-Caveat Lector-

From: "YouCan'tHandleTheTruth, Jesus"

Christians Worldwide Praying for destruction of Israel on the National Day
of Prayer

(CCNS)May 4, 2001

Today is the is the National Day of Prayer in America. American Christians
and Christians all over the world are praying for the destruction of the
satanic socialist atheist anti-Christian police state known as the "Nation
of Israel."

Christians are waking up and realizing that Atheist Jews are behind most of
the evil in todays world. Whether your concern is Jewish Hollywood's
non-stop assualt on our moral sensibilities via the pornographic filth they
pump into the minds and hearts of our children or the anti-Christian
messages in most of the products turned out by the Jewish owned organs of
popular culture, there can be no question that these Atheist Jews are
turning out to be a real problem for America and the world.

These Atheist Jews hate Christian America and at this point in history they
exercise near total control over America via the politicians whom they
control. These Atheist Jews hate the "Real America" which is a "Christian
America" and they are recreating America after their socialist, atheist,
humanist, elitist, evolutionary, utopian imaginations and inclinations. This
New America that the Atheist Jews are creating will be a Bloody American
Nightmare if it is not stopped.

These Atheist Jews hate America. They hate the "Real America" which was
originally a "Christian Nation." American Christians who are knowledgeable
in these matters have learned that Atheist Jews are the driving force behind
our nations current immigration policy. The very culture (root word "cult" =
"religion") of our nation is intentionally being challenged and changed by
our national immigration policy.

These Atheist Jews are trying to destroy Christian America and they are
using every avenue that they can find. For instance, they have re-written
our nations once proud Christian history and changed it into something
unrecognizable that makes the children in our public schools feel ashamed of
sins that neither they nor their ancestors committed.

These Atheist Jews are using every weapon at their command to destroy our
once proud Christian nation of America, including immigration policy. These
Atheist Jews want to replace "Homogeneous Christian America" with a
multi-cultural, multi-religious, multi-lingual and a non-homogeneous, mixed
up mess. Why? Because a polyglot mishmash and a culturally mixed up, messed
up people who have no shared religious values and no commonly shared
heritage will be incapable of unifying themselves against the evil designs
of these Atheist Jews and the liberal socialist elite’s who are their fellow

Furthermore, Christians in America are learning that it is primarily Atheist
Jews who have financially supported and lead the organizations that support
abortion and pornography and homosexual rights.

Atheist Jews run Hollywood. Atheist Jews run the ACLU. Atheist Jews run
NARAL. Atheist Jews run the groups agitating for homosexual rights. Atheist
Jews and atheist Jewish politicians finance and run every anti-Gun group in
our nation. Atheist Jews finance and run and or started nearly every left
wing group that is working to destroy Christian America.

Atheist Jews like Marx and Lenin and Jacob Schiff provided both the monetary
capital and the intellectual capital to finance the atheist communist
takeover of Russia. Atheist Jews then helped to advance communism around the
world. In America, thousands of Jews like Gus Hall headed and joined the
American Communist Party. Then in the 1940’s American Atheist Jews gave
communists in Russia all of America’s most highly classified secrets about
how to build an atomic bomb.

Atheist Jews are the CANCER of America.

Let me restate that because I want to make sure that you got it!

Atheist Jews are the CANCER of America.

That is the main message of this missive.

{Side Bar: Note to any Christian who disagree's with this message -
Concentrate on the facts. Just the FACTS. Show me anything that I have
written in this letter that is "FACTUALLY WRONG." Otherwise do not bother
writing to me, I will just junk your emails.}

Remember Christians, It was these hard hearted evil Atheist Jews who were
responsible for the death of Jesus and these are the same type of Jews who
today are ruining America. We must stop these evil Jews before they kill
America like they have killed Russia.

I urge you all to pray for the destruction of Israel and pray for the
destruction of Airhead Christians who believe that dispensational
pre-millenialism is Biblical - IT'S NOT!!!

Hal Lindsey and Jack van Impe are both monstrous imposters spreading a lie
so big that John Calvin and Martin Luther and all of the great leaders of
the reformation would vomit if they could see how Christianity has been
weakened and feminized by the UN-Biblical “LEFT BEHIND” nonsense.

666 & the Mark of the Beast movies are total nonsense. Jerry Falwell said
(last year) that if Jesus does not return to earth within 10 years then
Dispensational Premillenialism is wrong.

Well I have news for Jerry Falwell and for you, Jesus is not coming back for
a long, long time... perhaps hundreds of years. Why do I make this
assertion? Look at the great commission in Matthew 28. Jesus commanded us to
make disciples of the nations. Jesus is not coming back until the body of
Christ is ruling the nations.

If you will read just one book about Dispensational Premillenialism you will
realize how unBiblical it is.

I truly and truthfully do not care very much what version of end time events
you choose to believe, IF, IF, you fully understand all four positions and
the history of the four positions and the very questionable origins of the
doctrine of Dispensational Premillenialism so that you can make an educated
choice. The problem is that the vast majority of Christians are totally
ignorant on this topic. Most Christians are so ignorant that when I start
talking about Postmillenialism, they think I am talking about the timing of
the RAPTURE???

But I will remind you that there are four major positions re: end time

1 - Historic Premillenialism
2 - Amillenialism
3 - Postmillenialism
4 - Dispensational Premillenialism

Now of these four positions three of them are pretty much Biblically based
and one of them is totally unBiblical, totally invented and made up by
wicked men.

