--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], dawnstar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> LTV, whats that? Who is or was Wallace, and what did anyone do
> To Dawnstar,
Around 1971 Peter Dale Scott tried to publish information concerning
these individuals and was prevented from doing so.  Contact him for
the details. Ling Temco Vaught benefited financially from the war.
D.H. Byrd bought a very large position in LTV just prior to the
assasination.  Byrd started the Louisiana Civil Air Patrol where David
 Ferrie trained Lee Harvey Oswald and Barry Seal.  Malcolm Wallace
had no business being at the school book depository.  The only link
between him and Byrd is that he was an employee of Byrds good friend
and fellow Knight James Ling (a personal friend of my family when I
was a child.  On the day of the assasination the much maligned Oswald
was working for Byrd at the Texas School Book Depository Building
(Byrd property since the thirties).  An hour after the shooting Barry
Seal is flying David Ferrie out of Dallas from Redbird Airport.
Minutes into their flight they change their plan and head to Love
Field (home of Southwest Airlines)  While D.H. Byrd was from a wealthy
family and many of his friends and coinvestors in LTV were very
wealthy such as Troy Post,  I still consider these individuals to not
have been the prime motivators of the assasination.  J.F.K.s father
Joe was also a Knight of Malta. I think Jacks early Catechism lessons
stuck too well.  He knew what the CIA was all about.  He knew what the
war was all about and he knew what the Federal Reserve really was.  I
have a U.S. note which Jack had printed by the U.S. Congress.  He was
paying off the U.S. debt and was in the process of planning the demise
of the Federal Reserve.  He was in the process of investigating and
castrating the C.I.A. and he was getting us out of Vietnam.  He was in
a postion to know the ugly truth of the system and was actually going
to work for the betterment of us all.  He probably knew that he was a
marked man.  You asked who's doing something about it.  We live in a
fascist state with out a free press where whistleblowers go to prison,
where friends of Mr. Quig who fail to stop writing about the blond
ghost when told to, die quickly, where journalists like Danny
Cassolaro are killed for learning the wrong things and you want to
know who is doing something about it.  You know that no matter what
evidence any of us have we will never be discussing these things on
the nightly news.  You know that Texas will never have a real
investigation into the Murder of J.F.K.   I know for a fact that the
hearings in the 70's (house sub committee on political assainations)
had individuals on the committee who could not seem to hold onto
important evidence.  Eventually it became obvious that this was a
clean up crew responsible for finding evidence and then losing it.
Some of this evidence has been found again by Danial Hopsicker and by
a close friend of mine.  There appears nothing that we can do other
than to teach our friends and families and to avoid the traps set by
these forces.  It is the nature of man that these forces will always
be with us.  If they all died tomorrow they would be replaced in ten
years and the same sort of system would reappear.  James
> >
> > In a message dated 11/11/2000 8:36:31 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> > << A figer print of an L.T.V. employee (Malcolm
> >  Wallace) was found on a box used as the snipers nest on the sixth
> >  floor.  >>
> > Where does this come from? I've seen that there were unidentified
> > fingerprints found, but never that they'd been identified.
> >     Where did you see this, please?
> >     Thanks,
> >     Peace,
> > Preston
> >

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