So Clinton seems to be in league now with Jimmy Swaggart who got hooked
on pornography and cried and cried and also hooked on a prostitute that
ended up in Playboy.......and he plays in same league now with
forgiveness by these sinners.

Well I got news for him - those sex charges might make him a fast buck,
but I have a feeling when he leaves office he will spend the rest of his
life in Court for we have Chinagate, remnants and ghosts of Waco and
West Point FBI sharpshooter who murdered a woman holding a baby after
the 8th grade son murdered running to his dog they also killed.

Clinton and the polluted blood he sold which will killi thousands?   The
Balkans which he bombed after getting caught with his little sodomist
Monica......he believes he has reached celebrity status.

Old lawyer joke.....the guy who played left field and never had a big
break and wanted attention and recognition.......he wanted to be
remembered for that one great act in the history of famous ball

So one day the last ball was aimed at home plate, the player hit it and
it went up and straight down to the left field player's hands......only
he dropped it.

So he got recognition and he was called every name in the book, booed
and hissed off the field and nobody even bothered to write a poem about
him.....but look at the Rocker?   He got demoted for speaking the truth?

So today is to get ahead to lie and to cheat and to commit sodomy and
sell USA secrets or will Clinton get it in the neck when he leaves

Why do you think America now burns....and remember Los Alamos was a
"controlled" burn? This is conspiracy and the only way to get Clinton is
to let him spend the rest of his life defending his actions, and I do
not mean his obscene conduct in the oval office - I mean the treason he
has committed for he sold his country out and placed it in great danger.

Clinton and his henchmen do nothing by accident; it is planned from the
polluted blood to the calling of a jew, a "f...... jew bastard".....he
works three sides of the street.....

You see now how Hollywood is controlled?   For by their fruits you shall
know them.....our tv programming is as obscene as Clinton.


A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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U.S. Front Page Stories

   *** Fires knock out major power lines
   *** Thousands change tires after recall
   *** Clinton: Grateful for forgiveness
   *** Gore, Lieberman stump in the South
   *** Bush, McCain campaign in California
   *** Problems persist with flight delays

World Front Page Stories

   *** Arafat said to nix U.S. refugee plan
   *** Taiwan's allies and China clash
   *** Rebels: Food shortages in Sudan
   *** Venezuela's Chavez holds Iraq talks
   *** Blast kills 11 in Kashmir
   *** Germany wants end to neo-Nazi party


   *** Eminem rejects mother's settlement
   *** Downey Jr. gets TV role
   *** gets lost TV show fans
   *** Ark. governor laughs with Leno
   *** Crystal, Goodman in new animation


   *** Update: AOL takes down music search engine
   *** French Yahoo! battles censorship
   *** Update: teams with Toys R Us
   *** eBay glitches frustrate users
   *** Ex-Disney exec sentenced

Human Interest

   *** Chicago hosts anti-tobacco meeting
   *** Pothole emergency declared in Washington
   *** Noted architect dies
   *** Chavez holiday approved in Calif.
   *** Elephant groomer has circus funeral

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                       U.S. Front Page Stories

*** Fires knock out major power lines

HELENA, Mont. (AP) - Wildfires burning across the West melted one
major power line and shut down another supplying electricity to the
Pacific Northwest. There was no immediate risk of a power shortage,
but if another heatwave hits, the other power plants in the regional
energy system could be strained, a Bonneville Power Administration
spokesman said. The 2 500-kilovolt lines, the BPA's largest, were
knocked out by smoke, heat and airborne particles from a 11,000-acre
fire burning about 25 miles south of Helena. Dozens of homes had to
be evacuated in the area, and managers at the Montana Tunnels zinc
and gold mine sent workers home fearing for their safety. In the
Bitterroot Valley in southwestern Montana, wildfires have covered
more than 300,000 acres and burned more than 50 homes. See

*** Thousands change tires after recall

DALLAS (AP) - Motorists waited for hours at overtaxed tire stores
Thursday in the hunt for replacements for Firestone tires the company
is recalling because of concerns they may be a factor in a series of
car crashes. At least one other manufacturer, Goodyear, announced it
was increasing production to help meet demand created by
Bridgestone/Firestone Inc.'s recall of 6.5 million tires - the radial
ATX and radial ATX II and the Wilderness AT brands - most of which
are on Ford sport utility vehicles and light trucks. So far, the
company is only recalling tires in 4 states as it tries to manage
demand. Though South Carolina has demanded to be added to that list.
Still, customers are already finding that many stores already have
sold out of the appropriate Firestone tires, or encountered long
waits for them to be swapped. See ***
Also: Tire recall response time defended, see

