-Caveat Lector-

>He didn't whine, 

I didn’t say that he did. But some of you do. They are the ones I’m

You know who you are.

>The issue was not religion, but abuse of power.

Wrong. The issue is which abuses of power we should oppose. I maintain
that we should oppose all abuses of power. Some of you only oppose those
abuses of power that it suits your agenda to oppose. The rest you
tolerate. This is mortally repugnant. It's also stupid because:

>Just remember   something, when HIS freedom goes, so does YOURS. 

And vice versa. That is my point exactly. When you stand by and let the
freedom of people to do what they want with their own bodies be abused,
don’t whine when your freedom to practice your religion is abused by the
exact same police using the exact same methods. 

>rubbish- his freedom to use religion is tolerated now. nessie's freedom
to use non lethal drugs is not tolerated. 

Point of fact: my personal drug of choice is caffeine. It’s highly
addictive, but totally legal. If it were illegal I, for one, would do it
anyway. It’s my body and I’ll do what i damn please with it. If you feel
differently about you own body, you’re thinking like a slave. The
government does not own your body. It has no more right to tell you what
you may and may not put into it that it does to tell you how to worship.

The issue is not which drugs we take, but who decides. When we let the
government decide, we get a police state. The War On (Some) Drugs has
shredded the Bill of Rights. The police can now stop, search and hassle
you on the flimsiest of excuses, as long as drugs are allegedly
involved. They can even seize you property without even arresting, let
alone convicting, you, as long as drugs are allegedly involved. 

Those cops hassled those people on their way to worship for one reason
and one reason only. They have the legal ability to do so. Why? Because
people like you haven’t opposed that ability strongly enough. A lot of
you don’t even care that they  have the legal ability to abuse people’s
rights as long as they only abuse the rights of people that you don’t
like or approve of. This makes you hypocrites. It also make you stupid,
because, as already has been pointed out, by Niemöller and others:


> when HIS freedom goes, so does YOURS.

>don't make an obnoxious nuisance of yourself  in upsetting the list. 

The obnoxious nuisances on this list are the people who assert that the
right of religious believers to practice their religion is a valid
right, but the right of people to decide what goes into, and what does
not go into, their own bodies is not. When somebody else decides what
goes into, and what does not go into, your own body, that is precisely
and exactly the same thing as rape. Drug war is mass mind rape. If you
support it, you are morally repugnant. If you yammer at us about why you
support it, you are an obnoxious. If you persist in yammering at us
about it even after we point out how obnoxious it is, you are a

> Personally, I don't want to have pay part of the medical for keeping
you hooked up to machines when you are brain dead from ODing on
recreational pharmaceuticals.

Anybody who would deny any human being medical care for any reason
whatsoever, especially money, is scum. They should die off and quit
wasting air.

But that’s a separate issue.

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