[Ooops, Here is Part 2 of 4 on this.  --MS]

On Thu, 1 Jun 2000, MICHAEL SPITZER wrote:

> Here's a post I made to another list a while ago, i.e., regarding
> the STATE-OF-THE-ART on REAL scientific investigation regarding
> the Dogon:

(cont from Part 1)

> which contains the Sun. This world may be seen in the sky as the
> Milky Way. The majori......

From: RIAP Bulletin
Voloume 4, Number 4
October-December 1998


An Essay By Vladimir V. Rubtsov
Research Institute on Anomalous Phenomena (RIAP)
Kharkov, UKRAINE

Copyright 1998 RIAP - All Rights Reserved

When studying the question of possible ancient visits of alien
beings to the Earth, a researcher sometimes encounters data which
cannot be interpreted as yet in a strictly scientific manner, but
which, at the same time, are interesting enough to be regarded
seriously and unbiasedly. Such data can be found, in particular,
in the well-known "mythological astronomy" of the Dogon, an
African people, living mainly in the West African Republic of

The Dogon believe that the Universe is "infinite, but measurable"
and is filled with "spiral stellar worlds" (yalu ulo), one of
which contains the Sun. This world may be seen in the sky as the
Milky Way. The majority of heavenly bodies represent the
"external" star system, whose influence on terrestrial life is,
according to the Dogon, relatively small. There exists, however,
also the "internal" system, which "participates directly in the
life and development of men on the Earth". It includes Orion,
Sirius, Pleiades and some other stars. These celestial bodies
form the "support of the seat of the world". It is Sirius that
occupies the main position among them, being called the "navel of
the world".

Sirius is considered by the Dogon as a triple stellar system,
consisting of the stars Sigi tolo (our Sirius A), Po tolo (Sirius
B, a white dwarf) and Emme ya tolo (the hypothetical Sirius C,
yet to be discovered). Close similarity between the
characteristics of Po tolo and Sirius B (both bodies are white,
small, very heavy, with fifty-year periods of revolution around
the main star) stimulated a lively discussion on the pages of
scientific - and not so scientific - journals about 20 years ago.
Robert Temple, in his book The Sirius Mystery [1], and Eric
Guerrier in his Essai sur Ia cosmogonie des Dogon [2] supposed
that these data (as well as other astronomical information
possessed by the Dogon) were brought to the Earth by cosmic
visitors. However, their reasons could not break through the
"armour of denial" of established science. The hypothesis of a
recent adoption of this knowledge from Europeans appeared
convincing for most scientists.

It is natural that other components of the Dogon mythology, which
have little in common with modern scientific knowledge, attracted
even less scholarly interest. Yes, this is a real mythology,
almost pure and not very simple. To analyze its content is not an
easy task, and the results are not self-evident. Nonetheless, it
is possible that we can derive from such an analysis some
important information. Let us recall very briefly the main points
of this mythology...

The supreme god Amma made the whole Universe within a grain of
po, which is the Dogon name for fonio, the smallest kind of
millet. This grain was located inside the "egg of the world", it
"spun and scattered the particles of matter in a sonorous and
luminous motion", remaining, however, inaudible and invisible"
[3, p. l30]. Having opened this "egg", Amma let the spiral
stellar worlds out, and it was thus that the Universe was
realized". Then the god created the first living being - Nommo
anagonno. This being is described either as a half-man,
half-snake having flexible limbs, without any joints, red eyes
and forked tongue, or just as a fish, namely a Silurus,
sheat-fish, or cat-fish. This Nommo multiplied, and there
appeared four Nommos: Nommo die, Nommo titiyayne, O Nommo and, at
last, Ogo, a very harmful creature. As distinct from other
Nommos, he is never represented as a fish. Instead of awaiting
patiently the completion of the Amma's work, he hurriedly made an
"ark" and rushed into space, wishing "to look at the world".
Thus, he took disorder into the young world. After several
voyages, Ogo landed on the Earth and turned into the pale fox or
fennec, named Yurugu.

Made indignant by Ogo's escapades, Amma took everything he had
created and put it back into the grain of po. To "purify" the
Universe, he had to sacrifice one of the Nommos. After that "by
whirling and... acting as a spring, the po... distributed all
things in the Universe" [3, p. 423]. The empty shell of the grain
became the star Po. In "the first year of the life of man on
Earth" this star exploded, and its brightness decreased slowly
during 240 years until it completely faded.

It is interesting that there is in the Dogon mythology another
image of the Sirius system. According to it, the main star
represents the Ogo's female twin, Yasigui, whom he chased with
some dubious intentions. One of its satellites is Ogo himself,
doomed to revolve eternally around his sister, remaining at a
respectful distance from her.

Of course, this is only an outline of this very complicated
genesis story. I am citing it here just as the basis for further
considerations. Can this story be useful for paleovisitological

Some time ago the present author suggested the idea of
astroengineering interference by a cosmic supercivilization in
the evolution of the Sirius system. This assumption was based on
the Indo-European myth of the heavenly blacksmiths, who are
fighting and chaining up the monstrous Dog, dangerous for the
Universe, as well as on some astrophysical data from the history
of Sirius (see: [4]).

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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