*** Clinton: Grateful for forgiveness

SOUTH BARRINGTON, Ill. (AP) - Baring his soul before thousands of
evangelical ministers, President Clinton said Thursday he feels "this
overwhelming sense of gratitude" to have gained a measure of
forgiveness from Americans for his affair with Monica Lewinsky.
Clinton sat before an audience of about 4,500 with the Rev. Bill
Hybels, senior pastor of Willow Creek Community Church and a Clinton
adviser since 1992, for his most revealing discussion ever about his
spiritual struggles since his affair with Lewinsky, a former White
House intern, nearly brought down his presidency. Turning a
conference of evangelicals into a public confessional, he called the
affair "a terrible mistake." See ***
Also: Clinton confessional excerpts, see ***
And: President praises wife's bid, see

*** Gore, Lieberman stump in the South

ATLANTA (AP) - Al Gore stood his Southern ground Thursday and,
calling the economy "the core of this whole struggle," he took on
Dick Cheney's taunt that he and President Clinton coasted through the
past 8 years. The Democratic presidential candidate and running mate
Joseph Lieberman gathered the Democrats' Southern governors around
them to celebrate the region's economic story and make clear they
will not cede the territory to Republican rivals George W. Bush and
his vice presidential nominee, Cheney. Lieberman referenced how the
Bush campaign has nicknamed his and Gore's swing to next week's
Democratic National Convention in L.A. the "Squandered Opportunities"
tour. "If you're one of the millions of people who proudly moved from
welfare to work in the last 8 years, you know the last 8 years have
surely not been squandered," Lieberman said. It was, between the 2
Democrats, the only mention of welfare reform, which was to have been
their focus for the day. See

*** Bush, McCain campaign in California

SALINAS, Calif. (AP) - George W. Bush and Sen. John McCain teamed up
Thursday to reach out for independent and swing votes in the nation's
most populous state. A smiling McCain, drawing roars from a rally
crowd nearly as loud as those given Bush, praised the Texas governor
as "a man who will restore dignity and honor to the Oval Office." As
the 2 began a 3-day West Coast campaign swing, there were no signs of
the animosity that had marked McCain's primary challenge of Bush last
winter. Bush said the Republican Party had been strengthened by
McCain's strong challenge. McCain won 7 primaries before withdrawing
from the race in March. He endorsed Bush in May. See

*** Problems persist with flight delays

WASHINGTON (AP) - Admitting that the traveling public is suffering
through a "difficult summer," the FAA says flight delays declined in
July despite an increase in severe weather, the most common cause of
delayed trips. The improvement followed a June in which the number of
flights arriving late was thousands higher than in the previous year.
The overall performance gain is clouded by ongoing problems at United
Airlines, the nation's largest carrier, where the combination of a
dispute with pilots and bad weather has resulted in scores of flights
delayed or canceled. Flight delays nationwide totaled 44,401 in July,
down more than 11% from June and a 1.7% decrease from July of last
year. See

                       World Front Page Stories

*** Arafat said to nix U.S. refugee plan

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) - Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat turned
down an American plan to set up a $30 billion international fund to
resettle refugees, a top Palestinian official said Thursday. Salim
Zanoun, chairman of the PLO Central Council, said the offer came
during last month's summit at the Camp David presidential retreat
outside Washington. He said it was part of American pressure on
Arafat to compromise on the refugee issue. The Palestinians are
demanding that millions of refugees be allowed to return to their
former homes in what is now Israel. Israel is willing to allow a few
thousand Palestinian refugees to be reunited with their families in
Israel. The others would settle in a Palestinian state or in
countries where they now live. See

*** Taiwan's allies and China clash

UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Taiwan's allies called Thursday for the
economically powerful island to join the United Nations, but China
insisted that Taiwan is one of its provinces and not eligible to be a
U.N. member. The rival views, spelled out in letters to
Secretary-General Kofi Annan, set the stage for an eighth attempt by
Taiwan's allies to get the U.N. General Assembly to consider
membership for Taiwan when it meets in September. The attempt is
doomed to fail this year, as it has for the past seven years, because
Beijing's contention that there is only one China enjoys widespread
support. Last year, the General Assembly's steering committee decided
without a vote not to include the issue of Taiwan on the assembly's
agenda. See

