[Ooops AGAIN:( I accidentally posted "Part 3" AGAIN as "Part 4."
The following is the REAL final part, i.e., "Part 4 of 4." --MS]
In a recent work [13] R.Ceragioli has made an attempt to
solve the riddle of Sirius' redness in the context of classical
philology: the color red was in antiquity a token of danger. The
most typical cultural pattern for Sirius connected it with fire,
fever, rage, bloodshed, heat and other perils; that is why it may
have been called red even in spite of evidence. It is
questionable, however, if Ptolemy and Seneca were so much devoted
to the cultural tradition that they did not trust their own eyes
and took a color of Sirius' scintillations for the intrinsic
color of the star. It seems more appropriate to assume that they
did in fact see Sirius as red, even though this can have been
just a temporary reddening related to some physical (or
astroengineering?) processes in this stellar system (cf. [14]).
What is even more important, the solution suggested by
R.Ceragioli does not provide the answer to the main question: why
the ancients attached so great "negative" importance to Sirius?
Egyptian priests watched this star closely at its heliacal
risings, believing that its bright and white color presaged
abundance, and its redness betokened war. The inhabitants of the
Greek island of Ceos, when expecting Sirius' rising "prayed for
the north winds to cool the 'Dog's' heat, which in their myths
had once threatened to burn the world" [13, p. 615]. All that
fits well with the "astroengineering hypothesis", raising at the
same time some doubts: was the cosmic bomb" discharged
completely? Let us remember that the myth of the Dogon tells us
that the blacksmiths only chained up the Dog, but it does not
mean they rendered it quite harmless.
Therefore, we can suppose that alien astroengineering activities
inside the Sirius system were finished only recently (if at all)
Yet, they could have started in a much earlier epoch, even a few
millions of years ago. However strange this may sound, we have
another evidence of a fantastically deep historical memory of the
Dogon: they know quite well that the lake Bosumtwi in Ghana was
formed when a giant meteorite fell on the Earth [2, p. 1961.
According to the results of a special investigation, this infall
happened not later than 1.3, or even 1.6, million years ago. It
is rather doubtful that somebody, living then on our planet (it
was the epoch of Homo habilis and maybe of the early
Pithecanthropus), could have retained this information and
conveyed it to the future Homo sapiens. This knowledge may also
be of paleovisit origin. Of course, we should not understand the
Dogon mention of the "first year of the life of man on Earth",
when, as they believe, Sirius B exploded, too literally, but it
would be a mistake to reject these data a priori.
Now, what can we conclude from all that has been said above? The
astroengineering hypothesis seems to be worthy of further
investigation. It can hardly be proved just on the basis of
mythological studies, but such studies can lead us to a
preliminary outline of those distant (in time, as well as in
space) events. Mythology may be regarded as a special language,
which has preserved for us fragmentary data from the dawn of the
world. I mean here by the "world" not only the Earth, but rather
all our region of the cosmos - which has been called by the Dogon
the "internal system of the stars". Events, that once took place
in various parts of this region, were "projected" onto the
firmament with its visible luminaries, becoming subsequently the
subjects of mythological stories. These stories have interacted
and become partly confused, so that it is now almost impossible
to go this way back and reach the initial point. It only remains
to rely on human imagination as another instrument of
knowledge... At the same time, we should be very careful when
trying to prove our assumptions. Usually they are more temporary
tools than faithful models of reality. Thus, the concept of
paleovisits as arrivals of extraterrestrial starships whose crews
taught our ancestors to the fundamentals of civilized life and
science, may prove to be uncritical adoption from science fiction
stories, whereas the real situation was much more complicated.
There can have been some events in the history of the "internal
star system", which we can neither understand as yet, nor even
assume. There are, for example, in the Dogon mythology some hints
at the multidimensional structure of the Universe. Moreover,
Nommos seem to be not a "simple" supercivilization whose origin
is similar to that of our civilization, only the level of
development being much higher, but rather an independent branch
of evolution of cosmic intelligent beings, very different from
such planetary offspring as we humans are. It is very important
to go from questions to reliable facts and convincing answers,
but it may be still more important to go from answers to new
1. R.K.G.Temple. The Sirius Mystery. London: Sidgwick &
Jackson, 1976.
2. E.Guerrier. Essal sur Ia cosmogonie des Dogon: L 'Arche
du Nommo. Paris: Robert Laffont, 1975.
3. M.Griaule, G.Dieterlen. The Pale Fox. Chino Valley:
Continuum Foundation, 1986.
4. V.Rubtsov. Beyond the Sirius Lore. - Ancient Skies, 1985,
Vol. 12, No.4.
5. F.D'Antona. The Binary System Sirius in the Context of
Stellar Evolution. - Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1982, Vol. 114,
6. V.N.Arskiy. The Address of a Civilization? - Zemlya i
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7. R.H.Allen. Star-Names and Thefr Meaning. N.Y., 1899.
8. A.N.Afanasyev. The Life Tree. Moscow: Sovre-mennik, 1983
(in Russian).
9. G. de Santillana, H. von Dechend. Hamlet's MilL Boston:
D.R.Godine, 1983.
10. V.V.Ivanov. The ancient Balkan and all-Indo-European text
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Nauka, 1977 (in Russian).
11. I.S.Lissevich. Le vol interstellaire dans les legendes et
les myths anciens. - J.Bergier, G.H.Gallet (Eds.) Le Livre des
Anciens Astronautes.
Paris: Albin Michel, 1977.
12. A.Stentzel. Aegyptische Zeugnisse fuer die Farbe des
Sirius im Altertum. - Astronomische Nachrichten, 1927, Bd. 231,
Nr. 5542.
13. R.Ceragioli. Behind the "Red Sirius" Myth. - Sky and
Telescope, 1992, Vol.83, No.6.
14. F.D'Antona, I.Mazzitelli. Constraints on the corona model
for Sirius B. - Nature, 1978, Vol.275, No. 5682.
Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT
*Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
~~~~~~~~ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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