Saba Wrote:

<So I am out of letters 5 is limit but did not want you to think I was
ignoring your letter which was very interesting to say the least.

Point I tried to make, my ancestors on mother's side and she knew names
of each and every one and ocusins, etc., were mostly (the men) Greek and
Latin Scholars.

This old bible I have, hand sewn-sil, leather, late 1800 period - one of
her relatives was one of the revisers of this particular King James
Bible, Oxford University Press, and was or delegates to the Clarendon
Press - a special edition received by each delegate.   Had not seen this
bible since I was a little girl for it was put away with family tree.

The bible that year was revised and translated from the ORIGINAL GREEK -
the New Testament therefore, they would use Alpha and Omega, and not
Aleph and I do not know what O is in Hebrew or whatever.....

At beginning on the New Testament, it tates siply  The New Testament of
our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ - Translated out of the original Gree,
and with the former translations diligently compared and revised by His
Majesty's Special Command....Appointed to be read in Churches and the
Crest and then Oxford: Printed at university press - cum privilegio.
This was a special edition given to the revisors.

So translated from original Greek and compared diligently  must have
been a bunch of smart masons.

Now this bible the binding comes loose - but inside written at east 50
years ago or prior to 1958 when my mother died who was into something -
in Song of Solomon wittent at side of page are words "Key
Experiment"......and she circled the passage "he feeds among the lilies"
and way in New Testament, "there were shepards keeping watch over their
flocks by night"...means something.  

And this bible has EVERYTHING you would want to know, the names of all
trees, herbs, watches, every name and meaning and pages and pages maps,
locations ......

Might add in this bible in Joel 3 is it, the word Palestine is still
there but this country has virtually been blotted out of the revised

So that explains the Greek I believe; further, my famiy on mother's side
lots of old southern families -  mother state Maryland, and Carrolls of
Carrollton were Catholic - but one Charles, signed Declaration of
Independence....Old Line stuff and most were gentlemen farmers lawyers

So obviously inasmuch as the bible was translated from the original
GREEK it would use Alpha and Omega?   The beginning and the end.....and
St Paul as I recall, when in Greek did as Greeks and climbed high hill
Mars Hill - place of Unknown God.....a friend of mine was raising funds
to put a cross on Mars Hill but was having problem - at time this
Hollywood (former) movie star Merina Mecuriio, something like that - was
in charge - but both are dead now who worked on the project.

Some did not want this as would take away from tourist attraction of
Parthenon - which is as crow flies a few miles from site.

So - who was Jesus - these were real people alright - sons of Kings and
Queens......always though Jesus was son of King Philip for it was he,
who recognized him.   In ancient days kings sent their sons away to
school, you know, just as they do today - to escape the wrath of a
vendeta by a Herod.

too bad the Kennedy family did not protect this famous line from the
Zionists who think they are "the chosen" when in fact they are the
gypsies no doubt - who have laid so many claims to landmarks their style
is all too familiar.

Thanks again.   Your response was very interesting.

but what the hell do you mean "get over it " for I trace my line right
back to the bible, and I am proud of it.

These old documents I have some sealed with the old orange wax with
royal crowns, etc.  but the two old bibles I have are my prize
possessions and the famly tree which reaches out at least 15 fee, all

Ever note how these Americans fall on all fours before the Kings and
Queens - and religion after all if a form of ancestor worship.   My
family got down on all fours to nobody - long line too of Cavaliers - no
Quakers.....right to original Knight Templar .....

