-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 18 May 2001, William Shannon wrote:
>It's clear to anyone who wants to see that these praying Xians are carrying
>on like this as a provocative act.
>They are simply rabble rousing.

Perhaps, perhaps not.  Perhaps it really is a sincere demonstration of
their faith.

But what bothers me is the implication that only demonstrations of the
CHRISTIAN faith should be allowed.  That philosophy is implied by the
stated outrage that the demonstration of Christian faith wasn't allowed,
as if it is a 'given' that demonstrations of the Christian faith should
automatically be allowed in all public venues.

But I'm sure that if instead of Christians, the group publicly
demonstrating its collective faith were Moslems, those who are condemning
the White House would be roundly APPLAUDING the decision to prevent
Moslem worship in the White House.

And that's hypocritical.  If they want Christians to be allowed to
publicly pray en masse within the White House, they will also have to
accept all other religions -- religions many of them find intolerable --
being allowed to do the same.

When these so-called Christians bemoan 'religious intolerance', it is
only when they perceive such intolerance as being directed towards
them...they are quite pleased to have intolerance directed against what
they perceive as 'enemy' religions...


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