-Caveat Lector-

I'm sending the whole thing, there are several articles of interest.
The one in particular that I was interested in was #2, ARAFAT WON'T LET
CHURCH OCCUPATION END. #3, about the UN, would also be on-topic.


--- Tzemach News Service <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Tzemach News Service <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: TNS:  Week Ending: 20 April 2002/8 Iyar 5762
> Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2002 01:24:26 -0400
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and the
> people of
> Israel.
> Week Ending: 20 April 2002/8 Iyar 5762
> "'As in the days when you came out from the land of Egypt, I will
> show you
> miracles.' Nations will see and be ashamed of all their might. They
> will
> put their hand on their mouth, their ears will be deaf. They will
> lick the
> dust like a serpent, like reptiles of the earth. They will come
> trembling
> out of their fortresses; To the L-rd our G-d they will come in dread
> and
> they will be afraid before You." Micah 7.15-17
> Please feel free to forward to a friend or colleague.
> To subscribe, send a blank e-mail to
> This Week's Headlines:
> :: ISRAELI ARMY LEAVES JENIN: The Israeli army on Friday pulled out
> of
> Jenin. Jenin refugee camp was the scene of the bloodiest fighting in
> the
> Israeli operation in Yesha (Judea, Samaria, and Gaza).
> The claim that there was a "massacre" in the Jenin refugee camp has
> been
> taken up by many news media around the world, as well as human rights
> groups, and even among many governments. This claim, originally made
> during
> the height of the fighting in the refugee camp, seriously damages
> Israel's
> political campaign to justify its self defense against terror and the
> legitimacy of the means it is using in that campaign. In recent days,
> journalists have visited the camp, gathering their own first-hand
> impressions and eyewitness testimony about the IDF's operations.
> There is
> evidence of intense combat, but, it can already be said what did not
> happen
> in the Jenin refugee camp. There was no massacre. After almost two
> weeks of
> "Jenin Massacre!" headlines, the world press has been forced to face
> the
> truth: There was none. No order from above was given, nor was a local
> initiative executed, to deliberately and systematically kill unarmed
> people. WASHINGTON POST correspondent Molly Moore wrote, "Interviews
> with
> residents inside the camp and international aid workers who were
> allowed
> here for the first time today indicated that no evidence has yet
> surfaced
> to support allegations by Palestinian groups and aid organizations of
> large-scale massacres or executions by Israeli troops." Armed
> Palestinians
> shot, blew up, and mined houses and alleyways. The Israeli soldiers,
> who
> had difficulty progressing, used bulldozers and suffered heavy losses
> -- 23
> soldiers were killed. Under such circumstances, civilians were also
> harmed.
> But declaring the fighting in Jenin a "massacre" is a mistake on the
> part
> of the naive, and a slander by others.
> In a briefing last Friday, IDF [Israel Defense Force] Col. Hirsh
> said,
> "When you think of the term 'refugee camp', you think of poor and
> helpless
> people. This is not the case. Jenin Refugee Camp was actually a
> strong
> combat zone -- a real military and terrorist infrastructure. We had
> no
> choice but to destroy the terrorist infrastructure -- everyday there
> were
> terrorists' acts dispatched from Jenin Refugee Camp. The operation in
> Jenin
> cost us the lives of 23 soldiers and many were injured. I regret that
> some
> Palestinian civilians were injured and some were killed. We were
> fighting
> against armed terrorists. We asked the Palestinian civilians to
> evacuate
> their homes so they would not get hurt, some chose not to. Most of
> the
> Palestinians that were killed were armed terrorists; many had
> explosive
> devices strapped to their bodies. We found a lot of evidence of
> terrorist
> activity, for example, labs for explosive devices. We are talking
> about an
> organized terrorist infrastructure throughout Judea and Samaria."
> [Editor's
> note: it must be remembered that, instead of the 'carpet bombing'
> technique
> used by the United States in Afghanistan -- which killed hundreds of
> civilians, the IDF chose instead to fight this battle door-to-door,
> making
> a thorough search for Palestinian terrorists. This resulted in the
> high
> death rate of IDF soldiers.]
