----- Original Message -----
From: BB
Sent: 31 January 2001 08:45

I used Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, 10th edition.
I AM sure of my facts.

Why would you cite a VERB as a reply to a list of observations
regarding guns, and those who feel more comfortable being disarmed??

You might just as well have replied "run", or "jump."
A more appropriate reply might have been a noun, such as "ballocks",
meaning "balls."  I didn't think it was spelled, I knew.

>>>>>>>>> ace... would that be an american english dictionary or an english dictionary?

FYI bollocks was used in the right way- you got the insult didn't you? enough to try and correct me... twice even!

so... i used enough correct language to make my point- and you got the point i was making- and it angered you enough to retort with nothing of substance- only an anally retentive spelling error.





You surely did choose a classy reply - I guess it goes along with
the disarmament frame of mind.

However, we digress.

It's STILL disrespectful, no respect at all.

Again, if you feel better about life being disarmed and at the mercy of
whomever decides to invade your home, be it some authority
or criminal,


>>>>>>>>>> as i said in another post on this subject-  about being attacked in my home

burglars (burgalizing? LOLOL)  coming into my home are not a problem- there is an infentissimal chance of them being armed with a gun. i repeat- muggers and other small time criminals do not have access to handguns and so do not use them. if i am attacked in scotland in that way then i will defend myself if i can with whatever is at hand- the climbing axe springs to mind- because i am not in danger AT ALL of being shot (except in very exceptional circumstances- accidently being caught up in a bank raid - or if i am in england- a terrorist attack)


really- i know it is hard for americans to believe it- but ALL i have to defend myself against is knives, coshes etc, aids filled syringes (very popular last year after one guy got some success with that technique) and, well, i am not sure what else.

but it is unknown for burglars to rob a house with a firearm. really!

secondly- defending myself against authority. listen, dude- cause this is a repeat too,

your firearm defends you SYMBOLICALLY against authority. i hear this subject/ citizen argument and i wonder why people are kidding themselves with this fascile rhetoric.

the government, UN, or any big organisation has the resources to ALWAYS have more firepower than you. you cannot defend your house against them. your firearm will never save you against them.

even if all the legal gunowners in america managed to co-operate to take on the national army- they would flatten you if they chose. you know this, don't you?

i stand by my initial point- that the more guns in circulation- the more deaths in circulation.

nessie mentioned that guns can stop deaths by guns- but if there weren't so many goddamned guns- then there would be far less life threatening situations to stop with a gun. is that not logical?

if a gun does not exist- then it cannot kill.

if there were no guns for the bad guys to break into your house with- then they would tool up with blades- and i fancy my chances against a blade more than i do against a gun, don't you?



try defending your family with indisputable logic.

"c." wrote:

not according to

bollocks v : make a mess of, destroy or ruin [syn: botch, fumble, botch up,
muff, blow, flub, screw up, ball up, blunder, spoil, muck up, bungle, fluff,
bollix, bollix up, bollocks up, bobble, mishandle, louse up, foul up, mess up,
fuck up]

be sure of your facts. how did you think it was spelled anyway?

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