JKR wrote:

>Subject: Re: Rabbi Atlas castigates Kansan
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Rev. pH33r c0w)
>Date: 12/8/00 11:04 PM Central Standard Time
>Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>On 09 Dec 2000 00:59:41 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kansan1225) wrote:
>>      R.A.:  "It is very clear to any objective observer that Kansan
>>promotes the old discredited theories about a  world-wide Zionist
>>Masonic conspiracy.  We think he may have access to Arab oil
>>money to spread this kind of propaganda."
>>      D.S.:  "In the interests of full disclosure, I would like to point
>>out that both Rabbi Atlas and myself are members of the
>>clandestine Luciferian Masonic (CLuM) Lodge Yellow Rose No.
>>1377 in Kingwood."
>i have a few questions, Kansan1225.
>1. what is the meaning of your moniker "Kansan1225"? does the number
>1225 have any special kabbalistic correspondances? upon consulting
>Aleister Crowley's "sepher sephiroth" (an obvious CLuM manifesto) the
>only entry under 1225 is a Hebrew phrase meaning "The Ancient of the
>Ancient Ones". my god man, this would make YOU god, would it not?

     The meaning of "1225" was discussed in the October 2000 issue of
"Contemporary Indications of a Conspiracy".  It does not stand for "Ancient
of Ancients" in my case.

     A friend of mine would be really interested in this "A. of A."

>2. if you dont have access to Arab oil money (which you may), would it
>be too much to inquire about your profession? what does your life
>involve besides fighting the CLuMs? who funds your trips to Arabia,

     Fighting CLuMs is my primary occupation, especially in my official
capacity as Prime Minister of His Imperial Majesty's Government.

     My visits to Arabia were part of the preliminary work of the

>3. would "D.S." in your drama openly admit that SHe is a CLuM? that
>doesnt sound very Clandestine to me.
>in love and light and fluffy bunnies,

     The term "clandestine" has another Masonic meaning, as well.  It means
unrecognized by mainstream Masonry.  Some clandestine Lodges operate openly,
but are not officially recognized by A.F.& A.M., etc.  In this way,
mainstream Masonry can preserve "plausible deniability" about the true nature
of the Masonic movement.  The real Masonic "Great Work" is carried out by
so-called "clandestine", i.e., "unrecognized", Lodges.

     Other clandestine Lodges are hidden and do operate in secret.

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