> ............................
> is
> blocking attempts to end the 17-day standoff at Beit Lechem's Church
> of the
> Nativity, reliable Israeli sources told the DAILY NEWS. Palestinian
> sources
> also confirmed that Arafat is instructing those inside the church on
> whether or not to surrender. More than 200 Palestinian terrorists
> stormed
> the Church of the Nativity when the IDF entered Beit Lechem. A number
> of
> monks and nuns are trapped inside the church with the gunmen, as are
> a
> handful of Palestinian civilians, including the mayor and governor of
> Beit
> Lechem. A special unit of the IDF is exploring several options to
> resolve
> the standoff. [Editor's note: It is not the IDF who is laying siege
> to the
> church; rather it is the Palestinian terrorists who are holding the
> monks
> and nuns and others hostage. It is the terrorists who are breaking
> windows
> and doors at the church, not the IDF.]
> The IDF has tried to supply medicine and humanitarian aide to the
> Franciscan fathers in Manger Square in Beit Lechem. Similarly, the
> attempted to assist to deliver medicine and medical equipment to the
> injured inside of the Church of the Nativity, in evacuating the
> injured,
> and in removing the bodies. The IDF approached the International Red
> Cross
> with a request to deliver the aide, but its representatives
> absolutely
> refused to enter the area of the church.
> ............................
> :: UN, EU BACKS PALESTINIAN TERRORISM: On Monday, European Union
> members
> Austria, Belgium, France, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden endorsed a UN
> Human
> Rights Commission (UNHRC) resolution condoning "all available means,
> including armed struggle" to establish a Palestinian state. Thus, six
> EU
> members and the UNHRC now join the 57 nations of the Organization of
> the
> Islamic Conference (OIC) in legitimizing suicide bombers. Alfred
> Moses, a
> former US ambassador to the UNHRC and now chairman of UN Watch, a
> monitoring group, was very blunt. "A vote in favor of this resolution
> is a
> vote for Palestinian terrorism," he said. "An abstention suggests
> ambivalence toward terror. Any country that condones -- or is
> indifferent
> to -- the murder of Israeli civilians in markets, on buses, and in
> cafes
> has lost any moral standing to criticize Israel's human rights
> record." The
> OIC drew up the Human Rights Commission resolution, backed by
> co-sponsors
> China, Cuba, and Vietnam [all violators of human rights
> themselves--ed]. Of
> the 14 OIC members on the commission, one -- Cameroon -- abstained
> from
> voting on the resolution, while the rest approved it. Rulings by the
> commission and other leading UN bodies such as the Security Council
> are
> significant because they enable causes to claim international
> legitimacy.
> [Editor's note: Do the UN and the EU now become enemies of the United
> States? It was, after all, US President George W. Bush who stated,
> "From
> this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support
> terrorism
> will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime".]
> The UN, however, goes beyond giving rhetorical support for terrorism.
> In a
> variety of ways, its agencies have been complicit in Middle Eastern
> terror.
> The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) began
> operation in 1950. [There is no UN agency for Jewish refugees from
> Arab
> countries.--ed] As it is, UNRWA and the Arab League hold Palestinian
> refugees in limbo. UNRWA operates 27 refugee camps in Yesha, and
> another 32
> camps in neighboring Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. It is these camps
> that
> have been at the center of violence between Israeli forces and
> Palestinian
> terrorists. On 28 February, following a series of Palestinian terror
> attacks in Israel, Israeli forces rolled into the Jenin and Balata
> refugee
> camps. Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer explained the Israeli
> strategy: "We are interested in one thing only, to stop and disrupt
> this
> wave of suicide attacks. We intend to go in and get out." UN
> officials were
> instantaneous in their condemnation. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan
> called
> on Israel "to withdraw immediately." High Commissioner for Human
> Rights
> Mary Robinson labeled the incursions "in total disregard of
> international
> human rights." On 21 March, a UNRWA spokesman called on Israel to
> compensate the agency for damage to its refugee camps. Israel's raids
> did
> damage the camps. But as a result of the operation, Israel uncovered
> illegal arms caches, bomb factories and a plant manufacturing the new
> Kassam-2 rocket, designed to reach Israeli population centers from
> Yesha.