*** Rebels: Food shortages in Sudan

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - An estimated 3 million people in southern Sudan
face severe food shortages because government bombings have forced
relief agencies to suspend operations, a rebel spokesman said
Thursday. The bombings have been directed at relief agency compounds
and are not harming the rebel Sudan People's Liberation Army, said
Elijah Malok, head of the Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation
Association, the humanitarian wing of the SPLA rebels. The hardest
hit provinces are Bahr el Gazal, southern Kodorfan, west of the Nile
River, and southern and western Upper Blue Nile, he said. Sudan's air
force bombed relief facilities Wednesday in the rebel-held town of
Mapel for the second time in 3 days, forcing the U.N. World Food
Program to evacuate its workers. See

*** Venezuela's Chavez holds Iraq talks

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez held talks with
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein on Thursday, defying the U.S. by being
the first head of state to go to Iraq since the 1991 Gulf War. Chavez
met with Saddam in Baghdad after flying to the Iraqi capital from the
Iraqi-Iranian border. He crossed the frontier from Iran in a car,
respecting a U.N. ban on flights to and from Iraq. Chavez described
his talks with Saddam as fruitful. Iraq laid out the red carpet for
Chavez, trumpeting his visit as a breach of its isolation and a slap
in the face for Washington, which said the trip would give an
undeserved legitimacy to Saddam. Chavez's trip to the Middle East was
designed to drum up support for a summit of Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries in Caracas on Sept. 27. On Thursday, he urged
OPEC states to work together to support the price of oil which, he
said, contrary to the U.S. view, was not too high. See ***
Also: U.S. criticizes Chavez's Iraq visit, see

*** Blast kills 11 in Kashmir

SRINAGAR, India (AP) - The guerrilla group that brought hopes of
peace to Kashmir declared war again Thursday, setting off a decoy
grenade that lured policemen and then slaughtering them with a
powerful car bomb. At least 11 people were killed and 19 wounded. The
Hezb-ul Mujahedeen, the main Muslim militant group in this Himalayan
province, claimed responsibility for the attack in which 10 police
and 1 photojournalist died. It was the Pakistan-based group's first
strike since it called off a cease-fire Tuesday and canceled talks
with the Indian government aimed at restoring peace in the Kashmir
Valley. Kashmir, which is divided between India and Pakistan, has
been wracked by a separatist movement since 1989. See

*** Germany wants end to neo-Nazi party

BERLIN (AP) - The government pressed ahead Thursday with efforts to
ban an extreme-right party that has become a magnet for neo-Nazi
skinheads as police questioned one of its youth leaders in the
bombing of a Turkish-owned restaurant. No one was injured in the
early morning blast, which shattered the glass door of a snack bar in
the eastern city of Eisenach. Shortly after the explosion, police
took a 19-year-old into custody after he was spotted near the scene.
Officials said the youth, Patrick Wischke, was considered the prime
suspect, but had denied involvement. Wischke is known to police as
the local leader of the youth wing of the extreme-right National
Democratic Party of Germany. German politicians are considering a ban
on the National Democratic Party of Germany as part of an effort to
stem the surge in neo-Nazi violence. See ***
Also: Soldier suspended for Nazi Web site, see


*** Eminem rejects mother's settlement

MOUNT CLEMENS, Mich. (AP) - Rap superstar Eminem has rejected his
mother's offer to settle her $10 million defamation lawsuit against
him for $2 million, according to court records. Debbie Mathers-Briggs
of St. Joseph, Mo., filed suit in September 1999 against her son,
whose real name is Marshall Bruce Mathers III. She alleges the
Grammy-winning musician defamed her by describing her in magazine
interviews as an unstable, lawsuit-happy drug user. Mathers-Briggs'
attorney, Fred Gibson, submitted the settlement offer to Macomb
County Circuit Court after privately relaying the offer to Eminem in
June, The Macomb Daily reported Thursday. See

*** Downey Jr. gets TV role

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Actor Robert Downey Jr., released from prison last
week, didn't have to wait long to find work. He will be joining the
Fox series "Ally McBeal" in a recurring role, playing a mysterious
stranger who seems able to connect with the complicated Ally, played
by Calista Flockhart. "We're thrilled. We've admired his work for
years and know he'll make an enormous contribution to 'Ally McBeal,'"
series creator David E. Kelley said Thursday. "David's a genius,
Calista's awesome, and once again I have a choice of shirt colors,"
Downey said, apparently joking about his recent prison garb. He will
make his debut in the series' season premiere on Oct. 23. See

