>Christ was speaking Greek?

Most likely, as it was the common tongue used throughout the region, and
had been since the time of Alexander the Great..

Hebrew was reserved for the Temple and religious matters, Greek was what
was used for everyday business; the language used at home by Jews of that
era was probably a mix of Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic...but when Jesus spoke
to a group of people that would have included non-Jews, it would have made
sense that He spoke to them in Greek and Aramaic, two languages that would
have been understood by all listeners....

Ah yes, the mythical Jesus.  Learned linguist and educator of the masses.  I love statements of fact about persons that never existed.  I wonder how King Arthur felt about liver and onions or William Tell about barbed arrows vs flat.
It is amazing that on CTRL the majority of the members talk about the personages of the old/new testament as if they really existed.  Abraham, Moses, Noah myths one and all.  The absurd notion that "Jesus Christ" was a real person is only a tribute to the lack of research, gullibility and personal agendas of those that espouse such nonsense.  We have three factions of the same false history: Judaism, Christianity and Islam and evil to the core are they all.  Here we are 2000 years later (well of course "Mohammed" was a little closer to our time) and we are embroiled in world conflict pitting Jews against Islam against Christianity against everyone.
Oh, the Hindu's are not without fault and in fact predate these other 3 in their ability to manipulate the masses with priestly control.
Jews are Semites (just a word as Shem  was a myth) and so are the Jordanians, Syrians Palestinians etc.  The Jews did not escape with the great Exodus from Egypt and destroy the Canaanite's.  They were the Canaanite's and other pastoral peoples mixed in.  Jesus was a word Chrestos was a word together there are a coupling of words.  Jesus Christ.  Anointed Savior.  
I believe that the main religions should be taught in school.  They should be taught along with Greek mythology, African Shamanism, Norse Gods and all the rest of the quaint myths that we know and love.    
We are fighting and killing one another because of generations of ignorance, brainwashing and perpetuation of myth.
Save all the "you will be damned to hell" rhetoric.  I have done my homework. Do yours.
Here is a list to start you on your way:
Liberating the Gospels by Shelby Spong
The Bible Unearthed by Israel Finklestein and Asher Silberman
The Christ Conspiracy by Acharya S
Forgery in Christianity by Joseph Wheless
Who wrote the Bible by Richard Elliot Friedman
History of the Christian Religion to the year 200 by Charles B. Waite
James the Brother of Jesus by Robert Eisenman
The Nag Hamadi Library by James M. Robinson
The Jesus Puzzle by Earl Doherty
The Diegesis by Robert Taylor

A thorough understanding of geography and history of the Middle East would do well in your studies as well.
Jesus never walked on Earth.  Get over it and let's start solving some of  our problems instead of continuing the same inane path of the past 2600 years.  Of course, if Christ is your crutch, then lean on brother lean on.

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