> Confronted with evidence of illegal Palestinian mines, mortars and
> missiles, no UN official questioned how it was that bomb factories
> could
> exist in UN-managed refugee camps. Either the UN officials were
> unaware of
> the bomb factories -- which would suggest utter incompetence -- or,
> more
> likely, the UN employees simply turned a blind eye.
> UNRWA is not alone in reinforcing the UN's reputation as an
> organization
> incapable of fighting terror. On 24 May 2000, Israel unilaterally
> pulled
> back from southern Lebanon, a withdrawal the UN certified to be
> complete.
> Terror did not end, though. On 7 October 2000, Hizb'Allah terrorists
> crossed the border and kidnapped three Israeli soldiers, all of whom
> they
> subsequently killed. Observers from the United Nations Interim Force
> in
> Lebanon (UNIFIL) videotaped the scene of the kidnapping, including
> the
> getaway cars, and some terrorists. Inexplicably, they then hid the
> videotape. Questioned by Israeli officials, Terje Roed-Larsen, the UN
> Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, chided Israel
> for
> "questioning the good faith of senior United Nations officials." When
> after
> eight months the UN finally admitted to possessing the tape,
> officials
> balked at showing it to the Israeli government since that might
> "undermine
> UN neutrality." That UN observers protected and defended terrorists
> who
> crossed a UN-certified border, using cars with UN license plates
> while
> under the cover of UN flags, was apparently of no consequence to
> ............................
> "Defensive
> Wall" operation in the PA/PLO-occupied areas, numerous documents were
> captured that point at the direct and indirect involvement of Arafat,
> the
> PA/PLO, and the Palestinian intelligence apparatuses in terrorism
> against
> Israel. This involvement, as evidenced in the documents, has three
> dimensions: The "ideological dimension" which means essentially the
> sanctioning of lethal terrorist attacks (viewed as "quality attacks"
> that
> serve the PA/PLO's goals) and the use of terrorism as an important
> instrument in promoting the Palestinians' goals vis-a-vis Israel; The
> "financial dimension" continuous financing of the terrorist
> infrastructure
> -- personally approved by Arafat and carried out by the PA/PLO
> civilian
> entities, the heads of the PA/PLO security apparatuses, and Arafat's
> associate (Fuad Shubaki); and the "practical dimension", involvement
> of the
> intelligence apparatuses -- led by the General Intelligence -- in
> direct
> and indirect assistance to the terrorist infrastructures and
> activities,
> including for lethal terrorist attacks inside Israel. The legitimacy
> given
> to terrorism, alongside the financial and practical support, enabled
> the
> Fatah -- headed by Arafat -- to become the dominant force which is
> leading
> the terrorist activity against Israel since the beginning of 2002.
> (Fatah
> personnel are mentioned as "Tanzim", "Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades" and
> "Battalions of the Return" in the captured documents). [The "Al Aqsa
> Martyrs Brigades" is listed with the US State Department and the Bush
> Administration as a recognized terrorist entity. Why, when US
> Secretary of
> State Colin Powell met with him last week, did the United States not
> arrest
> "Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades" leader Yasir Arafat? Why did Powell not
> even
> mention it to Arafat?--ed]
> ............................
> :: POWELL WANTS PALESTINIAN STATE: US Secretary of State Colin Powell
> Friday again assured Palestinians that his goal is a Palestinian
> state
> alongside Israel. He met in Washington with Israeli Foreign Minister
> Shimon
> Peres to continue their meetings after a 10-day visit by Powell to
> the
> Middle East failed to end the Palestinian violence that has already
> caused
> hundreds of deaths in the region. "There will be a state for the
> Palestinian people living side by side in peace and harmony with a
> Jewish
> state called Israel, of course," said Powell after his talks with
> Peres.
> Amid growing criticism in Arab capitals of strong US support for the
> Israeli position, the State Department appeared to be reassuring its
> Arab
> allies that it would not abandon the Palestinians to please the
> Israelis.