*** gets lost TV show fans

NEW YORK (AP) - Talk about your bad "Survivor" instincts. Tens of
thousands of fans of the hit CBS show are visiting
for updates, and all they get is advertising, along with a witty
greeting saying they've reached Survivor Software instead. The
problem is that the show's official site is less obvious - Survivor Software's Web operator, Conrad Walton, is
trying to have a little fun, and make a little cash, with the
mistaken identity. Traffic to the software site peaked in mid-July
amid speculation - incorrect, it turned out - that contestant Gervase
Peterson wins "Survivor" because his was the only photo without an
"X" at an internal CBS site. Just for fun, Walton put up a fake
headline, "Gervase wins the million." "This is a page that says we're
not related to CBS in any way, yet people were really angry. It's
been a very interesting experience. People really care about this,"
Walton said. See

*** Ark. governor laughs with Leno

LITTLE ROCK (AP) - "Tonight Show" host Jay Leno poked fun at
Arkansas' first couple face-to-face Thursday night over their move
from the Governor's Mansion to a triplewide manufactured home, and
Gov. Mike Huckabee gave it right back. After weeks of humorous jabs
from NBC's late-night king, Huckabee and his wife, Janet, agreed to
join in, videotaping a segment via satellite for airing Thursday
night. "I hope you're not too upset with some of the jokes," Leno
began. "I tell you what, Jay," the governor said. "We feel so good
about it, I'm going to send you a full set of Firestone tires for
your car." See

*** Crystal, Goodman in new animation

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Billy Crystal and John Goodman will be mouthpieces
for "Monsters Inc.," the next computer-animated film from the folks
who made the "Toy Story" movies and "A Bug's Life." Crystal and
Goodman will provide voices for a pair of creatures who dwell in the
world of monsters, producers said Thursday. The movie will focus on a
girl from the real world who stumbles into the monsters' realm.
"Monsters Inc.," a comedy due in theaters in November 2001, is the
fourth feature-film collaboration between Walt Disney and Pixar
Animation, a pioneer in computer-generated cartoons. See


*** Update: AOL takes down music search engine

NEW YORK (AP) - America Online Inc. on Thursday once again reined in
a subsidiary that has caused it embarrassment in the past, shutting
down a search engine for digital music run by Nullsoft, an AOL unit
that also has created a Napster-like file-sharing program. The search
engine pointed consumers to Web pages with digital music in the
popular MP3 format, which the recording industry says has become a
vehicle for piracy. The search engine was located on the site that
distributes Winamp, a popular MP3 player program for Windows written
by Nullsoft. On Thursday, the Search button was still active on the
Winamp site, but only returned this message when clicked: "Sorry.
Search unavailable at this time. Sad, sad Nullsoft." See

*** French Yahoo! battles censorship

PARIS (AP) - Internet giant Yahoo! Inc. is back in French court in a
legal battle over who should be held responsible for online racism.
At issue is Yahoo!'s auction site, where Nazi medallions,
swastika-emblazoned battle flags and other Third Reich paraphernalia
can be bought and sold. The case, which resumed on Friday, boils down
to freedom of speech, which is caught in between some nations' laws
and the Internet's borderless, hard-to-regulate nature. In France, it
is illegal to sell or exhibit anything that incites racism and two
Paris-based human rights groups filed suit in April against Yahoo!
for hosting the auctions of Nazi objects. But Yahoo! is based in
Santa Clara, Calif. and the U.S. Constitution protects many pages
expressing racist or extremist ideas. See

*** Update: teams with Toys R Us

SEATTLE (AP) - Abandoning its year-old online sales site, Toys R Us
Inc. will team up with to create a co-branded toy store on
the World Wide Web, paying the e-commerce giant to handle the Web
site maintenance, orders and shipping. Under the deal announced
Thursday, Toys R Us' Internet subsidiary,, will buy and
manage inventory, which will be housed in's distribution
centers around the country. will create and maintain the
new Web site, handle transactions and fulfill orders. The co-branded
toy store is expected to start some time this fall. The baby store is
to open in early 2001. Customers going to the current Toys R Us Web
sites, and, will be redirected to the new
co-branded sites once they are built. See