Further St. Patrick carried the Fitzgerald Coat of Arms (my father was
Fitzgerald, Neville, Fleming and a Walsh) - so here's to the Irish this
March 17 - they celebrate a day for the Fitzgeralds and do not even know
it - well my father knew this and I imagine his Knight of Columbus
friends, did too.
So thanks again.>
Hello Saba,
Well, I must say that I really do not understand what you are saying.  I apologize as it seems that English is not your native language and your style of writing is very confusing to me.  I am sure the fault is mine.
Actually, I was not directing my comments towards you. I was directing them to the all of the members that use the bible as an historical reference towards people and events.  Especially to those that use it as a written prophecy for things occurring now or in the future.
The reason that the old testament was written in Greek is that the scholars of that era conversed and wrote in Greek.  The myth of the Septuagint being the translation of 70 scholars in 70 different rooms working alone on original Hebrew text to come up with the exact translations without any differences is absurd.
The old testament was begun in the mid 600bce period as a theo/political treatise when Israel was overtaken by the Assyrians and the peoples moved south to Judah.  There was a merging of cultures and a need to formalize a written history encompassing both the North and the South.  That is why so much of the old testament has what are referred to as doublets.  These are stories told by two separate peoples joined into one written story combining elements of both peoples.  An example is the use of El Vs Yaweh.  The focus on Moses Vs Aaron.  If you read the o/t you will find within virtually any given story, two separate tellings.  For instance in Genesis.  The first chapter tells of how things were created.  The second chapter does the same thing, but in different order.
Genesis 1: Plants, animals, man and woman.  In genesis 2:man, plants, animal, woman.  These are two different version of the same story.  The entire 5 books of Moses, who was indeed a myth, are chock full of these doublets.
The history of the Jewish people is pure mythology.  As to the new testament, the amount of forgery and redaction of texts make it very difficult to get a grip on it's actual history.
The "gospels" were not begun until the second century.  None of the first church fathers used them as references.  The apostle Paul never mentions a real person Jesus in any of his epistles.  He constantly refers to a spiritual Jesus.  He never mentions the people or events of the gospels as they were written long after his death.  Then of course the church fathers in order to bolster the historocity of Jesus began the massive forgery of works like Acts, etc.  Please reread the Theslosians. Romans, Phillipians, Corinthians and Galations.  You will see a complete lack of awareness on Pauls part of May, Joseph, John the Baptist the sermon on the mount, etc. Paul wrote from, roughly, 50ce to about 90ce.  If you read the complete works of Josephus, a Jewish traitor adopted by Vespasian, who wrote during the time of the supposed Jesus, that he does not mention him at all with the exemption of two obvious interpolations.  Here is a man that was a priest, scholar and politician and living in the time and place of Jesus and apparently knew nothing of him.  He describes in detail the different sects of the Jews and nowhere is this Jesus guy. The critical study of the bible has only been done for about 200 years now.  It was punishment of death to even question whether Moses wrote all 5 books.  How could he have done that when his death is described and Joshua takes them across the River Jordan with old Moses dead in the ground?  As for biblical archeology, until recently it has been done by believers with map in one hand and bible in the other forcing findings to match the absurd stories of the bible.  However, now more and more true scholars are examining this subject and their findings are that the Exodus is a myth, Solomon (if he existed) was the king of a tribe of tent dwellers with virtually no significant structures, the great battles of the bible never happened in the places and times stated, etc.  The Egyptians that documented which way the wind was blowing when Pharaoh farted never wrote of any Jewish Exodus or destruction of Egyptian armies by a sea closing in on them.  Never happened. The myths and stories of the Jews were taken from legends of the Babylonians (Hammurabi's texts), the Egyptians, who traded with the northern peoples (cannanites) and others.
As to your lineage.  It was not in question by me, but now it is.  As I know that the bible is a mismash of myth and magic,  delusion and deceit I must say that you should reevaluate it.  By the 1800's of your family treasured bible, the church fathers had so redacted and  forged documents that by then it was far from recognizable as an historical document of scholarly merit.  At one time the Catholic church (the Vatican was built on the most holy Mithraic site) had about 32 spears of Longinus.  There is a saying that the reason there are no trees on Mt. Carmel is that the Crusaders (whom you claim lineage) all brought home pieces of the one true cross.
The Old and New testaments, the history of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are myth built upon myth.

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