> Powell also conveyed these assurances to Tunisian Foreign Minister
> Habib
> ben Yahia when he met him in Washington earlier Friday. US officials
> indicated that President Bush is likely to give a similar message
> next week
> to King Mohammed VI of Morocco and Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi
> Arabia
> when they visit the US capital.
> ............................
> Expanding on the concept of a multinational force he had floated last
> week
> in response to the spiralling Middle East violence, UN
> Secretary-General
> Annan Thursday told a private meeting of the Security Council that
> the
> latest developments in the region gave additional urgency to the
> consideration of his idea and outlined the goals, nature and
> functions of
> such a force. "The force must be impartial and capable of taking
> decisive
> action," Annan told the closed-door session of the Council, according
> to a
> copy of his remarks made available to the press. "It must have a
> robust
> mandate, credible strength and be large enough to carry it out." The
> Secretary-General stressed that he contemplated not a UN contingent,
> but
> rather "a multinational force formed by a coalition of the willing"
> that
> was authorized by the Council under the UN Charter's Chapter VII,
> which
> provides for the use of force.
> "And you will come from your place out of the remote parts of the
> north,
> you and many peoples with you, all of them riding on horses, a great
> assembly and a mighty army; and you will come up against My people
> Israel
> like a cloud to cover the land. It will come about in the last days
> that I
> shall bring you against My land, in order that the nations may know
> Me when
> I shall be sanctified through you before their eyes, O Gog." Ezekiel
> 38.15-16
> "I will gather all the nations, and bring them down to the valley of
> Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there on
> behalf of
> My people and My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among
> the
> nations; And they have divided up My land" Joel 3.2
> ............................
> weapons smuggled from Iraq and Iran in the Muqata complex surrounding
> the
> Ram'Allah office of Arafat, according to Israel defense sources. The
> weapons uncovered during Operation Defensive Shield include
> Soviet-made RPG
> launchers that were modified by Iraq. The defense sources said the
> Iraqi
> weaponry was probably smuggled into the territories in Arafat's
> helicopters, which have since been damaged and grounded by the IDF.
> The
> army also found Iranian-made RPG anti-tank rockets in the Muqata
> area.
> These rockets feature improved capabilities for piercing armor.
> Following
> the capture of the Karine A arms shipment from Iran in January, the
> Palestinians have continued their efforts to smuggle weaponry into
> the
> PA/PLO, defense sources said, noting that Iran and Iraq remain the
> primary
> arms suppliers for the Palestinians.
> In a related story, the IDF found 12 liters [3 gallons] of a highly
> dangerous chemical agent in the Ram'Allah compound of Arafat,
> according to
> a report in MA'ARIV. The poison was identified as bromine, a volatile
> liquid, of brownish-red color. It is dangerous if inhaled even at
> very low
> concentrations of one per million. Lower concentrations of the
> chemical are
> used in the production of flammable material, disinfectants and in
> the
> pharmaceutical industry. A small quantity of bromine, according to
> the
> report, could be used to make an explosive device that would be
> highly
> lethal in an enclosed area – such as a shopping mall. The IDF
> suspects Iraq
> as the inspiration behind the PA/PLO's interest in such a dangerous
> chemical agent and the stockpiling of quantities representing a
> significant
> arsenal.
> ............................
> :: WINDS OF WAR: German Defense Minister Rudolph Scharping confirmed
> Sunday
> that his country has temporarily suspended the sale of military
> equipment
> to Israel. "The sale of replacement parts to the Israeli army has
> been
> suspended, but not cancelled," Scharping said in an interview granted
> to
> the ZDF television network Sunday, and stressed that the action was
> not an
> embargo.
> The British newspaper THE GUARDIAN cited on Saturday official sources
> saying that Britain had decided to enforce an unofficial embargo on
> the
> export of weapons to Israel, for the first time in 20 years. A
> government
> source in Britain noted that according to government policy, weapons
> exports to a foreign country are to be stopped if that country uses
> the
> weapons for internal oppression, attack another country, or occupy
> land [of
> which Israel is doing none of these things--ed].