#1 is Biblically based.
#2 is Biblically based.
#3 is Biblically based and is the one that I feel is the MOST Biblical, but
#4 is nutty. Trust me. No, do not trust me, instead read David Chilton's

Dispensational Premillenialism is a total JOKE. PLEASE.... PLEASE, read just
one book, PARADISE RESTORED by David Chilton or else I recommend that you
read Gary Demar’s book “Last Days Madness”, and you will be totally shocked
that you ever fell for the unBiblical nonsense that Hal Lindsey and Jack Van
Impe promote.

You may write me for more information on Postmillenialism or go to
http://www.reformed.com/pub/ and read the article titled "The Premillennial
Deception: Chiliasm Examined in the Light of Scripture."

I have some questions for Premillenialists

Do you really believe that Russia is the same as Gog and Magog mentioned in
Ezekiel chapter 38? Do you really believe that Russia is going to invade

Do you really believe that the modern secular atheist socialist state of
Israel is the apple of God's eye? Israel became a nation again in 1948. Do
you really believe that this is a sign that we are near the end?

Do you really believe that the European Common market is the revived Roman
Empire that will be run by the antichrist?

Do you really believe that the 70 weeks of prophecies given by Daniel in
Chapter 9 included a 2000+ year gap between the 69th & 70th week (Show me
where it says that in the book of Daniel or anywhere else in the Bible! It’s
not in the Bible!). All of these non-sensical assertions above are commonly
made by the apostles of Premillenialism such as Jack van Impe and Hal

Biblically speaking, the above assertions are total nonsense. I am telling
you right now that Christ is not coming back in the next Ten Years. He is
probably not coming back for hundreds of years. We, the church, have too
much work to do. Pre-millenialism is nonsense and it is going to be
thoroughly discredited when none of the predictions come to pass. Russia
(and China) is/are not going to attack Israel.

I sincerely meant every word in this email,



PS - There are a growing number of very conservative Jews who love God (as
they understand Him via the OT) and are not enemies of the Christian Right.
I wish that you all would try to remember that in this war between the
Christian Right and the Jewish Left for the soul of America, there are Jews
who are bona fide members of the “Religious Right.” There are Jews who are
genuine friends and allies of the Christian Right.

For instance, I highly recommend that you purchase and read Rabbi Daniel
Lapin's book “America's Real War.” Please, Please, I strongly urge you to
read this book. Rabbi Lapin’s book is fantastic. Rabbi Lapin is certified
(by me) to be 100% conservative. He is 100% Pro-Life, 100% Pro-gun, 100%
anti-gay, 100% anti-socialist, 100% anti-One World Government, 100%
anti-NWO, 100% anti-United Nations, 100% anti-Fiat Money and 100%
anti-Federal Reserve System. In a word Rabbi Lapin is 100% “Religious

Thus we must always check ourselves to make sure that we are not falling
into the trap of hating “All Jews.” Why? Because not all Jews are evil
enemies of all that is Christian, good and moral.

Not all Jews are anti-Christian bigots. Not all Jews hate God and reject the
laws of Moses. Even if the number of Jews who support the Christian Right is
as small as 3-5% (which seems about right), we must take care to guard our
hearts against bigotry.


Balance is the key.

We must be balanced as was Our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus knew both when to
harshly rebuke the enemies of God with vitriolic rhetoric unparalleled, but
also when to show mercy to those who were repentant, broken and sorrowful
for their sins.

Balance is the key. Today in America, most Christians are out of balance. A
common malady among Christians is having the LOVE-LOVE disease. In other
words, all they want to do is LOVE, LOVE, LOVE without proper respect and
regard for the commandments of God. All the LOVE-LOVE Christians are capable
of doing is showing mushy meaningless mercy. Most of the time you will find
that the Christian who is a LOVE-LOVE type of Christian, is a spineless,
worthless, salt-free anti-nominian Christian and they are usually attending
a worthless LIBERAL church too!

Now mercy is good and mercy triumphs over judgment as we all know. But
undeserved mercy given to a man who is unrepentant and is still in open
rebellion against God and God’s Commandments, is a travesty of Justice and
makes a mockery of the Christian faith and a mockery of God’s Laws and God’s

Thus we must have balance. We must be filled with the Holy Spirit so that we
can be instant in season and out with a rebuke or a word of encouragement as
the situation requires.

Now, Holy Spirit led wrath is good too. However, too often you will find
that many of the  Christians who are not the spineless, mushy, worthless,
salt-free anti-nominian LOVE-LOVE type of Christian are instead an opposite
type of Christian whom I label the ANGRY-ANGRY Christians.

These ANGRY-ANGRY Christians are not very good at showing Love and Mercy.
These ANGRY-ANGRY Christians are often very judgmental, harsh, heartless and
sometimes even hypocritical due to being blind to the horror of their own
sinfulness. These ANGRY-ANGRY Christians love a good fight, they love a good
debate, they love a good argument and they think they are doing God’s will
when they crush someone in a debate. They often make the claim that they are
a type of God’s Old Testament Prophets, angrily railing out against all that
is wrong in the world, but they are wrong. They are not Prophets and they
are not being led by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes these ANGRY-ANGRY Christians
are successful at deceiving themselves into thinking that they are doing
God’s will, but most of the time their conscience is telling them that
something is wrong. If they are not sociopaths (which they often are), they
will be constantly going before the Lord in prayer confessing their sins of
hostility. These ANGRY-ANGRY Christians are often doing more damage than
good with the hostile persona they exude because it pushes people away from
Christ. How many of these ANGRY-ANGRY Christians are soul winners??? ALMOST

Thus Christians, I hope you can now clearly see that we need BALANCE.


What kind of Christian are you?

Let us fight the Atheist Liberal Hollywood ACLU Jews without hating ALL JEWS
or becoming consumed with hate.

May God help us to become Holy Spirit filled everyday and thus...

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