-Caveat Lector-

The street people and homeless shelters - ever been to one?   Winos,
drug addicts, mentally "challenged", killers  like climate of
Whitechapel during days of Jack the Ripper.....would you want to invite
some of these people to your home for Christmas?

This one young kid looked like demoniac - eyes full of hatred, mind
partially destroyed by use of drugs - and one of these street people
used by Democrats in Columbus Ohio few years back, murdered someone -
and got caught, and this was when it was discovered he was hired by
Democrat Party - but boy when Clinton came to town around 1994 or 1995
the secret service and/or Columbus Police undercover rid the streets of
them......lying in hallways, filthy and some hungry but had wine bottles
with them.

I raised food for them one Easter - we got the best - there are many
different varieties of street people - police stopped arresting them -
but how would you like to be approached by some who demand money as I
was - so I had to carry $2.00 always in reserve and say "this is all I

So let them eat cake?   Lot easier to give them cigarettes like Democrat
party did to get them to vote.....or toss a few raw bones out in return
for their vote........street people bussed in like the old black civil
rights criminal element.

We had a Safety Director in Columbus, who had a special platoon - and
when they heard trouble was coming, in the 60 period - with the
Cleveland murderers and rioters coming in part.....they met these people
at city boundaries, with shot guns and big guns, and escorted them
THROUGH the city.....no way they would terrorize city of Columbus.

Today I do not know - but no way they will terrorize my home -

So as Bush said keep your powder dry - for this was a warning - they are
one step ahead of the rabble rousers - these street people who sold
their vote for a cigarette or bottle of wine -

I no longer can feel sorry for them......no longer see any value to
Jesse Jackson who would impose his will upon the American people by
force...he had his day, and it is over.......

Jesse should go to South Africa with his own, and help them raise their
standards - but then, what does that guy do for a living?

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