> US officials said the Bush administration pressed the Central
> European
> republic of Slovenia to halt the sale of gun barrels for Syria's
> fleet of
> T-72 tanks. The officials said the administration had determined that
> the
> delivery of 125 mm smoothbore barrels would have significantly
> increased
> Syria's ground attack capability. The agreement blocked by Washington
> had
> called for Slovenia's STO Ravne to sell 50 tank barrels to Jordan. A
> Jordanian firm then planned to transfer the equipment to Damascus.
> Lebanon and Syria have reached a military agreement that includes
> training
> and the supply of spare parts. Arab diplomatic sources and Lebanese
> officials said the deal calls for Syrian training of Lebanese army
> officers
> in exchange for the transfer of Lebanese ammunition and spare parts
> to
> Damascus. The sources said the agreement intends to ensure the
> maintenance
> of Syrian logistics and arsenals amid an absence of supplies from
> Russia.
> The Syrian training includes both that of Lebanese military and
> security
> officers. The sources said the training focuses on combat skills
> against
> insurgents as well as help in overhauling Lebanese tanks and armored
> systems.
> Iraq's military has launched plans to attack Israel in cooperation
> with the
> Palestinian Authority. Iraqi Defense Minister Sultan Hashim Ahmed
> said
> Iraqi forces are training and equipping for a military campaign
> against the
> Jewish state. Ahmed said Iraqi forces will be in the forefront of an
> Arab
> war against Israel. Ahmed, in a telegram quoted by the IRAQI NEWS
> did not specify military plans or equipment being deployed for the
> operation. The Saddam regime has called for the mobilization of 6.5
> million
> volunteers in the war against the Jewish state.
> Meanwhile, Egypt is preparing senior military commanders for the
> prospect
> of a regional war. The preparations have included high-level
> government
> briefings of army commanders and a review of weapons and supplies of
> the
> major military commands. Last weekend, Egyptian Defense Minister
> Hussein
> Tantawi gathered commanders and senior officers of the Second and
> Third
> armies. Both armies, which have completed a series of exercises over
> the
> past year, are deployed in northeastern Egypt as well as in the Sinai
> Peninsula near the Israeli border. The official Egyptian news agency
> reported that Tantawi reviewed the regional situation as well as
> military
> preparations to repel any enemy attack. The defense minister said his
> briefing was meant to provide commanders with a complete picture of
> the region.
> The US armed forces are expanding contingency basing options in the
> Persian
> Gulf region to provide it with more flexible options for possible
> regional
> operations, according to US officials and non-US sources in the
> region.
> Current activities center on constructing a new air base in Oman and
> expanding an existing one in Qatar, say the sources.
> In a related story, Qatar and Oman plan to launch a major military
> exercise
> next month. The two countries will hold a three-day exercise as part
> of an
> effort within the Gulf Cooperation Council to increase military and
> security cooperation. The two countries -- both regarded as close to
> the
> United States -- have agreed on closer military and defense
> cooperation. So
> far, GCC countries have coordinated their major training exercises
> with
> such Western powers as Britain, France and the United States.
> The Bush administration has requested a major increase in military
> aid to
> Bahrain as part of the US-led war against terrorism. The
> administration's
> request comes as the Defense Department plans to expand US military
> assets
> in the kingdom. Bahrain is one of several Gulf Cooperation Council
> countries meant to receive aircraft and other systems that have been
> removed from Saudi Arabia. Officials said the administration has
> requested
> $28.5 million in the emergency supplemental budget for fiscal 2002.
> The
> money is meant to help countries that are participating in the US
> campaign
> against terrorism. Bahrain is home for the US Navy's Fifth Fleet,
> which
> patrols the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean.
> ............................
> [Sources: Jerusalem Post, Arutz-7, Ha'aretz, AP, Reuters, MidEastWeb,
> "For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace and for Jerusalem's sake I
> will not rest." Isaiah 62.1
> Tzemach News Service (TNS) is a ministry of Tzemach Institute for
> Biblical Studies (http://www.tzemach.org)
> TNS may be reproduced & distributed in any form.  Please give proper
> credit.
> Comments and suggestions may be sent to Lee Underwood at:
> Web site: http://www.tzemach.org/fyi

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