From: "YouCan'tHandleTheTruth, Mohammad"

Christians Worldwide Praying for destruction of the Arabs on the National Day

of Prayer

May 4, 2001

Today is the is the National Day of Prayer in America. American Christians and Christians all over the world are praying for the destruction of the satanic socialist atheist anti-Christian police state known as the "Arab World".

Christians are waking up and realizing that Atheist Islams are behind most of the evil in todays world. Whether your concern is the Islamic Media's non-stop assualt on our moral sensibilities via their anti-Christian propaganda or their Let's Hate Women Culture, there can be no question that these Atheist Islams are turning out to be a real problem for America and the world.

These Atheist Islams hate Christian America and at this point in history they exercise near total control over America via the politicians whom they control by oil prices. These Atheist Islams hate the "Real America" which is a "Christian America" and they are recreating America after their backward, atheist, discompassionate imaginations and inclinations. This New America that the Atheist Islams are creating will be a Bloody American Nightmare if it is not stopped.

These Atheist Islams hate America. They hate the "Real America" which was originally a "Christian Nation." American Christians who are knowledgeable in these matters have learned that Atheist Islams are the driving force behind our nations energy policy for decades. The very culture (root word "cult" = "religion") of our nation is intentionally being challenged and changed by our national energy policy.

These Atheist Islams are trying to destroy Christian America and they are using every avenue that they can find. For instance, they have re-written our nations once proud Christian history and changed it into something unrecognizable that makes the children in our public schools feel ashamed of sins that neither they nor their ancestors committed, such as refusing to run electricity only as a means to prevent starvation or death.

These Atheist Islams are using every weapon at their command to destroy our once proud Christian nation of America by destroying more than our national energy policy. These Atheist Islams want to replace "Homogeneous Christian America" with a multi-cultural, multi-religious, multi-lingual and a non-homogeneous, mixed up mess. Why? Because a polyglot mishmash and a culturally mixed up, messed up people who have no shared religious values and no commonly shared heritage will be incapable of unifying themselves against the evil designs of these Atheist Islams and the liberal international elite's who are their fellow travelers.

Furthermore, Christians in America are learning that it is primarily Atheist Islams who have financially supported and lead the organizations that do not support women's rights.

Atheist Islams run the Department of Energy. Atheist Islams run the groups agitating for male rights. Atheist Islams (they have many plants in NOW) and atheist Islamic politicians finance and run every anti-oil exploration group in our nation. Atheist Islams finance and run and or started nearly every left wing group that is working to destroy Christian America.

Atheist Islams provided the monetary capital to finance the atheist internationalist takeover of the European Nationalism and helped to advance international socialism around the world. They did this on the backs of our children who needed warm houses to live in.

Atheist Islams are the CANCER of America.

Let me restate that because I want to make sure that you got it!

Atheist Islams are the CANCER of America.

That is the main message of this missive.

{Side Bar: Note to any Christian who disagree's with this message - Concentrate on the facts. Just the FACTS. Show me anything that I have written in this letter that is "FACTUALLY WRONG." Otherwise do not bother writing to me, I will just junk your emails.}

Remember Christians, It was these hard hearted evil Atheist Islams who have been responsible for the death of Christians after 632 AD and these are the same type of Islams who today are ruining America. We must stop these evil Islams before they kill America like they have killed the European Nationalism.


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