-Caveat Lector-

23 Nov 00

There's a new movie out with Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson. Without
messing it up for others who have yet to see the flick -- and, yes, I do
recommend it -- the movie raises several very interesting, and quite
puzzling, questions.

The songs that play on the radio -- are they on to numb us into some false
sense of security? The stories in the morning paper -- is it really true
that only 10% of what's really going on makes the paper [aka "national
media"], while the other 90% is deliberately kept from the public?
Everything that goes on around us -- is that just to keep us, or "We the
people..." as the U.S. Constitution reads, from realizing that most, if not
all, that happens, good and bad, is not sheer coincidence, but in fact

To keep democracy going you must protect men & women from their own selves.
How else would it continue?

The bad guys [and gals, wherever referenced throughout] plan bad things to
happen; the good guys [and gals, wherever referenced throughout] set things
right. There are "heros" in our midst and there are arch-enemies ["Mr.
Glass" for those who saw U-B]. They know who the other is; we don't even
know they exist. We can't prove it because we don't know where to start.

Hollywood puts out these kinds of movies, U-B being an example, to make us
all believe that it's in fact all make believe. Oh, it can't be true, we
think to ourselves halfway through U-B. It's all in the comic books and
that's where it'll stay. After all, that's what we've been taught and we're
comfortable with that mindset.

And these bad guys may not even be terrorists. Instead, he or she is just
some pissed off soul that's angry at everything and everyone [they called me
"Mr. Glass" and the kids laughed at me] causing all these "accidents" [or so
the media reports 'em as "accidents"] looking for the good guys or just
creating mayhem. They're mentally insane, but very smart. Very diabolical.
Eccentric but composed; lonely but very social. He may be your neighbor. She
may be the gorgeous gal you're dying to ask out for a date.

He's out there too -- the "Sentryman." The guy who saves the day, just in
the nick of time. As is Mr. Glass. He's confident that, sooner rather than
later, he'll find Sentryman. And, when he does, they will no longer be
freinds because the good guy is angry at the bad guy. The good guy is so
very good -- the goodness just oozes non-stop from him -- that he can't
comprehend how someone like Mr. Glass can be so darn evil. "So many
sacrifices," says Mr. Glass.

Perhaps the arch-nemesis of mankind -- yah know, the person going around
doing horrible things -- is right on this very list? If so, that's great. If
not, oh well. On to another listserve in one single bound. ;-A)

PS: BTW, Mr. Glass or whoever he/she calls him/herself, may be laughing as
they read this note -- because he knows this is a "Conspiracy" list and lots
of unattributed stuff on here is most likely assumed to be just that -- some
kooky, half-baked concoction dreamed up by some loony conspiracy groupie.
Then again, maybe not. Offf I go to grab my raincoat -- I may need it after

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