-Caveat Lector-

 Cosmic Comentary - http://members.tripod.com/~CosmicRose/CCC.html

 In light of the announcement made Sunday the 26th of
 November by Katherine Harris:

 The disaster that has befallen the United States will not be
 fully realized for some months to come, but all one need do
 is look to the evil Bush Sr. for a clue as to what will
 Junior has only been in politics for 6 years.
 Junior has a history of running things into the ground,
 first Halliburton Oil and the the state of Texas. He will
 take his political lead from the insider cronies of his
 party and the shadow government of his father.
 He will declare war on the American People in ways we have
 only dreampt of in our worst nightmare.
 Look for a Supreme Court that will reverse the Miranda Act,
 Roe v Wade, Hate Crimes, and any number of other laws and
 Look for a Congress that will rubber stamp the every whim of
 a deranged and unexperienced drug addict with no foreign
 policy experience.
 Look for a military so over-funded that we will be forced to
 war in order to burn off current arms stockpiles in order to
 make way for new.
 Look for the elderly to die of illness while waiting for
 prescription drug allowances from an underfunded and
 ill-managed medicare system.
 Look for a major stock market crash as the conservative,
 money laundering banksters take their money and bankrupt the
 Look for the loss of any budget surplus.
 Look for the surge of Churchianity and the Pat Robertson's
 and the Jimmy Swaggerts to finally come into their own...
 Darkness will settle over the land and the trumpet will


 Sincerely Yours,
 James Berge
 San Francisco, CA
 415.354.9619, option 5, mb#55197440-vm
 415.430.2179 x1375-fax

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