-Caveat Lector-

Nessie, June and Prudy,
It has always been my understanding that "Caveat
Lector" was there for a reason before each post and
that a person could post something and not expect to
be attacked personally because of the content of the
post.  If an articel calls somebody a name that is not
the same as the person who posted it doing so, unless
they are also the author of the article.  So everybody
endorese every article they post 100% or issue an
elaborate explanation.  It was posted before that this
was not necessary and wasted bandwidth which I
understand is paid for by Kris and not you three
tyrants.  That is just not so because some people post
articles on both sides of an issue like Mike Spritzer.
 And it is very impractical because a person might
endorse paragraphs 3, 5 and 7 but not 2 and 4.  What
you say is not true or maybe you expect me to say you
speak with forked tongue.

I can change my name if you do not like it.  It was
changed twice for me already by people just like you,
once when I started to school and again to give me an
anglo name.  My anglo name is Abbey. I hate it. But
this time I think I will cahnge it to Prudy June.
Anglo names are better, aren't they?

Obviously, to me anyway, I meant my grandmother named
me before she died but she is dead now and cannot be
contacted, except spiritually, to ask her why she did
such an awful thing.  She died on the res in North
Carolina in the luxury accommodations there also
provided by good  people just like you.  Heat would
have been nice, but beggars cannot be choosers, can
they. And you know best how to deal with people like
us.  We are very ignorant and you are wise.  We are
band and you are good.

As for you, June, telling me to get a skin (scalp) on
ebay, you are just too funny for words and your ethnic
slur is not wasted on me.  I wonder why posting an
article containing an ethnic or racial slur written by
somebody else (and containing other more important
information)is so evil but yours to me is not. Well,
on this list that all depends on who is doing the
slurring. And more importantly which ethnic group is
being slurred.

As for having thick skins, that is not necessarily a
virtue.  Many people with thick skins have them
because they are crass and insensitive.  I have
watched you people hound others away like Eagle 1 and
I wonder just what you are so afraid of.  You cannot
tolerate people who do not agree with you.

And for your edification, June, the People of the
Hills North American Natives did not traditionally
take scalps any more than your own ancestors probably
did. Please give me your source for that implication.
I would be fascinated to read this version of history
as I have always been with regard to North American
Natives. Maybe you and Prudy and Nessie could go to
ebay yourselves and get something to make you less
hypercritical and some manners and a new decency as
yours is seriously flawed.  None of you contribute
very much to this list yet you seem to think you are
free to insult every poster you do not like and
usually operate as a wolf pack does.  Anybody who does
not like your abuse can get out and don't let the door
hit them in the ass, etc.  I know the drill.  I have
been dealing with drills from people like you my
entire life but I am still here.

Nessie, you in your blind rage have failed to notice
that nobody is or has threatened you or your imaginary
friends who are being threatened.  My friends and I
feel the very same way about somebody who lies about
us as you did me. If you are ever in North Carolina, I
would like to personally invite you to stop by for a
visit.  And I fully understand how you do not want
people like me wasting "your"air or taking up "your'
space. We have our own and should stay within it.  I
understand and am only "out" to go to school.

So anybody on the list who, as Nessie assures me,
thinks because an article I posted called somebody a
name means that I, too, did that, I want to hear from
you, too.  Please post. At leat contact me off list.
I will read all future posts with an eye that the
poster endorses, condones and is a very strong
advocate of whatever they post.  This changes the
meaning of the entire list.  Insteada of a source of
information, it is merely a soapbox for each person to
post their own views and opinions and things they
advocate. So we must all keep that in mind and post
only those causes which we are willing to die for.
That should eliminate lots of posts and leave
everything wide open for these three.
(Formerly Kindred Spirit)

--- Nessie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> >If it "appars to ALL THE WORLD" that I have called
> somebody a "coon"
> why did no one else attack me?
> I got there first. The other people were apparently
> polite enough not to
> waste bandwidth with a bunch of “dittos”.
> >you, NESSIE are a LIAR.  I did not call anybody
> anything.  You, on the
> other hand,  called me stupid, repeatedly and a fool
> and said I should
> not post here.
> Let me rephrase that. You SOUND stupid. Maybe you’re
> not, but like the
> man said, “If it quacks like a duck . . .”
> >Then you threatened me with  physical violence in
> how in person you
> would not be so  polite.
> That was not directed at only you. That’s a general
> statement. It
> applies to everyone. Insult to my face, me, or my
> friends, or anybody I
> respect, and I’ll hurt you. I don’t care who you
> are. I don’t care how
> big you are. I don’t care how many you are. You’re
> gonna get hurt.
> Maybe I’ll get hurt, too. Maybe I wont. Either way,
> I don’t care, and
> either way, you’re gonna get hurt. That’s a fact.
> That’s how I live my
> life. If you don’t like it, avoid insulting me in
> person, save your
> insults for a safe distance, like over the internet.
> That’s how cowards
> do it. . .
> >How dare you lie and say I said something I did not
> I said you “appeared” to call somebody a “coon”.
> That’s no lie. You did,
> in fact, do exactly that.
> >and threaten me, you little creep!!
> You know how big I am? How’d you manage that?
> >I assure  you I am not one bit frightened by your
> threats and personal
> attacks.
> Ditto. Anybody else’s either.
> >You prove every FBI agent is a liar and evil. I
> would think some are
> and some are not just like everybody  else.
> I did prove it. Anybody who refuses to resign in
> disgust from an
> organization which murders innocent women and
> children in cold blood, is
> evil. Evil people lie.
> >It is unfortunate that you were hit by a car   but
> that does NOT give
> you the right to call me names.  I did not do it.
> You condoned its cause.
> >There are degrees and levels of  misconduct and
> intoxication.
> Comparing an incident of  DUI with no injuries is
> nothing like Manson
> where  murders were committed.
> They didn’t always kill. Sometimes they broke in and
> found nobody home.
> Same with drunk driving. It doesn’t always result in
> death, but that’s
> not the fault of the drunken driver. It’s the fault
> of blind fate.
> >Some people have car wrecks  and run others down
> without being under
> the influence  of alcohol, too.
> That’s a separate issue.
> >Defending one is NOT defending ALL.
> Defending drunk driving is defending drunk driving.
> The numbers are
> irrelevant.
> >Driving while intoxicatd is wrong and I have stated
>  that all along.
> Even in the case of G.W.? Is what he did wrong, yes
> or no?
> >I know a man who has driven home from  a bar looped
> every night for
> forty years, however,  without injuring another
> person other than
> himself.
> Blind luck.
> >Oh you are so sophistocated in your liberal views!
> I’m not a liberal. I’m an anarchist. I dislike
> liberals, and liberalism,
> intensely. For details, read my last column at
> SFBG.com:
>           http://www.sfbg.com/nessie/33.html
> >Well, Clinton and Jackson both PROFESS to be
> Baptists  and practice a
> religion that condemns adultry.
> Then they should not commit adultery. Never do
> anything your religion
> forbids. It generates cognitive dissonance. Do not,
> however, attempt to
> force the rest of us to practice your religion. That
> leads to social
> dissonance. Fifteen hundred years of bloody
> religious warfare is enough.
> >I'll bet his daughter was not at all embarassed by
> his actions!  You
> would not have been and that is the measure by which
> you think the
> universe is gauged--the World According to Nessie.
> If it was my dad, I’d be proud he was that old and
> still getting some.
> bother to call me
> names, either.
> I didn’t threaten you. I stated a fact. Anyone,
> yourself
=== message truncated ===

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