Definitely a strange tale, and one that will probably turn out to have some truth to 
it.  Need I point out that in "Illuminatus!" by R.A.W. a part of the story deals with 
submerged Nazi stuff in a lake, probably the same one though I can't remember for sure 
right now.

On Thu, 06 July 2000, MICHAEL SPITZER wrote:

> FromL
> Secret of the Lake
> Nazi Gold Legend Refuses to Die
> Lake Toplitz lies in high in the Alps in the Austrian district of
> Stiermarken. Local legend says that here the Nazis dumped crates
> of gold and other riches. (
> By Sue Masterman
> V I E N N A, Austria, July 5 — In the final days of World War
> II, panicked Nazis were seen dumping mysterious crates into the
> depths of remote Austrian lakes, high in the Alps.
>      At the center of the tale lies Lake Toplitz — protected on
> three sides by impenetrable cliffs. Local legend says that here
> the Nazis dumped crates of gold and other riches.
>      And now, an extensive mission — backed in part by the Los
> Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center — is under way to find
> out just what secrets may be waiting hundreds of feet below the
> dark surface of the hidden lake.  Nazi High Command Gestapo chief
> Hermann Goering once had a villa not far from the lake, and often
> sat in the local bar and restaurant with none other than Adolf
> Hitler himself, communing happily with the locals.
>      Here, 60 miles from Salzburg, the Nazis thought they could
> hold out against the Allies. Vast holes in the canyon walls above
> the lake testify to the top-secret Nazi weapons testing facility
> that once sat on the lake’s shores, accessible to this day only
> by foot via a hazardous mile-long path.
>      At the top of that path now sits a small lodge called the
> Fischerhut (see Web link) — beyond that, the trail ends and
> there is virtually no shoreline. All exploration of the lake must
> be done by boat, a task complicated by the fact that the lake is
> frozen six months of the year.
>  Lake Toplitz, located not far from Salzburg, Austria, will be
> searched for sunken Nazi gold. ( Geographix)
> Titanic Task
> Today, the same firm that found the Titanic is mapping the depths
> of the lake — and has identified hundreds of manmade objects
> lying at the bottom, 325 feet below the surface.
>      At least some of these are believed to be crates sunk by the
> Nazis as they scrambled to escape the Allied advance at the end
> of World War II.
>      The operation is nothing, if not thorough. The work is being
> carried out by Oceaneering Technologies, which has worked on the
> John F. Kennedy Jr. and Swissair Flight 111 search-and-recovery
> missions in addition to the exploration and discovery of the
> Titanic wreck.
>      “If it’s down there, we’ll find it,” vows Ridge
> Albaugh, senior project manager of Oceaneering.
> Strange Conditions Under the Water
> Albaugh’s divers are probing the depths of the lake in the
> “Wasp,” a cross between a diving suit and a miniature
> submarine, in which a diver can stay down for days. From the
> Wasp, recovered objects are to be guided into a cage, and then to
> the surface.
>      Their task is complicated by the strange conditions just
> beneath the surface of the lake. About 20 feet down, there is no
> oxygen. While that means that much of the water is devoid of
> life, it also means that whatever is below is perfectly preserved
> — including all the massive trees that have fallen in over the
> years. Those trees can create an impenetrable and sometimes
> deadly barrier for those who comb the depths. Officially, five
> divers have been killed in the lake over the past decades.
> Unofficially, that number is probably higher.
> Searching for Clues, Not Treasure
> The Wiesenthal Center says it is looking for chests of documents
> on property confiscated by the Nazi regime in Austria and beyond,
> before and during World War II. Such documents could help
> establish claims to homes, land and art by Holocaust survivors
> and the families of victims.
>      Lake Toplitz has been in the headlines many times before,
> partly because of the discovery, in the 1960s and 1980s, of
> crates filled with forged currency, mostly British.
>      They were the remains of “Operation Bernhard,” in which
> Hitler hoped to flood allied countries with forged money and
> undermine their economies.  Hitler used Jewish concentration camp
> inmates to make the counterfeit money.
>      The discoveries turned the lake into a favored spot of
> treasure hunters.  But after several deaths in the lake, diving
> was banned. That ban has led to whispers of conspiracy — that
> the Austrian government is not trying to protect its divers so
> much as its Nazi past.
>      For the record, Vienna welcomes the latest expedition.
> Whispers of Gold
> The legend of the gold, however, was resurrected after a
> mysterious fax to the expedition, ostensibly from a man who had
> seen precise plans of exactly where the Nazis hid their gold. He
> claimed to have seen these plans in South America, the last known
> refuge of many Nazis on the lam.
>      According to the author of the mystery fax, the gold is
> hidden in four lakes. There, the Nazis blew holes in the rock
> walls, hid their treasures, and then sealed the holes up.
>      The maps, he says, have now disappeared.
>      While all the experts — and they are legion — quickly
> dismissed the claim, the story has taken on a life of its own.
>      Expedition spokeswoman Jutta Fuehrmann is playing it cool.
> “We have taken note of it,” she says.
>      Nevertheless, Austrian tabloids rushed to press with blazing
> headlines on Tuesday proclaiming, “It’s about Nazi gold after
> all!”
>      Austrian television quickly jumped into the fray,
> broadcasting live spots each day from the site. U.S. network CBS
> is also there, fronting much of the cost for a fall television
> show.
> The Last Secret Lake In the other three lakes — where the
> government never banned diving — there are several diving
> schools. Many specialize in “extreme diving” — diving under
> ice and in caves, the most dangerous and daring of all missions.
>      Divers have combed the other lakes from end to end and have
> found plenty of relics, some dating from neolithic times, as well
> as bundles of forged fivers, vast quantities of ammunition and
> even antique stoves — but no Nazi gold.
>      Local legend has it that some gold was found in the 1940s by
> future legend Jacques Cousteau in nearby Lake Wolfgang. He was
> working for the French occupation force at the time. The gold,
> some divers say, was used to finance his most famous ocean
> explorations.
>      So far, Oceaneering may have found up to 200 manmade objects
> on the lake bed. But only a few of the most promising will be
> brought to the surface — there is neither money nor the time
> for more.
>      Whatever other mysteries the lake holds will remain in the
> depths — for now.
> =================================================================
>              Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT
>   FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>                       *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>                          ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>    The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
>        Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.
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