*** eBay glitches frustrate users

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The latest in a series of technical glitches in
eBay's computer systems has frustrated users and brought business on
the online auction site to a halt at least twice in recent days. A
project to improve the San Jose, Calif.-based company's systems to
keep apace with the growth of the site is being blamed for the
problems. The site has been plagued with outages over the last year,
which prompted the company to invest millions of dollars to improve
the system. A recent outage came Wednesday night, when eBay was
unusable for 45 minutes. On Thursday, a glitch prevented some users
from listing their sale items and others from viewing the bid history
of items for sale. EBay said it has corrected these problems. See

*** Ex-Disney exec sentenced

LOS ANGELES (AP) - A former Disney Internet executive has been
sentenced to nine months in home detention for crossing state lines
with the intention of having sex with a minor he contacted by e-mail.
Patrick J. Naughton was arrested in September 1999 after arranging to
meet an e-mail correspondent who was actually an FBI agent pretending
to be a 13-year-old girl. U.S. District Court Senior Judge Edward
Rafeedie gave Naughton a sentence of nine months home detention with
electronic monitoring, a $20,000 fine and five years probation. He
was fired after being charged last year. See

                            Human Interest

*** Chicago hosts anti-tobacco meeting

CHICAGO (AP) - City workers and aldermen regularly puff on cigarettes
in a haze-filled public waiting room outside the City Council
chambers. A few major corporations still refuse to banish smoking
employees to the streets. And it's tough to avoid smoke in
restaurants, at train stations and sometimes even laundries. So how
did Chicago - a city with a deserved reputation for smoke-filled
rooms - get to host a giant anti-tobacco conference? "That's what I'd
like to know," grumbled Serena Chen, an American Lung Association
representative from Oakland, Calif., who's among the 4,500 delegates
in town this week for the 11th World Conference on Tobacco. "I feel
like I need to zip my jacket in a plastic bag every time I go out to
a restaurant." See

*** Pothole emergency declared in Washington

WASHINGTON (AP) - Faced with streets pitted by teeth-jarring,
suspension rattling potholes, officials in the nation's capital
declared a state of emergency Thursday to expedite street repairs.
"We are committed to improve 200 additional blocks of district roads
by the end of the construction season," said District of Columbia
Mayor Anthony A. Williams. The emergency declaration enables the city
to spend $12 million to hire additional private contractors to
augment ongoing street repair work. The new crews will focus on
resurfacing an additional 50 lane miles of street surface in the
city's four quadrants. The new repairs are in addition to the 150
blocks of street resurfacing committed to in the current fiscal year.

*** Noted architect dies

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - Walter S. Blackburn, an award-winning architect
who used his vision to create buildings and foster civil rights, died
Wednesday. He was 62. Blackburn was instrumental in designing several
city landmarks, including the RCA Dome and the Artsgarden at Circle
Centre mall. Last month, Blackburn was honored at Expo's 30th Summer
Celebration. In May, he received an honorary doctorate from Purdue
University's School of Engineering and Technology. See

*** Chavez holiday approved in Calif.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - California lawmakers on Thursday approved
the creation of a new state holiday to honor United Farm Workers
founder Cesar Chavez. Chavez, who died in 1993, spent his life
organizing and fighting to improve conditions for the predominantly
Hispanic and immigrant people who work in the nation's fields and
orchards. Democratic Gov. Gray Davis has promised to sign the bill to
make March 31 a holiday for state workers and an optional holiday for
public schools. "It's time for us to honor the memory of the man who
did so much for the Latino community," said Assemblyman Robert
Pacheco, who worked in cotton fields as a boy. See

*** Elephant groomer has circus funeral

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (AP) - It may not be the greatest show on earth, but
an event under the big top this weekend figures to be worthy of P.T.
Barnum: a memorial for a circus elephant groomer whose body was
frozen when he died three months ago so his friends could attend the
funeral. The sideshows will include circus music, food and even an
elephant-drawn wagon carrying the casket. In the center ring, the
main attraction will be Albert "Shorty" Sharp, who stood 4-feet,
7-inches tall when he wasn't on his tiptoes grooming pachyderms.
Sharp, who spent 50 years in the circus, died May 12 of heart failure
while traveling through Wisconsin with George Carden Circus
International. See

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