Thank God for leftist fruit pies!   A few more comments like this, and "Julius Caesar" will be a shoe-in for 2004.  Make particular note of Turner's "private property" hypocrisy.

Turner: 9-11 Was Act of Desperation
The Associated Press
Tuesday, February 12, 2002; 1:00 PM

PROVIDENCE, R.I. ญญ Media mogul Ted Turner says the Sept. 11 attacks were an act of desperation, and the hijackers were "brave" but probably "a little nuts."

Turner, in a lecture at Brown University, also compared President Bush to Julius Caesar.

In a wide-ranging address Monday, the AOL Time Warner vice chairman said the attacks on the World Trade Center the Pentagon were an outgrowth of poverty.

"The reason that the World Trade Center got hit is because there are a lot of people living in abject poverty out there who don't have any hope for a better life," he said.

He said the attacks were an act of desperation, and that Americans lack an understanding of a willingness to die for one's country.

"I think they were brave at the very least," Turner said of the 19 airliner hijackers believed to have committed the attacks, adding that they "might have been a little nuts."

Turner made the comment during a question and answer session after he delivered a lecture on international affairs. An attempt to reach him for comment Tuesday via AOL Time Warner spokeswoman Tricia Primrose was unsuccessful because she did not immediately return a phone call.

Turner also gave his opinion on the 2000 elections and Al Gore's loss in the presidential race.

"A few more votes in Florida, and we could have had the best environmental president we ever had," he said. "Now we've got an oil man. He (President Bush) is like another Julius Caesar. Just what we need."

Asked if he would allow public access to his vast landholdings in Montana, he replied: "Can I live in your home with you? We believe in private property in this country."

"You buy it and you can share it," Turner said.

Turner was expelled from Brown in his junior year in 1960 after he was caught living with a girlfriend in his dorm room. The Ivy League school awarded him his undergraduate degree 12 years ago.

Edward   ><+>

Socialists do not merely want a welfare state, they absolutely must have one. They must have a grovelling dependent class from which to obtain their daily opiate: an hallucinogenic euphoria which comes from the delusion of being superior to and more altruistic than all others. They must have "the poor, huddled masses" in much the same manner as vampires must have the blood of their victims.


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