-Caveat Lector-

I believe I already stated which precepts of Christianity should guide our 
civilization: Those of Christ Himself. Jesus never used religion for control, 
suppression or repression(except of our own sinful nature). Anyone who did do these 
things was not a true follower of Christ and only used the idea of Christianity to 
control others and amass wealth. We all know man is corrupt. Is it any wonder corrupt 
man did horrible things in the name of God? I don't believe in making people believe 
or die. It must come from within each and every one of us, not to be religious, but to 
have the freedom to believe and overcome; to make us better people and treat each 
other better. Only this will make a greater world.
And which version of god and religious precepts should guide our civilization
Anyone who is so interested in Christianity as a moral compass for society
really ought to study its history of control, suppression and repression by
examining some of its scorned and deliberately obscured branches such as the
Essene and Gnostic.  They were persecuted and killed for their beliefs,
considered anarchists by the organized social control structure of
'christianity'.      ~ /\/\

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