
humans were incapable of believing things that weren't true, eye witness
accounts would suffice. But alas.


>You don't speak for all the Celts.

I didn't say that I did. I wasn't speaking for Celts at all, any Celts. I
was speaking about Celts. That's different.

>You are still trying to figure out if there are even aliens,

I didn't say that either. I said, and I quote, "The existence of ETs is
pretty much a mathematical certainty. Count stars. Hell yes, there are
ETs. We'd be foolish and vain to assume there were no ETs. They're out
there, alright."

Don't put words in my mouth. It's rude.

>yet you are inplying you are above average intelligence.

Usually I'm at least smart enough to spell check my post when I'm
discussing other people's relative intelligence..

>On the other hand Andrew and I have both had extensive personal dealings
with Ets and written books on this. We are termed 'Celt'. In my case I
have had personal daily communications with local ETs (Venusians etc) for
years but stopped in 1984.

(1.) That's what you say.

(2.) Even if you're telling the truth as you see it, and I am willing to
give you the benefit of the doubt, all that proves is that you believe
that it's true. It does not prove that whoever told you they were ETs were
telling you the truth. I tell people I'm Nessie. Does that make me a lake

How do you know I'm not a ET and I'm just messing with your head here? You
don't, do you? Nor do I know who you are. For all I know for certain you
are all subroutines in some vast interactive AI driven MUD in which, of
all the characters,  I'm the only one who's actually human (or ET or lake
monster or the guy across the street or whatever the hell I am). You don't
know for sure. You can't know for sure. And that's just how the internet

And neither can I. So stuff I read on the internet is not ever, in and of
itself alone, gonna convince me of anything, least of all that some  ETs
somewhere give a rats ass about this sorry, backward, obscure rock we're

Forensic evidence will. I told you how and where to go touch China. So you
owe me one. Tell me how and where I can go touch an ET, or a demonstrably
ET artifact, and I will do so and then I will shut up about this

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>>It makes intuitive sense and also provides an explanation for facts that
>don't seem to fit anywhere else.
>That alone does not make it true. It makes intuitive sense that the earth
>is flat, which would also explain why

>ships sail away sometimes and never come back.
they must have sailed off the edge. Hey, it makes common snese!
>It also explains why half the time we can't see the sun. It must be under
>the earth. That's sure as hell is how it looks.
>Things are not always how they look. It's too bad, because it sure would
>make life easier. But it is what it is.


>if you dismiss ET's  . . . then you cannot claim that your KITCHEN exists
if you cannot see it at any one time.

This statement is true if and only if I dismiss ETs because I cannot see
them an any one time.  That's not what I said. I don't dismiss ETs, per
se, at all.  (see above) I doubt their presence on earth because I cannot
see them at any time, not at any one time, not at any other time, either.
If I could see them at one time and not another I would be less doubtful
about their presence during the time I could not see them.

So change my mind. Tell me where I may go and see an ET or a demonstrably
ET artifact. I wanna see, really I do.

And where's that DNA code you were gonna show us? I'm really curious what
it looks like. Show us the code. Where is it?

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